My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 115 My Name Is Sun And My Name Is Wukong

What is Qin Ran doing in Xiancheng this time?

two things.

One is that he wants to build a large formation to protect the mountain, and the formation materials are not complete, so he needs to try it at the auction venue; the other is that he wants to refine the elixir, and there are still many medicinal materials.

He walked into the auction venue, and found that although it was already midnight, the lights were still bright inside, and it was very lively with people coming and going.

... After all, if you can't stay up late, how can you be called a cultivator?

Qin Ran found the counter in the hall, went over to the woman behind the counter and said, "I want to auction off some Medicine Pills."

"What Medicine Pill?" asked the beautiful woman.

Qin Ran smiled and said, "Some Medicine Pills needed by the Foundation Establishment cultivator."

Only then did the woman look at Qin Ran, and found that he was just a rough guy, which didn't match the image of a pill refiner in her impression, so she had some doubts.

"Is there a Medicine Pill?" she asked.

Qin Ran then took out a bottle of Juling Pill and put it on the counter: "Can you identify it?"

This woman just has some Cultivation Base in her body, which belongs to the level of just feeling the Qi without condensing the cyclone. How can she identify it?

She broke open the jade seal, looked at it with a pretentious appearance, and found that it was really a Medicine Pill... In an instant, her attitude changed hundreds of degrees of respect.

"It's really a Medicine Pill." She sealed the jade seal, saluted Qin Ran, and said, "Guest officer, please come with me."

After finishing speaking, he took Qin Ran upstairs, found the person in charge of the Medicine Pill of the auction house, and introduced Qin Ran to him.

"Old Mo, this guest officer wants to auction the Medicine Pill."

Mo Lao, with a gray beard, looked at Qin Ran and asked, "What Medicine Pill are you filming?"

The glamorous woman gave Mo Lao the Juling Pill in her hand.

Mr. Mo took the Medicine Pill bottle, poured out one, appraised it slightly, and was immediately startled, and said, "Top-grade Juling Pill?!"

He looked at Qin Ran, "Your Excellency is a pill refining teacher?"

"You auction items in this auction house, do you still have to check the 18th generation of your ancestors?" Qin Ran asked with a smile.

"Hehe!" Mo Lao laughed awkwardly, and replied, "No, I'm just curious."

He asked again, "May I ask what your name is?"

"My surname is Sun and my name is Wukong." Qin Ran said.

"Oh, Mr. Sun, hello!" Mr. Mo said politely, "The quality of your Spirit Gathering Pill is extremely high. Are you going to auction it?"


"The base price of a high-grade Juling Pill is 100 Spirit Stones, and there is no upper limit on the asking price at this auction..." Mo Lao and Qin Ran introduced the rules, "and the final auction house will take a 10% commission based on the final transaction price .Then there are ten high-grade spirit-gathering pills in this bottle, and we will auction them off separately. Do you have any comments, Mr. Sun?"

"No, it's reasonable."

Mr. Mo asked someone to come over to register with Qin Ran. He looked at Qin Ran's signature and asked with a smile, "May I ask Mr. Sun if there are any other medicine pills that need our services?"

"Hmm..." Qin Ran pondered for a moment, as if hesitating. Finally, he put down his pen, took out five more porcelain bottles from his Qiankun bag, handed them to Mo Lao, and said, "I can take pictures of these too."

Mo Lao stretched out his hand to pick it up, but Qin Ran suddenly withdrew his hand and said, "But I have a request."

"Mr. Sun, if you have any requests, please ask, as long as we can help you, we will definitely help you." Mo Lao said quickly.

"I want three materials, Zhenling wood, Qingyuan stone and Lingluo Xuanjin." Qin Ran said, "Do you have any here?"

Mr. Mo turned around, brought an auction list, handed it to Qin Ran, and said, "This is what we are going to auction tonight. Is there anything Mr. Sun needs on it?"

Qin Ran glanced at it and found that there were only Zhenlingmu and Qingyuan Stone in it, so he sighed inwardly, it seems that we have to come again.

