Knowing that she had done something wrong, Li Shiyin was very serious about her work, just as she promised, it only took half a day to finish the rest of the work, and before dinner, the cat climbing frame that chased the wind was finished.

Then after dinner, Qin Ran found a time to move the cat climbing frame up from the bottom of the lake.

Cat climbing frame... cat climbing frame...

Although it has been said that this thing is a cat climbing frame, everyone knows that it is actually a tiger climbing frame, and it is the tiger climbing frame that Li Shiyin hopes that Zhui Feng can play with when he grows up.

Generally speaking, a healthy adult tiger is about one meter high, three meters long and weighs about 700 catties. And if this thing can jump on it to play...

So one can imagine how big the cat climbing frame carved by Li Shiyin is.

Placed by the lake, it looks like a small building.

The height of this cat climbing frame is more than eight meters, and it is divided into three floors in total, and the area of ​​each floor is at least fifty square meters.

Why do you say it is divided into three layers?

Because each of its layers is not real, and its division is not very clear, Li Shiyin deliberately showed Sword Technique, layer by layer and layer by layer...

In short, it can ensure that Zhuifeng can jump around and have fun on it, and it can also ensure that he can find a place to sleep, roll around, and sharpen his claws.

This cat climbing frame is no different from the cat scratching board that was intentionally spoofed before. There are Li Shiyin’s Sword Qi carvings on each pillar, and Li Shiyin’s Immortal cutting Sword Technique at the end of each vertex...

This cat climbing frame is placed there, which has a rough artwork feeling.

And this cat climbing frame was moved out from the bottom of the lake by Gold Core cultivator Qin Ran, and placed at the junction of the lake and the small river.

It can be imagined that when there is water in the lake, there will be rippling blue waves over there, a small river flowing here, a big cat playing on the shelf, and occasionally jumping into the lake and river, it is a very lively and vivid picture.

But not surprisingly, this cat climbing frame is not only liked by Zhuifeng, but also by Long Qiqi.

Now that Zhuifeng has not grown up yet, jumping around on the shelf feels like a child driving a big car;

But this kind of feeling was completely absent from Long Qiqi, because she directly transformed into a terrifying giant snake the size of a bucket and hovered at the top of the shelf, swearing her sovereignty.

Xiao Zhuifeng danced for a long time, and finally jumped to the top floor. Before he had time to be happy, he was swept to the second floor by Long Qiqi's merciless tail.

He got up, stood on the second floor and raised his paw, threatening Long Qiqi: "I... mine!"

Long Qiqi poked his huge head down from the third floor, and his head, which was as big as Zhuifeng's body, was in front of Zhuifeng, showing two fangs, spitting out bright red snake letters, threatening against him.

Can he be wronged by chasing the wind? This is his territory, he is still seventh-level Demonic Beasts, so he jumped up and slapped Long Qiqi on the snake's head.

Long Qiqi was stunned for a moment, this stuttering father Baohu dared to hit him? He dares to do it? ! He threw it away.

Chasing the wind stepped on the wind to avoid it, turned around and laughed at her: "Oh..."

"Hiss..." Long Qiqi was out of breath, the snake slid quickly and chased after it.

By the river, Li Shiyin was sitting on the bank, raised her skirt, and stretched her jade-like feet into the river to splash.

She saw Long Qiqi and Zhuifeng fighting on the shelf like children, she laughed and asked Qin Ran: "Master, how long can the shelf last?"

Qin Ran was taking care of the own Crane Crown Immortal Grass not far away. Hearing this, he glanced at the shelf and said, "It's okay. I'll find time to reinforce it with Restrictions. It's not so easy to break."

"Do you think they look like children? They're so naughty!" Li Shiyin laughed.

Hearing this, Qin Ran looked at her again, with a somewhat meaningful look in his eyes, and said, "They were just children...but you..."

He stopped, and the words were endless and meaningless.

"As mature, stable, beautiful and generous as I am, how can I be like them?" Li Shiyin did not admit it.

"Ah, yes, yes, yes..." Qin Ran agreed.

Li Shiyin looked at Qin Ran, feeling that he was not agreeing with her.

Time passed slowly, the light dimmed, and the twilight struck. Everyone in Danfeng slowly went back to their rooms to sleep.

The night is quiet, only the sound of crickets chirping. At a certain moment, the door of Qin Ran's room opened, and a strong man dressed as a Thuta came out from it. He was bare-chested, with disheveled hair, quite bold and unrestrained.

The man closed the door, jumped into the night, and flew out of Danfeng.

But he flew a few meters, and before he reached the forest outside, he stopped suddenly. He raised his hand, and a bubble was formed, and the bubble moved to the side, and a big cat shadow emerged from the darkness.

"Chasing the wind! Go back!" the strong man shouted.

"Hmm..." The darkness on Zhuifeng's body faded away, and he turned into that cute little White Tiger. He shook his head in the air bubble and acted like a baby, "Oh, Dad!"

Qin Ran was helpless and angry, and comforted him: "Dad is out to do business, you can't follow." Then, he sent Zhuifeng back to his own room with bubbles.

He didn't even look at Zhuifeng crying, yelling and rolling in the bubbles.

"Alas..." Qin Ran sighed, there is such a king in the dark at home, the trick of going out in the dark is not easy to use! How could he hide it from Zhuifeng's eyes?

But he was going to Linxian City, so he really couldn't take Zhuifeng with him, so he had to be restrained.

Turning around to take a look at Danfeng, Qin Ran didn't care anymore, seized the time, cast Movement Technique, and disappeared on Danfeng.

After the Golden Core, Qin Ran's escape method was faster than one or two o'clock. This time, he came out of Daojian Gate, and it didn't take long before he arrived in Linxian City.

This is the first time Qin Ran has come to Xiancheng since he killed the "Yuan" organization last time.

To be honest, even though he changed into a completely different disguise this time, he is still a little timid, afraid that such a large organization that repairs the Immortal World will have some kind of breath tracking method, soul tracking method, and Karma tracking method, which he does not know at all. understand something.

Fortunately, he purposely lingered in Linxian City for a while, but found nothing unusual, and went to "Yuan Teahouse" to drink half a cup of tea, but still found nothing unusual.

In this way, he was relieved. It seems that the last time the second hand dealt with it was quite clean, without leaving a tail, which attracted the attention of the "Yuan" organization.

At the same time, it also proved that the "Yuan" organization does not have those weird magical powers.

After drinking tea at "Yuan Tea House", Qin Ran got up in the middle of the night and walked to the biggest auction in the city.

The name of this largest auction took the word "Linxian" from "Linxian City".

Like this kind of auction, it is conceivable that it is not only for cultivators, but also for mortals.

Therefore, the items auctioned in it are extremely complicated, including inferior things used to deceive ordinary people, and treasures that can arouse the jealousy of high rank cultivators.

It takes a lot of time and effort for a cultivator to get what he wants here... This is the kind of small auctions only for cultivators that Qin Ran organized last time. reason.

But Qin Ran's identity as Batman has attracted the attention of the "Yuan" organization, and he can no longer go to that auction.

To prevent the "Yuan" organization from marking his Medicine Pill, he had to come to this kind of large auction to test the water first.

Qin Ran stood in front of the Linxian Auction, looked at the gate of the Linxian Auction, and prayed in his heart for good luck tonight, and got the materials in one go, so he didn't have to come back tomorrow.

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