The beautiful girl on the cloud looked at Qin Ran. Although she had seen Qin Ran's body all over during the Qin Ran Transcend Tribulation, she still felt shy at this moment. She covered her eyes with her five fingers and said:

"What a rascal, naked and shameless."

Qin Ran was quite speechless, can he be blamed? Just as he was about to get dressed, the group of people came one by one.

"Let me get dressed."

Qin Ran smiled awkwardly, and under the eyes of everyone, he walked towards the grass step by step.

He walked very slowly, for fear that if he walked too fast, these people would be overwhelmed and do something bad, so he walked for a long time before reaching the grass.

In front of the grass, he squatted down slowly, holding Zhuifeng in his arms with one hand, and reaching into the grass with the other hand, and took out a temporary universe bag from it. He held it up, indicating that he was going to take the clothes from it, and just took the clothes.


The universe bag suddenly exploded!

Dazzling white light burst out from the Qiankun bag, forcing all creatures who saw things with their eyes to close their eyes.

Qin Ran took the opportunity to jump back, turned invisible, and turned into a water man, and dozens of identical transparent water man clones exploded from his body, each holding a small White Tiger, and fled in all directions.

The five-tailed demon fox over there opened his eyes, and saw transparent bald-headed naked men all over the sky, fleeing away from here. She raised the long sword in her hand, but she was confused for a moment, because she was dazzled and there were too many people, causing her brain to be overloaded, and she didn't know which one was the real one.

After everyone in Lingnan Xianzong opened their eyes, they saw white smoke rising from the ground, and water-shaped clones everywhere.

"He... just ran away?" The beautiful woman was stunned.

"Attention, the smoke is poisonous!" The jade-faced man reminded, waved his sleeve, and blew a gust of wind to disperse the smoke.

The beautiful woman covered her nose, not quite understanding: "Why did he run away?!"

"He can't run away!" Ning Elder sneered, he raised his hand forward, and there was a phantom of a huge palm protruding out. And a white little Xuanming spirit tiger.

The handful of water coalesced in Ning Elder's palm, turning into a dignified Qin Ran.

"Let you run away like this, where will I put my old face?" Ning Elder said to Qin Ran.

Qin Ran took a deep breath, hugged Zhuifeng to cover the key parts, and finally asked: "Excuse me, who is your Excellency? Is there anything I can use!"

He had already fled into the water just now, using Time Like Water to merge with the water, but when the big hand came, with supreme prestige, he felt that the world was frozen, time was still, and he didn't dare to move anymore, and then he was thrown from Forcibly separated from the water.

This man is not even in the Nascent Soul period! !

Tough, without any chance, Qin Ran resolutely confessed.

You must know that the improvement of the realm of practice is a process of exponential growth. The higher you go, the greater the gap between the realms.

If the Foundation Establishment period is two; then the Gold Core period is two to the second power, four; the Nascent Soul period is two to the third power, eight; the God Transformation period is two to the fourth power, sixteen.

During the Qin Ran Foundation Establishment stage, relying on his solid Cultivation Base and subtle evasion methods, he was confident that he could escape from the Nascent Soul stage. Now that he is in the Gold Core stage, he is not at all sure about escaping from the Huashen stage.

The difference between two and eight is much smaller than four and sixteen.

"It's really nothing, the old man is just curious..." Ning Elder asked, "Where are you from?"

Yes, whether Qin Ran is a Heavenly Devil or an old monster, Ning Elder doesn't care, he is just curious and finds it interesting. Because, even if Qin Ran is a Heavenly Devil from outside the territory, a wandering soul from another world, what harm can it do to him? What does it have to do with him?

And Qin Ran heard the meaning of Ning Elder's words the first time he heard Ning Elder's question, Ning Elder seemed to realize that he was a time traveler? !

"The name of the first Danfeng of the Junior Taoist Sword Gate is Qin Ran!" But Qin Ran still replied...he can never say that he is a time traveler.

"Are you from Daojianmen?" The beautiful woman took the bait, "Then why did you come here for Transcend Tribulation?"

"It happened to be a breakthrough here, so I just crossed the catastrophe casually." Qin Ran laughed.

No one believed what he said, especially the few people who met his weird and terrifying Heavenly Tribulation, but after all, this is the Immortal World, who doesn't have a few secrets in his heart? So they didn't want to get to the bottom of it.

"I'm Su Changqing, a disciple of Lingnan Immortal Sect, I have met Brother Qin." The jade-faced man saluted Qin Ran cupped fist and said hello.

Lingnan Immortal Sect? !

Qin Ran's pupils shrank. The place they are currently in is called Lingnan Domain, and the word Lingnan in Lingnan Domain comes from Lingnan Xianzong.

Lingnan Immortal Sect is the kind of legendary sect with Minor World in it...

In short, Lingnan Domain and Lingnan Xianzong are the largest. Compared with Lingnan Xianzong, Daojianmen is the difference between ants and elephants, or more vividly, the difference between lice and elephants. After all, the whole Lingnan The domain is regarded as the territory of Lingnan Xianzong.

"It turns out that everyone is a disciple of the Immortal Sect! In the lower Dao Jianmen countryside cultivator, I didn't know the Immortal in front of me. It's really disrespectful and disrespectful!" Qin Ran held the chasing wind with one hand to cover the key parts, and performed the ceremony with the other hand, looking embarrassed.

"No problem, we are all passers-by on the way of immortality. It doesn't matter whether you are respectful or not. There is no respect or disrespect." Su Changqing said, "I just met Brother Qin's Transcend Tribulation and sighed at the strength of Brother Qin's Cultivation Base, so I risked it." Then stop Brother Qin. I hope Brother Qin has not disturbed you."

This person is so awesome! As expected of a person who came out of the big Sect. Qin Ran sighed inwardly.

"Where do I get such strength, you're laughing at me!" He replied.

In this way, the two exchanged a few more pleasantries, and after the beautiful woman at the side introduced herself and joined the conversation, Qin Ran asked again to allow herself to find some clothes to put on.

"You don't want to escape, do you?!" The woman's name was Bai Ruoxi, and she joked.

"Where would it be? I didn't know about you just now, but now I know that you are disciples of Xianzong. How could you do such a thing to make people laugh?" Qin Ran laughed.

But he scolded in his heart, there is a tm old monster in the transformation stage here, who dares to think carefully.

Ning Elder put Qin Ran down, let him go to a place to get the Qiankun bag, took out the clothes and put it on.

"Your means are really rich..." Bai Ruoxi sighed.

From the various miraculous responses during the Transcend Tribulation just now, to the universe bags all over the floor now, Bai Ruoxi has learned a lot.

"Hehe, where."

"Brother Qin is thoughtful and well-planned, which is worth learning from us." Su Changqing said.

The five-tailed demon fox kept watching, and no one forced her to leave, so she didn't leave. So she saw Qin Ran's series of operations, and found that this person was more cunning than their foxes, and he set traps one after another.

She had a feeling that if there were no people from Lingnan Xianzong to disrupt the situation, she would suffer a big loss.

"He's Fox Spirit!" she couldn't help complaining.

Su Changqing glanced at her with a smile, ignored her, and said to Qin Ran: "Brother Tang suddenly came to see Brother Qin. First, he saw Brother Qin's profound cultivation base, and he admired him. He wanted to discuss with you for advice. A fairy post and Brother Qin."

"Fairy post?" Qin Ran's expression was shocked, and he said modestly, "I don't have that kind of strength!"

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