My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 534: Top 16 open! Group list

Back in Jiangcheng, Lu Cheng continued to start Chaomeng's spiritual training.

The little guy has a lot of momentum. Coupled with the latest equipment developed by the Rockets, the effect is quite remarkable.

Lu Cheng played with the glasses in his hand. It is said that this latest optical lens has the effect of enhancing the special attack of the elf.

The effect is similar to that of "Boshi Glasses", Lu Cheng threw it to Chaomeng, and he had the current picture.

Chaomeng had a pair of transparent lenses on the bridge of his nose, his face was tight, and his expression was quite serious.

After a while, blue light flashed from the ruby-like pupils.

The surging psychic beam was lasing out, like a bomb, instantly detonating in the air.

Boom! !

The wall of light with astonishing intensity was instantly blown to smithereens, the little guy turned to Lu Cheng happily, and the beam of light suddenly hit Lu Cheng!

Lu Cheng's complexion changed, but luckily, he turned the Variety Monster into a shield in time to block the attack.

"so close……"

Lu Cheng let out a sigh of relief and looked at Chao Meng with a strange expression: "The effect of this prop bonus is really remarkable."

Mewtwo was startled, twisted her little hands, and floated in the air slightly cramped.

"I'm fine." Lu Cheng touched his chin, "It's just that these glasses need to be improved."


The sixteenth round of the World Championship was held in Rio de Janeiro, known as the "Carnival Capital".

Among the 16 top trainers in the world, the champion of the double division and the youngest king in the world, Lu Cheng, naturally became the biggest dark horse.

The plane carrying the Chinese teams landed at the international airport, and the world's major media had already heard the news.

Looking at the crowd of reporters, Tu Ming rubbed his beard and sighed: "After so many years, I still can't handle this, Lu Cheng..."

Just as he was about to drag Lu Cheng out as a shield, he turned his head and saw that Lu Cheng was standing beside the gangway.

The wind blew Lu Cheng's dark red cloak, pushed his sunglasses, and Lu Cheng grinned: "Senior, see you at the Elf Center!"

A milky white elf floated on Lu Cheng's shoulders, also wearing a pair of sunglasses, pretending to put his hands on his hips.

The blue light flickered, and Lu Cheng and Chaomeng had disappeared in place, leaving a stunned Tu Ming and a helpless Jiang Ziqian.

"Don't stand still, you don't have an elves that can move instantly." Jiang Ziqian sighed, "Get ready for the next press conference!"

At the press conference, Lu Cheng, who was not present, became the player who was asked the most.

The same happened at press conferences in England and France.

"Mr. Edward, I'm a reporter from The Sun. What do you think of Lu Cheng?"

"This is a very good young man." Edward smiled. "He is also a very talented scholar and trainer."

"Miss Alansha, do you have any opinion on Lu Cheng winning the double-division championship?"

"Just to win the championship in the double division!"

Alanza opened her beautiful gray-blue eyes, let out a breath, and whispered in a voice that only she could hear, "Fortunately, he didn't come to Paris..."

As for the press conference of the American League, it is another scene.

In this World Series, three of the four heavenly kings have successfully advanced, including the former champion, Parker.

Parker is a young man with gray hair, only 28 years old, with neat short hair and a very friendly smile.

After finishing the interview with concise and decent words, he asked the steel king beside him blankly, "Who is Lu Cheng?"

The steel king Edson sighed helplessly: "The king of the China League, the champion of the double division, is younger than when you won the championship."


Parker raised his head and thought for a while, and said quite seriously: "Brazilian barbecue should be very authentic, right?"

Edson was stunned for a moment, and saw Parker go away, thinking all the way.

"Otherwise, I'll go to the red light district after dinner... What if I'm filmed, forget it, I'll go after the game..."

Edson looked at Parker's back and shook his head helplessly.

This is a rather arrogant trainer. Like Lu Cheng, he is an absolute talent player.

Four years ago, Parker, who was only 24 years old, won the world championship, and his current strength is even more unimaginable.

Hopefully, he won't be in the same group as his own alliance...


The top 16 of the World Championship will be divided into four groups, which will tour in Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo, Los Angeles and other regions.

The players use 6V6 all-round combat, which is also a big test for the trainer's body and mind.

The official grouping will be announced after the opening ceremony. Before that, teams from various countries will move into the Players Village.

Lu Cheng met many acquaintances, including Lawrence, who was almost psychologically cast by Regais, and greeted Lu Cheng cautiously.

"If only I could be in the same group with Lawrence." Lu Cheng rubbed his chin and muttered, "I won't have any pressure to win this!"

If Lawrence, number seven in the world, heard Lu Cheng say this, he would be so angry that he would vomit blood.

In fact, even in the top sixteen of the World Championships, there are quite a few assholes.

For example, Du Zhe, who did not know what to do, was promoted by the onion wandering soldiers.

And this beautiful man from the Netherlands, the flying king Norman.

When he met Lu Cheng's Norman in the player village, his eyes lit up immediately, and he wrapped his arms around Lu Cheng's neck and said, "Dude, after the opening ceremony, will you go for the massage?"

"Cough! I'm a family man!"

"Ha, just let the strange force do a shiatsu, what do you want to do, there is no mother strange force there!"

Lu Cheng looked at Norman coldly, snapped his fingers, and a cold black air suddenly filled Lu Cheng's back.

"Do you want to have a fight between trainers?"

To be honest, including the stand-in Darkrai and the Variety Armor, Lu Cheng's racial value must be 680 anyway.

Under Lu Cheng's strong pressure, Norman shivered and said angrily, "Then I'll go with The opening ceremony is nothing interesting, see you at the game tomorrow!"

Lu Cheng touched his chin and murmured, "I didn't expect this world champion to have such a good mouth..."

The opening ceremony of the World Series was held as scheduled, the flame was passed along the city, and finally burned in the competition venue next to the statue of Arceus.

The Americas can be regarded as the territory of the three dragons of Tao, but Lu Cheng has never seen Ho-king appear in this world.

Just looking at the huge statue, Lu Cheng pondered, even the statue of Christ has been transformed into this by demons.

In the Bible, Moses, who shared the Red Sea, had to be a Heavenly King-level trainer?

After the opening ceremony, the group list of the World Championship was officially announced.

Lu Cheng joined Alansha, Edward and Lian Jing, a female fighter from Tokyo.

Lawrence, Tu Ming, Norman and Morgan from Oceania.

Jiang Ziqian and Du Zhe, the American Alliance's Ground King Benedict and Steel King Edson.

The fourth group is Neon's Poison King Song Qingsheng, England's Dragon King Elizabeth, Electric King Borg, and former champion Parker.

And Lu Cheng's opponent in the first battle is the super power king from England, Edward!



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