Any gift in life has already secretly marked the price...and the free gift is the most expensive.

People like Qin Ran understand these principles very well.

He looked at the book in Bai Ruoxi's hand, and he figured it out in an instant. At first he thought it was Bai Ruoxi and Su Changqing who wanted to fight, and then he suggested that Li Shiyin accompany them to fight. He thought it was him who gave them a small favor.

Now it seems that it was not Li Shiyin who fought with Bai Ruoxi, but Bai Ruoxi who fought with Li Shiyin, and it was Bai Ruoxi's teaching bureau to Li Shiyin.

This teaching bureau was originally supposed to be Su Changqing vs Qin Ran.

He naively thought that they were really happy to see Lie Xin... Now that he thinks about it, they are from Lingnan Xianzong, why haven't they met?

The purpose of their coming here is simply to ask him to be the guide of the Hengduan Mountains.

One lesson and one spell are paid.

Of course, Qin Ran can act as if he doesn't know anything, and can accept the Cultivation Technique with peace of mind, or he can sternly reject the Cultivation Technique.

But if you refuse...

That is the complete Cultivation Technique of Lingnan Xianzong!

If you pretend to be ignorant and accept the Cultivation Technique with peace of mind, then...

This is the most expensive free gift ever!

This Cultivation Technique will become more expensive as Li Shiyin goes farther on the road of cultivation. When one day Li Shiyin has gone far enough with this Cultivation Technique and Su Changqing comes to ask for help, no matter how outrageous the request is, they will not be able to refuse.

Qin Ran wanted such a cultivation technique, so he complied with Su Changqing's request.

Because the time when the payment of the reward for this gift is the least expensive is when the reward has just been generated.

At this time, this is an equal transaction without involving the future.

The deal was that Bai Ruoxi and Li Shiyin would teach a round, with an additional course on Cultivation Technique, and in exchange for Qin Ran to be their guide.

Seeing Qin Ran nodding, Su Changqing laughed, he cupped his hands and said with a smile: "If that's the case, I'll thank Brother Qin in advance."

Li Shiyin didn't know what happened yet, she saw the master nodding, and took over the "Battle Spirit Art", and she didn't know anything about the other things.

"Although "Battle Spirit Jue" is just a Cultivation Technique created by the Indistinguishable Dao senior, it is indeed exquisite..."

Seeing that Li Shiyin took over the Cultivation Technique, Bai Ruoxi explained, "When my master passed it on to me, he called it the strongest combat technique before the God Transformation Stage. .”

Indistinguishable Dao? What are Realms? Li Shiyin has never heard of it, so it must be very powerful. What is the strongest combat skill? strongest? ! How can she afford such a precious price?

Li Shiyin was a little flustered, and quickly looked at Qin Ran.

"It's given to you, so take it!" Qin Ran shook his head.

Why panic? What is worth it? They use this Cultivation Technique to buy your Master's life!

"Time is tight right now. I don't know when the Indistinguishable Dao will start, so I will go to the Hengduan Mountains in the next few days. I hope Brother Qin will prepare in advance."

Su Changqing got up and bid farewell to Qin Ran, "We also need to make some preparations, so we will bid farewell."

Qin Ran hugged Zhui Feng, got up to see him off, and said politely, "Brother Su is leaving before the tea is served. I'm really sorry."

"Where is it, come to drink tea next time." Su Changqing glanced at the refreshment tea on Qin Ran's table without any trace, and said with a smile, "After this matter, I will drink tea and wine with Brother Qin, and talk about scriptures. "

"It's easy to say..." Qin Ran replied.

After the two of them argued a few times, Su Changqing took Bai Ruoxi and left.

Qin Ran sat down, watching the backs of Su Changqing and Bai Ruoxi, the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

"Master, this Cultivation Technique?" Li Shiyin asked Qin Ran.

"Let's practice!" Qin Ran sighed. He turned his head to see Li Shiyin's puzzled expression, shook his head, and said directly to her, "I really thought it was given to you by someone else? The master bought it with his life!"

"Ah?" Li Shiyin was shocked, and hurriedly said, "Then I won't practice, and I will return the Cultivation Technique to them!"

As she spoke, she asked Yu Jian to chase after Su Changqing and his brother and sister.

"Okay!" Qin Ran hurriedly stopped her, raised his hand and waved, "Show me."

Li Shiyin stopped as he said, hesitated for a moment, and still took the "Battle Spirit Jue" and handed it to Qin Ran.

"Just do what you need to do. I'll see if there is any problem with this Cultivation Technique." Qin Ran said, "If there is no problem, you can practice again."

"I've run out of strength." Li Shiyin put away the sword and said.

"Rest when you have no strength." Qin Ran said, threw the detailed explanation of formation on the table, put "Battle Spirit Art" on Zhan Feng's body, and opened the first page.

Li Shiyin thought for a while, sat down opposite Qin Ran, reached out to touch the detailed explanation of formation, and opened it to read.

"War Spirit Jue" is not a specific kind of supernatural power, but its essence is a theoretical study of the essence of magic power. It can be said to be a study of magic... supernatural power?

To give a proper example, it is a bit like the Dugu Nine Swords in Jin Yong's "Swordsman Rivers and Lakes". In name, it is a supernatural power and method, but in fact it is a theory of how to use Magic power to fight.

Battle Spirit Art, fight with spirit. Roughly so.

The most powerful thing about this Cultivation Technique is that if it is cultivated to the depth, it can make the power of each ray of magic power equal to the power of all magic power.

In short, it is a Cultivation Technique that suits Qin Ran's taste.

I don't know where Long Qiqi boiled the water. When the two of them came, Su Changqing asked her to boil the water. Now that Su Changqing and the two of them have left, Qin Ran sat down and read two pages of the book, and Li Shiyin read it quickly. She fell asleep with a book, and she ran over with a kettle on her head.

"Your old man went to Xuanqin to draw water, right?" Qin Ran looked over and smiled.

Long Qiqi blushed a little, and quibbled: "Who made your stove so hard to use? I studied for a long time before I could light a fire."

"You've been here for so long, and you can't even start a fire?" Qin Ran said in surprise, the second half of this sentence was worthy of Demonic Beasts.

Feeling ashamed, Long Qiqi panicked, ran and didn't pay attention, staggered, and fell down like a dog eating shit.

Fortunately, Qin Ran had quick eyesight and quick hands, and with a move of her hand, she controlled Long Qiqi... The water in the kettle above her head caught the kettle and brought it over.

"Be careful with boiling water!" he added.

Long Qiqi ate shit and fell to the ground, looked up and saw Qin Ran's actions, couldn't help being wronged, couldn't hold back, and cried out.

"Ahhh..." She lay on the ground, pouted, looking sad and aggrieved.

Li Shiyin was woken up by them, saw Long Qiqi fell to the ground, and the master was boiling water to make tea, probably knew what happened, and couldn't help accusing Qin Ran: "Master, you are too much!"

As he spoke, he got up and went to help Long Qiqi up, and brought Long Qiqi over to sit down.

"Cough..." Qin Ran didn't dare to meet Long Qiqi's aggrieved eyes, looked at "Battle Spirit Art" and said, "I'm holding on to Zhuifeng! It's inconvenient..."

"Meow..." Zhuifeng let out a soft cry.

"Daddy, Baonan!" Long Qiqi cursed quietly.

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