He handed the Medicine Pill to Mo Lao and said, "Find me a place."

"It should." Mo Lao smiled.

He then appraised the remaining bottles of Medicine Pill, and found that there were even barrier-breaking pills in them. His attitude towards Qin Ran became more respectful, and he registered again. He asked the beautiful woman to take Qin Ran to the auction. field.

This Mo Lao's attitude has always been very good, until Qin Ran's back disappeared behind the door, and the flattering smile on his face suddenly disappeared.

He looked at the Medicine Pill in his hand again, changed his eyes a few times, and finally made up his mind. He called someone to arrange the auction of the Medicine Pill, then turned around and left the auction house.

A large auction house like this may not be able to compare with those auction houses privately established by cultivators in terms of cultivation resources, but it is several grades higher in terms of environment and services.

And because the Medicine Pill auctioneers were all big clients, Qin Ran was placed in a certain compartment, with free tea, snacks, fruits, and tables, chairs and beds. Even, the beautiful woman smiled She was so charming, her soft body was close to Qin Ran, and she looked like a gentleman... But Qin Ran, a gentleman, drove him out with righteous words.

On the auction stage, the host is giving a final speech, saying that this is the last one of the day, and those who want to buy things should hurry up and buy...

Qin Ran sat in the cubicle, meditating and closing his eyes to rest his mind. He didn't move his tea, snacks, fruits or anything, just waiting for the auction to start.

But unfortunately, before the auction officially started, he noticed that there was a change. The compartment next to him was occupied, not on that side, but on both sides, above and below. Not long after that, eyes could not help but vaguely glanced at the room where he was.

"Send!" Qin Ran couldn't help shouting in his heart.

Whether it was his own bad luck, which happened to him every time he went out, or the "Yuan" organization's supernatural powers came to him, Qin Ran didn't know, he only knew that no matter what it was, he had to find a way to make money.

He flipped through the auction catalogue, and found that the two materials he wanted were a bit late.

"Give it a go?" he asked himself, "Or just get wet?"

But when he thought about it again, everyone had already found this place, now Run is still waiting for Run, it seems that there is not much difference...

Thinking of this, he actually sat down quietly, pretending to be in ambush from all sides, waiting for the auction to start.

After a while, the auction started, and the treasures were auctioned off one by one, as if it were normal. Qin Ran would occasionally ask for prices, as if he were an ordinary guest, but except for the two things he really needed, he didn't really have anything else. the shot.

After buying Zhen Lingmu and Qingyuan Stone, Qin Ran got up and went to the person in charge of the auction to make a handover... The Spirit Stones auctioned by Medicine Pill and the Spirit Stones that bought Zhenlingmu and Qingyuan Stone To offset it, Qin Ran finally received 700 Spirit Stones.

After accepting the Spirit Stones, Zhenling Wood and Qingyuan Stone, Qin Ran found that there was no problem with Zhenlingmu and Qingyuan Stone, and instantly knew where the problem was.

It's not the Linxian Auction, it's the "Yuan" organization!

Thinking so far, he turned to the Medicine Pill Appraisal Office, found Mo Lao, and asked with a smile: "How about my Medicine Pill?"

"The quality is very high, very good." Mo Lao said, "I have only seen it in my life."

"I've only seen it in my life?" Qin Ran said, "Is that seen before?"

"I haven't seen it before!" Mo Lao said, "Today is the first time I have seen it."

Qin Ran smiled and bid farewell to Mo Lao: "See you later."

"Looking forward to the guest officer coming again next time." Mo Lao said.

Qin Ran turned and went out, popped a bubble with his left hand, took out a porcelain bottle with his right hand, poured some powder from the porcelain bottle into the bubble, then the bubble shrunk to a very small size, went into the room, collided with Mo Lao's clothes, and melted into it.

As for himself, he hurried out of the auction house, and at the entrance of the auction house, his body suddenly flickered, and his whole body melted into a puddle of water.

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