My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 535: Against the Space Team! VS super power system king! (six thousand six hundred)

After entering the top sixteen, every game is a 6v6 full-scale battle, which is also the peak showdown between the commanders and the elves.

In the first round of group A battle, the fairy king Alanza defeated the fighting king Lianjing by an absolute advantage, but she only played three elves.

Shanaido, Pokkis, Fairy Ibrahimovic, just relying on these three elves, Lianjing's defense was completely broken.

It was also this game that pushed Alanza's attention to the top again.

In the second round of Group A, Lu Cheng faced off against the superpower king Edward, but the approval rate was 55%.

As a tutor at Oxford University, Edward's tactical system construction is very targeted, and he often changes the team configuration before the game.

And like Lu Cheng, Edward often pre-reads the opponent's command, and his style of play is extremely bold.

With much attention, the competition venue next to the Statue of Arceus officially launched the round of sixteen.

"The first to enter the field is the super-power king from the English League, Edward!"

Edward, dressed in a light gray suit, pushed the gold-rimmed mirror frame, smiled and waved to the audience.

The flames were burning, and the cheers intensified.

"Next, let's welcome, the champion of the China National League, Lu Cheng!"

In the player passage, Lu Cheng, who was wearing a dark red cloak, walked slowly onto the battle stage.

When the two sides shook hands, Edward whispered, "I'm looking forward to today's duel."

"I also prepared new tactics." Lu Cheng smiled, "I won't let you down."

Edward nodded lightly, pushed the frame of the mirror, and walked back to the podium next to the venue.

In this match, he should send Darkrai, who has an advantage in attributes.

The rest of the elves' choices...will they be the Tyrannosaurus and Fossil Pterosaurs who are good at crunching?

They are all high-speed and high-attack types, young people, as expected, they still like this top-notch tactical style.

It's time to let him see how our old guys play!

"Please release the spirits from both players at the same time!"

While Edward was observing Lu Cheng, Lu Cheng was also thinking about Edward's tactics.

The 6V6 full-scale combat means that the game between tactics has become a crucial part.

Bringing out the system that Lu Cheng is best at is the key to winning the game!

"Come on, Fossil Pterosaur!"

The fossilized pterosaur with its mouth wide open, its fangs ferocious, turned into a gust of wind and soared into the sky.

Edward also sent his own spirits at the same time.

A wandering night spirit wrapped in bandages, like a mummy, with a blood-like red light in one eye!

This scene made the onlookers frown.

"Edward intends to use the space team's tactics this time."

"It's hard to deal with, Fossil Pterosaurs really might not be able to break through the defenses of Wandering Eidolon!"

As one of the top space hands, Imitation Eidolon often carries evolution pyroxene to enhance defense ability.

Under the increase of evolution pyroxene, the dual resistance of Wandering Eidolon's racial value of 130 has reached an astonishing level!

Lu Cheng frowned: "Fossil pterosaur, bite into pieces!"

"Wandering Night Spirit, the magic space!"

The fossilized pterosaur opened its **** mouth and swooped down, its fangs mercilessly embedded in the body like a mummy of the Wandering Night Spirit.

But Imitation Yeling just stared at the fossilized pterosaur silently, opened a pair of big hands, and the strange aura spread instantly!

"Fly up, use Rockfall!"

The dark purple trick space continues to expand, gradually encroaching on the entire venue.

Although the fossilized pterosaur pulled its position, the strange space covered the dome like a big bowl!

Under the influence of the trick space, the speed of the fossilized pterosaur was obviously slowed down.

The one eye that resembled Wandering Eidolon shone with red light, and a cold flame shot towards the fossilized pterosaur from the palm of his hand!

"Imitate the Wandering Night Spirit, use the ghost fire!"

The ghost fire started to burn on the fossilized pterosaur.

The rock collapse crashed down, but it only made Familiar Yeling slightly embarrassed.

In the dark purple distorted space, the speed of the imitation Eidolon is like a ghost, quickly approaching the fossil pterosaur, and a ferocious ghost illusion rises behind it!

"Imitate the Wandering Night Spirit, the Shadow of the Night!"

The phantom of a huge evil ghost, with its fists burning with eerie ghost fire, smashed the fossilized pterosaurs into the air!

"Jie O!"

The fossilized pterosaur let out a painful cry, barely flapping its wings, but the scorch marks on the purple diaphragm were still clearly visible.

