What exactly is a fairy post?

In Lingnan Domain, ordinary sects take ordinary people as apprentices, and Lingnan Xianzong takes outstanding disciples of ordinary sects as apprentices.

Daojianmen holds a Daojianmen Ceremony every fifty years to harvest leeks from the Northern Chu Kingdom; Lingnan Xianzong distributes immortal invitations all over the world to harvest leeks from all sects in Lingnan Region.

This is the Fairy Post.

A qualification certificate to become a teacher of Lingnan Xianzong.

Anyone who has a fairy post can go to Lingnan Xianzong to learn from a teacher.

Therefore, in the entire Lingnan Domain, all those with extraordinary talents, and all those who are eager to go further on the road of practice, long for a fairy invitation to the Lingnan Immortal Sect.

But can fairy posts be obtained casually?

The foundation is not solid enough, the talent is not strong enough, will the Lingnan Xianzong give alms to the immortals?

But now, there is a golden fairy post in front of Qin Ran.

Qin Ran looked at the palm-sized post in Su Changqing's hand, and said with a smile: "To be honest, Brother Su, I'm just a middle-grade water Spiritual Roots, and I can't afford a fairy post."

Seeing that Qin Ran didn't lose his composure because of the fairy post, but also calmly refused, Su Changqing was quite appreciative in his eyes.

"Spiritual Roots?" He shook his head and smiled, and said, "Spiritual Roots can only determine the speed of cultivation, not the distance of cultivation. If you go fast, you may not go far. Only like Brother Qin can you win the top prize." Immortal qualifications.

"In the Lingnan Immortal Sect, I have seen the ten-year-old Gold Core, but I have not seen the hundred-year-old Nascent Soul. Seeing Brother Qin's appearance, I know you are a fellow daoist on the road to immortality."

"Brother Su's reputation is too high!" Qin Ran finally accepted the fairy post.

"I hope to see Brother Qin in Xianzong by the end of this year." Su Changqing said with a smile, "We will discuss scriptures and Taoism together then."

"It's easy to say."

The two exchanged a few more words, and they were chatting lively, when they suddenly heard a few strong Cultivation Base fluctuations coming from the distant sky, they looked over quickly, and saw a few rays of light coming from over there.

Qin Ran saw that the twilight was somewhat familiar, and after a little thought, he knew who was coming, so he stopped talking.

The light was approaching, and the first person showed his figure. It was Gu Yueming, the head of Daojian Sect. He stopped in front and looked this way. After seeing the situation clearly, he saluted Ning Elder: "Gu Yueming, the head of Daojian Sect Yueming, I have seen Xianzong Immortal."

Ning Elder nodded to him in return.

Qin Ran was on the side, holding the unconscious Zhui Feng and the fairy post that he had just obtained, bowed to Gu Yueming, and said, "Master."

Gu Yueming looked at Qin Ran, saw the fairy post in his hand, his expression was a little bit bad, and he asked, "Why are you here?"

Cutting his leeks in front of his face, will he look good?

"Collect medicinal materials." Qin Ran made up a reason.

Gu Yueming had heard of Qin Ran's prudence and stability. It was hard for him to believe that Qin Ran would come to the depths of the Hengduan Mountains to collect herbs by himself, so he looked at Qin Ran carefully, and found the Cultivation Base fluctuations on Qin Ran's body.

He was stunned, thinking of some possibility, and asked, "Were you here for Transcend Tribulation just now?"

Qin Ran had just broken through, the Realm was unstable, and it was normal for his breath to fluctuate.

"Yes." Qin Ran knew that he couldn't hide it, so he could only admit it, and added in a pretentious way, "When you gather herbs, you will breakthrough."

Gu Yueming nodded, and stopped talking to him, but looked at Ning Elder, and said respectfully: "The Immortals have come from afar, so you should come to Daojianmen for a sit-down."

"Do you know about the rampage of Demonic Beasts recently?" Ning Elder didn't speak, but asked directly.


"Do you know the Pole Devouring Demon Willow?"


"Do you know the current changes of the Pole Devouring Demon Willow?"

Gu Yueming hesitated, but still shook his head: "I don't know."

"This time, the Pole Eater Willow vows the Indistinguishable Dao!" said Ning Elder.

Gu Yueming's face changed slightly.

"I see you and other Sects in the Immortal Relics Land are unprepared, they are all stupid and arrogant people!

"Why, you want the Demon Devourer Willow to kill all the creatures in the Immortal Remains, with everyone's blood, is it in line with him alone?" Ning Elder asked sharply.

It turned out that the senior management of Sect knew about the Devil-eating Willow. Qin Ran looked at the leader who was reprimanded and dared not speak, and thought about it. ...

Sure enough, it lived up to Ning Elder's stupidity.

Speaking of this, Ning Elder had a friendly exchange with the leader for a while, and the leader Gu suggested going to Daojianmen to discuss specific matters.

Ning Elder agreed.

When they were talking, Qin Ran learned the reason why the head and his party came here: they sensed the abnormal movement here, knew that there was a Heavenly Tribulation here, thought that some Heavenly and Mortal Treasures were born, they hugged five Tailed fox-like mentality rushed over.

It seems that these high rank cultivators are still underestimated. He thought that this place was remote enough that no one would know about it, but he didn't expect to be discovered.

But speaking of the five-tailed demon fox, there had been no movement for a long time, Qin Ran hurriedly turned around to look for it, only to find that the charming woman had turned into a five-tailed fox again, and the dog was running away quietly.

At this time, it has already retreated to the treetops over there, which is quite a distance from here.

It turned out that the five-tailed demon fox saw that there were more and more people here, Heavenly and Mortal Treasures were gone, and it was becoming more and more dangerous, so the retreat in his heart knocked, taking advantage of Ning Elder to question the ancient head When the time comes, retreat quietly.

She backed away, and suddenly met Qin Ran's eyes. She panicked, and glanced at Qin Ran again, threatening this guy to keep quiet and meddle in his own business, while she continued to retreat to the forest under the tree.

Qin Ran shook his head, pretending he didn't see her.

But Qin Ran is lazy, so others don't know for sure. An Elder from Daojianmen saw a five-tailed demon fox trying to escape, so he hurried to catch it... If he couldn't find the treasure, he caught a fifth-level fox. Demonic Beasts are also good.

"Let her go!" Ning Elder stopped her voice, "Everything has a spirit. You have gained countless opportunities by practicing in the Hengduan Mountains. Why don't you treat the Demonic Beasts in it better? You know, the life of the Demonic Beasts is also Life."

The Daojianmen group felt ashamed and lowered their heads. Only Qin Ran secretly slandered. It seemed that the leeks from Lingnan Xianzong had already been harvested by Demonic Beasts.

When the five-tailed demon fox ran away, the group of people here also got up and went to Daojianmen.

Ning Elder rode the cloud, talking with the ancient head, and soon came to the Daojianmen. Yun stopped in mid-air, and the head of Gu stepped forward to open the mountain protection array.

At this time, Bai Ruoxi suddenly realized that Qin Ran's condition was not right, this guy was lowering his head, rubbing the center of his brows, looking very uncomfortable.

"What's the matter with you?" she asked kindly.

Qin Ran shook his head, didn't speak...couldn't speak, he wanted to vomit.

"It may be because of the breakthrough just now, and the Cultivation Base is unstable." Su Changqing explained for him.

Bai Ruoxi nodded, and looked at Qin Ran carefully, feeling something was wrong.

Entering the mountain gate, everyone landed in front of the Great Hall on the main peak, and the headman greeted the people of Lingnan Xianzong to enter the hall to discuss the matter of the Demon Devouring Willow.

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