My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 13 The Medicine Pill Is Poisonous

Seeing Qin Ran walking away, he quickly threw a piece of Spirit Stones on the booth, then picked up the Bingning Pill, and asked Ueda Wenjin to chase after him.

"Master, please stop." Huang Feiyu caught up with Qin Ran and said, "If I bought this Bingning Pill by myself, I'm afraid it would really cost five hundred Spirit Stones. Master is really powerful, and I took it easily with just a few words."

He took out a cloth bag from the Qiankun bag at his waist, handed it to Qin Ran, and said, "This is three hundred Spirit Stones, thank you uncle for giving me insight."

Qin Ran squinted at the cloth bag, the bag was bulging, making his heart itch unbearably, secretly thinking that the current disciple is really rich. But he maintained the image of his uncle, he didn't reach out to pick it up, but asked, "What Sword Technique did you practice?"

"Sword of Frost and Cold." Huang Feiyu replied, seeing that Qin Ran didn't accept the Spirit Stones, he didn't force it, and retracted his hand, holding the Spirit Stones in his hand, instead of directly putting them into the Qiankun bag.

"Frost Sword Art..." Qin Ran recalled for a while, remembering the special requirements for practicing this sword art, and said, "If you practice Frost Sword Art, the quality of this bottle of Ice Congealing Pill may not be enough."

"Then according to the uncle's opinion?" Huang Feiyu asked at the right time.

"This bottle of Ice Condensation Pill is actually not even a low-grade Medicine Pill. The duration of each Medicine Pill will be very short, and the quality of the icy air that it emits is also very low." Qin Ran made his own suggestion, "If you want to If you want to learn this sword technique to a certain level, I suggest you find someone to specialize in refining Bingning Pill. If you buy it outside, you won’t be able to buy a suitable Medicine Pill.”

Huang Feiyu is indeed not stupid, he understood it as soon as he heard it, not to mention that he had intended to make friends with Qin Ran, so he hurriedly climbed up the pole and said respectfully, "I don't know if Uncle Shi has time to help Junior with this?"

Qin Ran secretly commented on this person who is sensible and up-to-date. He said aloud: "I can find time to help you refine it, but you have to find the raw materials yourself. Moreover, although this Medicine Pill is easy to refine, I have never practiced it before, so I cannot guarantee a 100% success rate. "

This is to let myself prepare more raw materials. Huang Feiyu woke up and agreed.

The three of them walked out along the market. Qin Ran looked back at Tian Wenjin and saw that the little girl still had a cold and arrogant face like a stinky fart. Do you buy Juling Pill for your own use or for other people's use?"

"Of course I use it myself." Tian Wenjin replied.

"Do you know what Juling Pill is for?" Qin Ran asked again.

"Improve the Cultivation Base of the Foundation Establishment period." Tian Wenjin wanted to roll his eyes, did this person treat her as a practice idiot? Who doesn't know that Juling Pill is used to enhance Cultivation Base?

"What quality Spiritual Roots are you?" Qin Ran didn't care, and continued to ask.

"... Top Thunder Spiritual Roots." Tian Wenjin replied.

They really are peerless twins, Qin Ran secretly thought. "If you're top Spiritual Roots, then I suggest you don't use elixir," he said.

"Why?" Tian Wenjin asked. Juling Pill can improve Cultivation Base, why not? Everyone is using it!

"It's not worth it..." Qin Ran felt that he was too patient, and explained, "Or, the Medicine Pill is poisonous."

Are Medicine Pills Poisonous? Tian Wenjin heard this statement for the first time, and suspected that the Qin Ran pill refining technology was too poor, and the medicine pills produced were all inferior medicine pills, so they were poisonous. But she didn't refute Qin Ran's words, she just wasn't convinced.

After walking along the market for a while, Qin Ran suddenly turned around again, looked Tian Wenjin up and down, and asked aloud, "Can you make clothes?"

The so-called head of Danfeng has looked back at him several times, and now he is looking up and down in an extremely disgusting way. Tian Wenjin only felt that the anger in his heart was rising. : "Who in my daughter's family can't make clothes?"

Well, Qin Ran pondered for a moment, well, there is a daughter in his family who can't make clothes.

"Then can I trouble you to make two sets of clothes for me?" He begged, "I think your clothes are very beautiful, so just make me two sets of clothes according to your style."

Tian Wenjin wears a light blue gauze blouse with pure white silk lining, short sleeves and lace skirt and the skirt does not reach the ankles. When the wind blows, the light blue blouse looks like a blue butterfly fluttering in the air, making people feel more comfortable. She looked both youthful and glamorous.

Although she is very good-looking in itself, the bonus of clothes still exists objectively.

"You want me to make clothes for you?" Tian Wenjin pouted, thinking to himself, "How is that possible!"

But before she opened her mouth to refuse, Huang Feiyu who was beside her responded first, and said repeatedly: "Okay, yes. I heard that Junior Sister Tian is very popular, and the clothes she makes are very beautiful. I will definitely not disappoint my uncle." .”

Tian Wenjin glanced at Huang Feiyu. This senior brother is a direct disciple of Liu Boxian, the head of Jianfeng. He is handsome, has a good personality, and has a high Cultivation Base.

"I don't know if Uncle Master wants to do it for himself or for someone else?" Huang Feiyu asked again.

Qin Ran didn't answer him, but looked at Tian Wenjin and asked, "Do you want to do it?"

Tian Wenjin didn't want to do it, but Huang Feiyu secretly pulled her clothes again, so she nodded.

"That's good..." Qin Ran took out a piece of paper from the Qiankun bag, handed it to Tian Wenjin, and said, "Just make it according to this size."

Tian Wenjin took a look and saw that the figure was similar to hers. It was obviously a girl's clothes. She immediately understood that they were made for Li Shiyin.

She peeked at Qin Ran indiscriminately, and a strange taste suddenly emerged in her heart. When she tasted it carefully, it turned out to be a sour taste.

Is this someone else's Master?

Qin Ran searched in the Qiankun bag, found a thumb-sized porcelain bottle, handed it to Tian Wenjin, and said, "Here are two Juling Pills, both of which are above average quality. It is my reward for you. Go buy it again."

Tian Wenjin took the porcelain bottle, broke off the jade seal and smelled it. The Medicine Pill was fragrant, pure and fragrant.

"The quality of this Juling Pill is hard to find in the market." Watching Tian Wenjin try the Juling Pill, Qin Ran once again advised, "Although I gave you the Juling Pill, I still suggest you not to take it. It’s not just that you don’t want to take it during the Foundation Establishment period, but you should not take any Medicine Pill that increases Cultivation Base unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

Qin Ran said again at this time, and for some reason, Tian Wenjin suddenly became more believable, and Tian Wenjin nodded silently.

"Okay." Qin Ran finally said, "I'm going to say something casually, you just listen to it. Now let's go buy two bolts of cloth..."

Although the market is chaotic and small, it has all the internal organs, and sells everything, including the best cloth.

After buying cloth and other things, Qin Ran wrote the pill recipe of Bing Ning Dan to Huang Feiyu, asking him to prepare the medicinal materials by himself, and the three of them said goodbye.

After saying goodbye, Qin Ran walked around the market alone and bought a lot of things.

At the end, he also went to the transfer power hall.

It wasn't until the sun approached the west mountain that he packed up and rushed to Danfeng.

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