My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 14 The Stupid Child Starved To Death

On the way back to Danfeng, Qin Ran felt a little inexplicable. Probably, there is someone at home waiting for him to go back, and he is still a woman... a girl... a girl, this feeling is really amazing.

It made him walk briskly, and even when he was walking on the stone road in Danfeng forest, he had expectations in his heart... that was the desire to go home that hadn't appeared in many years.

But when he walked out of the forest, stood at the forest entrance, and saw the dirty clay figurine in the middle of the lawn in front of him, his excited heart instantly calmed down.

Li Shiyin is very obedient and obedient, she was born in Jiangmen, she won't be lazy after receiving orders, but in a day, she dug a big hole out of thin air; and she didn't dig the wrong place, after all, it only took a day to dig , Even if you make a mistake, you can't go wrong.


Qin Ran sat on the grass beside the pit, looking at the clay figurine lying beside him with dull eyes. He thought of the glamorous Tian Wenjin, why did he feel that this silly and dirty girl in front of him could form a peerless pair with others! ! !

"Have you had lunch yet?" he asked.

Li Shiyin's whole body was sore, and she felt that she couldn't lift a single finger. She replied weakly: "Master, you are not here, where should I go for dinner?"

"Huh?" Qin Ran only felt that his blood pressure was soaring.

So this silly girl can't cook, there are so many things in the refrigerator in the kitchen, all kinds of delicacies, exotic animals, everything, but she can't cook, and she didn't have lunch!

look at the sky!

Sure enough, she should be sent away, otherwise he would be pissed to death sooner or later.

Jianfeng? No no no, she's too stupid to learn swordsmanship, let's find a body cultivator Sect, that's quite suitable for her.

"There is a story in my hometown..." Qin Ran also lay down, looked at the clouds in the sky, and said faintly,

"A family gave birth to a silly son. Once, the parents were going on a long trip. They were worried that the silly son would starve to death if he had nothing to eat at home, so they made him a big cake and hung it around his neck. As long as he bowed his head, he could If you eat bread, you won’t go hungry. But when they finished their work and went back, they found that their son was still starved to death. Do you know why?”

Li Shiyin thought about it seriously, and asked, "Is there not enough cake?"

"Huh..." Qin Ran exhaled lightly, tried hard to suppress his blood pressure, and said, "Because he is a fool, he only knows how to eat the front, not the back."

"Oh!" Li Shiyin tilted her head, suddenly realized, "Oh... I see, Master, you are calling me stupid! There is food in the kitchen, but I can't cook it."

Qin Ran was silent, because he didn't know what to say, praise her for being smart?

The master and apprentice lay down on the grass for a long time, when Li Shiyin's stomach suddenly started to growl, she was a little embarrassed, and said weakly: "Master...Master...I'm hungry ..."

Qin Ran closed his eyes tightly, and finally stood up, walked towards the residential building, and said to Li Shiyin, "I'll go cook, and you go take a shower."

Li Shiyin got the order, Gululu got up and chased behind Qin Ran.

After dinner, Qin Ran went to the storage room, rummaged through it, and found a large wooden bucket, which is the kind of bathtub used for bathing.

Before the bathtub was built in the bathroom, he liked to take a bath in this bathtub. Now dig it out and prepare it for Li Shiyin to use.

He went out with the tub and went to the river to draw water for washing.

Seeing this, Li Shiyin ran over and asked curiously, "Master, why are you washing this?"

"It's for you to take a bath." Qin Ran controlled the flow of water and replied casually.

"Ah?" Li Shiyin didn't understand very well, "Isn't there a bathtub in the bathroom?"

"Medical bath." Qin Ran explained.

"Oh!" Li Shiyin understood a little bit, and worked hard to dig the lake all day. At this time, she was sore all over. If there were no accidents, it might be difficult to even get up tomorrow.

The master is a serious pill refining master, and he can use medicine to assist his practice, which is really normal.