In the burn state, fossil pterosaurs are not suitable for protracted warfare.

The most important thing right now is to solve the trick space first!

"Come back, fossil pterosaur."

Lu Cheng took out the pitch-black dark ball from the belt, and there was a sudden noise on the field.

"Are you coming, that legendary elf!"

The legendary **** of nightmares, Darkrai!

It is not impossible for an existence with nightmare characteristics to escape from the magic space.

More importantly, Darkrai's existence has a fatal restraint on Edward's regular team!

In the auditorium, heavenly kings with different minds whispered.

"Edward should be prepared for Lu Cheng's Darkrai, right?"

"Darklay's amazing speed has become a weakness in the trick space. It depends on how Lu Cheng solves it."

A cold black mist filled the field, Darkrai emerged from the shadows, and the dark purple magic space distorted for a moment.

"For the trick space, use a dark black hole!"

The black holes of nothingness converged in Darkrai's ghost claws, and a large number of space debris were involved in it, and a crack suddenly appeared in the magic space!

This scene made Edward's face change slightly.

Once Darkrai continues to use the dark black hole, the consequences will be unimaginable after the magic space is broken!

"Imitate the wandering night spirit, immobilize the body!"

Darkrai was rubbing the black hole with all his attention, when he was suddenly interrupted by a beam of blue light, and he made a "tsk".

Looking up at the huge shadow of the night behind the imitation night spirit, Darkrai smiled coldly: "Isn't it a substitute, who doesn't seem to have it!"

As if conscious, the shadows on the ground converged behind Clay and gradually expanded into a huge Darkrai illusion.

"Darklay, Shadow Claw!"

In the nightmare, the huge ghost figure smirked, and the shadow claws tore apart the body of the ghost in an instant!

In an instant, the entire conjuration space was shaky, imitating Eidolon and fell to the ground in pain, and a large amount of gas overflowed from the bandage.

Edward frowned: "Come back, like the Wandering Eidolon."

The battle was resolved between lightning, stone and fire, and the amazing suppressing power of the Nightmare God made the field as quiet as suffocation.

In the audience, the former champion Parker smiled and said, "Mr. Edward, should you have prepared a means to deal with Darkrai?"

The steel king Edson nodded: "The magic space has not been broken yet, and there is a possibility of a fatal blow."

Edward slowly took out the advanced ball.

Lu Cheng suddenly felt a surge of unease in his heart, and said in a low voice, "I'll use a stand-in to avoid harm later."

Darkrai nodded silently.

The red light flickered, a black and oily giant unicorn with a sharp cold light flashing from its big horn.

The commentator shouted, "Edward sent Heracross!"


Edward opened his pocket watch, a cold light flashed in his eyes, "Mega evolution!"

A dazzling iridescent light enveloped Heracross.

The high-pitched insect chirping sounded, and giant insects as robust as a hill stepped forward!

After the evolution of Mega, Heracross's horn was as sharp as a spear, the forelimbs became thicker, and the short wings on the back disappeared, all-round pursuit of strength.

After the Mega evolution, Heracross's speed dropped, but in the trick space, he became a complete Predator!

"Heracross, super horn strike!"

All this happened in a flash, and even the narrator could not react, and Heracross rushed towards Darkrai.

The double restraint of the insect type, plus the bonus of Heracross's own type, this one is either dead or injured!

This Heracross was Edward's trump card in order to deal with Darkrai!


The unicorn hit Darkrai like a broken balloon, and Darkrai flew upside down.

There was dead silence on the field, and someone whispered: "Darklay... lost?"

"This super horn strike is a real hit!"

"Wait! What is that behind Heracross!"

Darkrai emerged from the shadow behind Heracross with a wicked smile, and the surging waves of evil swept in, and directly lifted it away!


Heracross slammed into the edge of the field heavily, and there was a corroded trace on the carapace, causing it to squeak in pain.

Edward's expression changed slightly, and he murmured, "Is this... a stand-in move?"

With the help of the shadow's stealth, he uses a stand-in to defend against super corner attacks and counterattack.

Lu Cheng is... pre-reading my command?


The crumbling magic space on the field was shattered in this round, Darkrai grinned and lifted into the air, and a violent shadow ball gathered in the ghost's claws.

In an instant, the shadow ball came out!

