Zhuifeng's body is really good, the soft rice cake state only lasted for one day, after a night's rest, the next day, he turned back to that skinny little White Tiger, the kind that can show off a whole pot of animal feed with one meal .

But after all he just recovered from a serious illness, Qin Ran couldn't bear him to work, so he let him play by himself.

He will have nothing to do now, a tiger is lying on the swing under the old locust tree, driving the wind, pushing itself to dangle.

After eating Jiefeng, the ordinary wind is a good boy in front of him, he can use it as he wants, and it is perfect for swinging.

Long Qiqi pulled a cart of gravel to the ground, saw Zhuifeng leisurely swinging on the swing, feeling very unbalanced, she turned into a human form, and asked Qin Ran who was reading by the pit: "Why doesn't he work?"

"Who?" Qin Ran didn't pay attention.

"He!" Long Qiqi pointed to Zhuifeng on the swing.

"Oh..." Qin Ran looked up from the detailed explanation of the formation, and said, "He has a serious injury that hasn't healed, that's the wounded!"

"Do you think he looks injured?!" Long Qiqi was very angry.

This little girl is a snake demon, petty, black-bellied and jealous, Qin Ran didn't want to talk to her anymore, and continued to study her own formation, pretending not to see her, even took out a pen, and began to draw while watching.


Seeing that Qin Ran didn't care, Long Qiqi pouted, walked to the edge of Zhuifeng, and said angrily, "This is my swing!"

Chasing Feng looked at her ignorantly, and asked, "Dad... suo...?"

"I can't even speak clearly..." Long Qiqi disliked the seventh-level Demonic Beasts, she nodded and said, "I said it!"

Zhuifeng got up on the swing, wanting to give way to Long Qiqi, but the swing made him feel very comfortable, and he was a bit reluctant. He sat and shook for a while, then suddenly said:

"Well...suo...you...the door...ci...it's mine, Yuanyuan!"

"Don't accuse a good person, who cares about eating your animal feeding pill?!" It was obviously a vague and tiger-talking, but Long Qiqi was guilty of a thief, and he heard it clearly, and instantly seemed to be stepped on the tail, excited, and kept saying Said, "I am a human being who eats, and Demonic Beasts only eat animal pills! I don't eat animal pills!"

"You soudan, so ci!" said Zhuifeng.

"It's not delicious! It's delicious!" Long Qiqi replied.

"Okay... ci!"

So the two of them said that it was delicious and the other said it was not delicious, which started the infinite loop mode of children quarreling.

At this time, a person flew over from outside with a sword.

Long Qiqi looked over in his busy schedule and found that it was the girl named Tian Wenjin. She came with the sword, staggered, and her face turned pale again, as if she was injured.

"And... me!" Zhuifeng took the opportunity to pull out of the loop, asking Long Qiqi to beg for Yuanyuan.

"Big tongue..." Long Qiqi watched Tian Wenjin fall to the edge of the lake pit, and replied casually.

"You... are, big, se... head!"

Qin Ran looked at Tian Wenjin who was falling in front of him, and asked, "How did you get hurt?"

"Watching the mine, there were underground Demonic Beasts attacking, and then the miners rioted." Tian Wenjin said, "I was hit by the miners' magic."

Qin Ran threw a bottle of Da Huan Dan to Tian Wenjin and said, "Is there anything wrong with the mine?"

"No..." Tian Wenjin took the Medicine Pill bottle, broke open the jade seal, and found that it contained a very high-quality Dahuandan, and then closed it silently. The Spirit Stones were also piled up on the table, and said to Qin Ran, "This is five hundred Spirit Stones, what's worse, four thousand Spirit Stones."

Qin Ran looked at the bottles of Spirit Stones and Medicine Pill on the table, was silent for a moment, and only said: "Be careful...don't die."

"Yes." Tian Wenjin nodded.

She asked again, "Has Senior Brother Huang woke up... Has the first stage been completed?"

"It's not finished yet, probably because he is subconsciously resisting." Qin Ran said, "The situation is not very optimistic."

Tian Wenjin's face became a little ugly, and he said anxiously, "I'll go and see him."

Qin Ran put away the pen and paper, and accompanied Tian Wenjin to the outside of Diyan.

The two of them were outside the Earth Flame Room, through the formation, they could see Huang Feiyu's body floating in the Earth Flame Room, and there were formations around him, delivering a steady stream of Medicine Pills with healing power into his body.

Tian Wenjin watched and saw those Medicine Pills, but didn't dare to think about their specific value. She gritted her teeth, shook her head, made up her mind, pushed the door of the Diyan Room, and said, "I'll go and persuade him!"

"Be careful..." Qin Ran reminded, "Be careful not to touch the formation or get burned by the flames."

"Yeah!" Tian Wenjin nodded and closed the door of the Diyan room.

The temperature in the fire room was extremely high, and she had to protect her body with Magic power to barely maintain it. She walked as close as possible to Huang Feiyu, looked at Huang Feiyu inside through the raging flames, and thought of what happened to her recently. When sadness arises from the heart, tears flow.

"Senior Brother Huang..." she cried, "I'm still waiting for you to wake up!"

Qin Ran leaned against the door, turning his back to the inside.

In fact, he should have left. He didn't like this crying scene at all, but he had to prevent Tian Wenjin from being too excited to be burned by the flames of the Earth Flame or the Lion-Hearted Flame Beast, and he had to pay attention to Huang Feiyu's state.

Huang Feiyu should be in a state of clear consciousness. He can perceive things from the outside world, but he can't wake up. So if Tian Wenjin talks to him, he may respond.

Tian Wenjin is really a very good girl. Qin Ran recalled the first time she saw this girl, she was very aggressive, and she would also eat Juling Pill for her cultivation.

But after Huang Feiyu was injured, she never left her...

Combining past and present lives, Qin Ran has only seen this kind of love in works of art.

"Senior brother Huang, no matter what you become, I will always be by your side..." In the Diyan room, Tian Wenjin cried and said after talking about the recent situation, "As long as you wake up...

"We practice together and make progress together. Did you forget that you said that we will go to the end together and become immortals together?"

Suddenly, Diyan jumped up violently.

Tian Wenjin became excited in an instant, and said loudly, "Senior brother, I am Wenjin..."

Qin Ran outside felt the commotion in the Diyan room. Huang Feiyu finally responded. He hurriedly opened the door and entered, holding Tian Wenjin back.

"You go out first, I'll help him." He said to Tian Wenjin.

Tian Wenjin had no choice but to go out.

"Alas..." Qin Ran looked at the Medicine Pill that was slowly melting in the flames, and Huang Feiyu couldn't help sighing as the medicinal power mixed with the flames was absorbed by Huang Feiyu.

Tian Wenjin said so much before, Huang Feiyu was indifferent, until he said a question about becoming an immortal, Huang Feiyu had a reaction inside.

Among them, Qin Ran is hard to tell the inside story.

He runs the Magic power to help Huang Feiyu absorb the Medicine Pill...

Soon, Huang Feiyu completed the first stage of transformation, and Qin Ran put the mad flame crystal at the eye of the formation to help Huang Feiyu enter the second stage of transformation.

"After you succeed, you will be the Lord of Fire!" Qin Ran knew that Huang Feiyu could hear her, so she said this on purpose.

As a result, the flames in the Diyan room burst into flames!

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