She was watching from the side, watching Qin Ran control the flushing barrel in and out of the water, suddenly remembered something, glanced at the storage room, and asked aloud: "Master, the one in the storage room is Flying Sword ?"

"Which one?" Qin Ran was so frightened that the wooden barrel almost slipped into the river.

"It's the big iron sword with the guardrail." Li Shiyin said gesturing.

"What big iron sword on the guardrail, and the Flying Sword..." Qin Ran pretended to be calm, "Your eyesight is not good at such a young age, it's a fool!"

"No..." Li Shiyin argued, Dududu ran into the storage room to look for it, but turned around, but couldn't find the big Flying Sword on the guardrail that he saw during the day, Dududu ran out again, scratching his head, wondering Said, "Why is it gone?"

Qin Ran breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "It's said that you read it wrong."

He cleaned the wooden barrel, and moved the wooden barrel to Li Shiyin's room, moved the table to the window, and placed the wooden barrel in the middle of the room.

"Why is it placed in the middle?" Seeing Qin Ran solemnly measuring the position, Li Shiyin asked curiously again.

It's true that mentally handicapped children have many problems, Li Shiyin's 100,000 whys.

Qin Ran put on a blank face, and replied: "Although I don't need it now, but after your Foundation Establishment and Cultivation Base are high, the medicinal bath needs to be used together with the formation to be effective."

"Oh!" Li Shiyin nodded, Master thought really far.

"Okay, come with me..." Qin Ran arranged the barrel, fixed it, and called Li Shiyin to join him.

Coming downstairs, Qin Ran picked out a pair of buckets for Li Shiyin, and took them to the research building.

Let Li Shiyin enter the pill refining room on the first floor to wait, while Qin Ran went to the second floor to grab medicine by himself, and after a while, he came down with a pile of medicinal materials.

There is a pill refining furnace in the pill refining room, and there is a core fire under the pill refining furnace. Although Qin Ran mostly used the method of water refining, but the fire method of pill refining is more classic, so he naturally has researched it.

Moreover, the pill refining furnace is mostly fire method pill refining, and only by fire can more tricks be played.

While pill refining, Qin Ran taught Li Shiyin, explaining to her what the name of this medicinal material is, what its function is, when to put it in the furnace, when to refine it with water, and when to refine it with fire.

However, it was obvious that Li Shiyin was going in from one ear to the other, making a medicinal bath, but within a quarter of an hour, she almost fell asleep listening to it.

After refining the medicine, put it into a bucket, and Li Shiyin carried it by himself, from the research building to the dormitory building.

"Soak it yourself..." Qin Ran poured the medicine into the wooden barrel, added a few tonics that did not need to be refined, and said to Li Shiyin, "How long to soak, you need to feel it yourself. What you need to pay attention to is, first, Don't drown..."

"How could you drown in a bath?" Li Shiyin laughed.

"Listen to me, it's impolite to interrupt others." Qin Ran glanced at her and continued, "During the medicated bath, the effect of the medicine enters the body and repairs the body's texture. People are easy to fall asleep, fall asleep, It's easy to drown."

Li Shiyin thought about it carefully, and it seemed that this was indeed the case. But being drowned in the bath was really funny, so she nodded while suppressing a smile.

"Second, if you feel uncomfortable, come out immediately, don't soak it, go to the bathroom and rinse with clean water." Qin Ran instructed, "Then tell me carefully tomorrow, and I will adjust the prescription."

"it is good."

"Third, be careful not to catch a cold." Qin Ran said, "If you soak for too long, the water will be cold, and you will catch a cold easily. Be careful yourself."

After explaining, he turned around and went out. Before closing the door, he was still worried about this silly apprentice, and said: "It's really not right, you can call me, I'm in the study."

"Understood!" Li Shiyin replied loudly, only feeling that the Master was more verbose than his mother.

Qin Ran went out and went straight to the study.

Li Shiyin closed the doors and windows, smelled it by the tub, and the smell was a bit unpleasant, but she was not a hypocritical person, so she took off all her clothes and turned inside.

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