"Heracross, use it to hold on!"

With his arms folded, Heracross firmly supported, the explosion sounded, and his eyes were stained with blood!

"Return from the dead!"

Burning out the last bit of stamina, Heracross's speed skyrocketed, like a dazzling meteor flying out, and the piercing insect chirping resounded through the hall!

"Darklay, stand-in!"

Darkrai's clone surrounded the entire stadium, Heracross shredded the entire body like a sharp arrow, and the single horn slammed into Darkrai's abdomen!


The pale-faced Darkrai fell like a thin piece of paper, and a panting Darkrai rose again from the shadows.

The continuous use of stand-ins is also a big burden on Darkrai.

But Heracross also exhausted his last stamina and fell to the ground with a thud.

The venue was silent.

This Darkrai was able to defeat the Insect King even when he first killed the Wandering Eidolon.

Is this the power of the legendary elves...

"come back."

With a flash of red light, Edward retracted Heracross and said with a frown, "Come on, Polygon!"

Slowly floating in the field is an evolved polygonal beast II form, and its round body is very cute.

"Polygon, use the trick space!"

The trick space just now has caused huge trouble to Lu Cheng.

Right now, Lu Cheng will not repeat the same mistakes: "Darklay, use provocation!"

Provocation can make the opponent unable to use changing moves, and it is the best way to counteract the space!

"Polygon beast, electromagnetic gun!"

However, just after Darkrai's provocation, the polygonal beast rushed towards Darkrai, and a dazzling electric light gathered in his mouth!

Boom! !

Darkrai was directly hit by the electromagnetic cannon and fell to the ground in pain.

"It's not a space hand, but a special attacker?"

Lu Cheng scratched his head and sighed, "I'm still fooled."

"Polygon beasts can change their attributes according to their opponents." Edward smiled, "and my polygonal beasts are best at electrical attributes."

"But there is no room for tricks, and its speed is quite worrying."

Lu Cheng said sternly, "Come on, Lucario!"

The fighting type is the only attribute that can restrain the general type. Before the polygonal beast changes its attributes, it is Lucario's attack round!

"Lucario, speed!"

Under the high-speed movement, a dazzling light wall flickered on the field. When Lucario passed through the light wall, his body was covered with ancient war patterns!

Mega Lucario!

This scene made the heavenly kings present change their faces slightly and muttered.

"I know that Lu Cheng is good at high-speed tactics, but this Lucario can complete the Mega evolution in an instant..."

"This kind of speed is really amazing, it doesn't give the trainer any room to react!"

Once the sturdy barrier was lit up, it was shattered by Lucario's violent fist.

With a punch in the middle, the Polygon Beast II was directly knocked into the air!

Edward shouted: "Polygon, let the electromagnetic wave cover itself and use electromagnetic levitation!"

The polygonal beast uses electromagnetic floating to stabilize its figure, its eyes locked on Lucario, and its surging mental strength seems to distort the space on the field!

Once Lucario gets close to the polygon beast, it is bound to be affected by electromagnetic waves, and in the long-range range, the mental strength will always torment Lucario!


Lucario let out a low roar in pain, but his eyes did not waver at all, and the dazzling waveguide power turned into blue light and gathered around him.

"Lucario, infuriating bomb!"

Lucario's eyes were awe-inspiring, his palms clasped together, and the power of the waveguide turned into a surging air bomb blasting out!

The air waves were turbulent, and the wall of light was directly destroyed by the infuriating bomb, and the polygonal beast was blasted into the sky together!


Lucario jumped, the ground under his feet cracked, and his iron fist blasted out like a violent storm!

"Lucario, close combat!"

Boom! !

Polygon II fell from the sky.

Lucario also fell immediately. It landed on one knee, got up slowly, and stared at Edward coldly.

"Polygon beast has lost its ability to fight, please send the next elf!"

Edward was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a smile: "Is this... provoking me?"

"But the inverse attribute challenge is too much to look down on me."

"Come on, bronze bell!"

The dull bell rang on the field, and a huge ancient bell slowly floated, covered with strange lines.

As a composite attribute of the steel system and the super energy system, the bronze bell has extremely strong resistance and is also a first-class space hand.

In order to cope with Lu Cheng's high-speed lineup, Edward made full preparations!

"Use supernatural power to limit its movements!" Edward shouted, "Use the trick space!"

Bronze Bell's eyes flickered with blue mental fluctuations, rushing towards Lucario from all directions, locking it like a chain.

At the same time, pieces of dark purple space debris emerged in the field.

The trick space must be built successfully!

"Lucario, speed!"


Lucario roared, broke free from the shackles of supernatural power, and rushed out like a bolt of lightning.

With a thud, a deafening bell sounded on the field, and the bronze bell was blasted back several meters!

But the strange dark purple space surged again on the field.

The slow bronze bell suddenly became extremely fast, and the hypnotism hit Lucario instantly!

"Lucario has fallen asleep!" the commentator shouted, "Now, it's the best time for Edward to attack!"

"Come back, Lucario!"

Lu Cheng quickly changed the sprite, and the commands of both sides sounded at the same time.

"Fire-breathing dragon, big characters burst into flames!"

"Bronze Bell, hypnotism!"

The fire-breathing dragon fluttered and soared, and the dark flames fell from the sky.

The hypnotism of the bronze bell was directly avoided by the fire-breathing dragon. On the other hand, the large characters exploded, setting off a scorching wave of air, which exploded loudly!

Big character explosion, hit the key point, the effect is outstanding! !

The bronze bell was instantly killed by the big character explosion, and the pitch-black fire-breathing dragon soared under the sky, raising its head proudly.

Right now, Edward has only two elves left that have not yet fought.

On the other hand, Lu Cheng, although Lucario and the Fossil Pterosaur were seriously injured, only one of the generals of Darkrai was damaged.

Even in the face of space team tactics, Lu Cheng was able to achieve this level!

"The game isn't over yet."

Edward pushed on his glasses, took out the advanced ball with a serious look, and muttered, "It's up to you, big guy."

Boom! !

The red light flickered, the ground shook, and a huge super-armored rhino thumped its chest, bursting out with an astonishing roar!

In the audience, Tu Ming looked serious.

"In the trick space, the speed of the super armored rhinoceros is far better than that of any elves in Lu Cheng's team!"

Jiang Ziqian nodded and said solemnly, "I didn't expect that Edward would choose such a heavy space team. I thought..."

As a tutor at Oxford Academy, Edward has a habit of changing the team configuration before the game.

But I didn't think that he would do this to target Lu Cheng, which shows the importance he attaches to Lu Cheng!

"Super armored rhinoceros, rock cannons!"

The giant beast whose body is covered with rocks, its muscles are raised, and its arms are like cannons aimed at the fire-breathing dragon in the air.

The fire-breathing dragon waved its wings, but in this strange magic space, it seemed to be affected by gravity and became particularly slow.

The rock cannon blasted out, directly hitting the fire-breathing dragon!


The fire-breathing dragon fell painfully from the air, and the powerful rock cannon instantly made it incapacitated!

"Second, instant kill!?"

"Heavy space team, the power of the super armored rhino is really amazing!"

This top-notch tactical game made the audience not dare to make a sound, and their hearts were full of horror.

Originally thought, after Edward took out the trump card of the Space Team, Lu Cheng could only rely on hard power to break through.

But unexpectedly, Lu Cheng also chose to use tactics to attack!

The game between the trainers and the commanders, the confrontation of the power of the elves, this is the charm of the elves battle!

Edward's forehead was covered in fine sweat, but his spirit was highly tense.

If you guessed correctly, Lu Cheng's next elf should be...

"Come on, Tyrannosaurus!"

The giant carp dragon with a body length of nearly 20 meters covered the sky and the sun, which made this super armored rhinoceros that was five meters tall really not enough to look at.

But under the intimidation of the tyrannical carp dragon, the super armored rhino did not give in, his muscles were raised, and his eyes were red!

"The tyrannical carp dragon, the tail of the water!"

The super armored rhino was caught in the rigidity of the rock cannon just now, and he could only watch the tail of the water swept in.

Boom! !

The water splashing all over the sky, even if the super armored rhino has the characteristics of hard rock, the tail of the water is still three times restrained!

The huge super-armored rhino was instantly blown away, fell heavily to the ground, and smashed the ground into cracks.

But the super armored rhino roaring in pain, climbed up with difficulty, his eyes red as blood!

"It's a momentum belt!" the commentator shouted, "This super armored rhino is wearing a momentum belt!"

When mortally wounded, the imposing belt allows the elves to hold on to the last bit of their stamina.

Edward let out a long sigh and said sternly, "Super Armored Rhinoceros, Rock Cannon!!"

The dazzling brilliance bloomed, and the surging power made everyone fear.

The tyrannical carp dragon was directly blasted away by the rock cannon, and the huge shadow covered the sky, and it fell heavily from the air.

There was an uproar on the field!

Under double restraint, this rock cannon was fatal in one blow!

No one could have imagined that in a desperate situation, this super-armored rhino could even wear two.

But it also has only the last bit of stamina left.

On the other hand, Lu Cheng, there are also fossil pterosaurs, Lucario, and the last elf that has not yet played!

With a red light, Lu Cheng sent out the fossilized pterosaur in a state of burns.

It was at this moment that murderous intent suddenly appeared in Edward's eyes: "Super armored rhinoceros, big explosion!"

The body of the super armored rhino lit up with white lights, and a sense of oppression like death surged up, and even this magic space was directly destroyed.

"Fossil pterosaur, protect!"

But the indestructible barrier lit up in front of the fossilized pterosaur, blocking the terrifying explosion.

The air was surging, and Edward sighed a long time.

Right now, Edward has only the last elf left.

And this elf is also Edward's last trump card as a superpower king.

"Come on, Sun Ibrahimovic!"

On the sidelines, Alansha smiled: "Even if it's the space team, did Edward really bring this elf?"

"After all, it's his best attribute. Using Super Armored Rhinoceros is already considered an away game."

The lovely and elegant Sun Ibrahimovic is pacing the field, and the ruby ​​on his forehead shimmers beautifully in the sun.

Dangerous mental fluctuations permeated the field, Lu Cheng raised his eyebrows and said, "Fossil pterosaur, bite into pieces!"

"Sun Ibrahimovic, keep your mind strong!"

After the magic space was broken, the fossilized pterosaur was obviously faster, and its fangs were fiercely embedded in the body of Sun Ibrahimovic.

The mental strength that followed also exhausted the last bit of physical strength of the fossilized pterosaur, and it fell to the ground with a thud.

At this moment, Lu Cheng has only one Lucario, who fell asleep, and the last elf.

"It was decided that it was you, Chao Meng!"

This scene made the heavenly kings present widen their eyes.

"The last elf turned out to use the super power system to decide the outcome?"

"It really is his style..." Norman shook his head and said with a wry smile, "It's too good to live!"

Lawrence's face was tense, as if thinking of some bad memory, he didn't say a word.

Following the battle between the two giant beasts, at this moment, the two small and cute elves usher in the final decisive battle!

Commands from both sides sounded at the same time.

"Sun Ibrahimovic, keep your mind strong!"

"Super dream, strong mind!"

Powerful mental fluctuations covered the entire venue.

There are no bells and whistles. The way of fighting between two super-type elves is to collide with mental power!

The dazzling rays of light flickered, and the spiritual beams collided violently, not giving in to each other!

All the spectators had a look of horror in their eyes.

"Lu Cheng's super dream can actually face the waves with the super-powerful king's sun Ibrahimovic?"

"Even... even better!?"

But Chao Meng's spiritual power is far more than that!

Lu Cheng lowered the brim of his hat and said sternly, "Super Spiritual Break!"

Mewtwo's exclusive move, the most powerful spiritual move!

A dazzling blue light appeared in Chao Meng's eyes, and his mental power pierced into the ruby ​​of Sun Ibrahimovic like a sharp sword, causing him to close his eyes in pain.

Mental power swept in, instantly drowning Sun Ibrahimovic!

"Sun Ibrahimovic is incapacitated!" The referee waved the flag.

"Victor, Lu Cheng!"

After a moment of silence, cheers rang out.

"Damn it, won the super king with the super spirit?"

"This is the traditional art of Lushen! You can do it, I can do it!"

"In the quarterfinals, Lu Cheng has broken the record for the youngest quarterfinals!"

Chaomeng let out a breath, floated behind Lu Cheng, and hugged Lu Cheng's neck like a little girl.

Lu Cheng smiled and touched its head, suddenly raised his head and looked at the spectator seats of the heavenly kings.

Alanza smiled and waved at him.

Group A's eight to the semi-finals.

Lu Cheng faces off against the Fairy King of the French Union, Alanza!



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