Qin Ran was really frightened by Su Changqing, he panicked and escaped by forcibly blending into the fog and sacrificing the Cultivation Base;

After arriving in the forest outside, he didn't relax, and ran with his head depressed;

It wasn't until he ran for a long time that his frightened heart calmed down a little.

Then he had the heart to look at the surrounding environment. This is a primeval forest, no problem, there are tall trees, low shrubs, insects, small animals, Demonic Beasts, cultivator...

and many more! cultivator?

Qin Ran suddenly realized something was wrong. Why are there so many cultivators deep in the Hengduan Mountains? !

As soon as he looked at the surrounding environment, several cultivators flew over his head.

For example, at this time, two cultivators carefully drove the clouds, flying over his head in the direction of the mist. They are still talking.

One of the cultivators said: "The Demonic Beasts are ninth-level Demonic Beasts. They are extremely powerful and cannot be subdued easily. There will be a big battle at that time. We just need to hide behind and stay far away, and wait for them to lose. , just go forward and pick up some trivial things."

Another cultivator responded: "It is said that the Demon Willow not only bears one Dao fruit, but also produces many Dao fruits. Let's be careful, maybe we can still pick up Dao fruits."

"Extremely, extremely!"

Qin Ran watched their figures go away and froze in place.

Are they... crazy? ! !

Couldn't they all see that the high rank Demonic Beasts in the depths of the Hengduan Mountains had all disappeared? They died, they fled, they were controlled, they were all gone!

Don't they know the horror of ninth-level Demonic Beasts, Nascent Soul stage bosses, and God Transformation stage bosses? Those things waved their hands and destroyed the world, they couldn't be spared if they were far away!

Could it be that they are in the Hengduan Mountains, and haven't even heard of the legend of the Pole Devouring Willow? Catkins erupt once in a thousand years, is the memory so bad?

How dare you go up and pick up the leak? !

Qin Ran really couldn't figure it out.

"Did you see it? This is the cultivator..." Su Changqing's voice came, and Qin Ran looked over. He was standing on a tree branch not far away, and also looked at the cultivator heading towards the mist in the sky, and said softly,

"We only need to release the news that there is a Dao fruit in the Immortal Remains, and they will rush to die in a steady stream. There is no need for any conspiracy or strategic layout. The Demon Devouring Willow naturally has sufficient nutrients."

Qin Ran knows exactly what a cultivator looks like. He just can't understand, just be greedy, greed is the instinct of cultivators, but why is their IQ so low while they are greedy?

This was obviously a trap, but because there was a piece of dessert in the trap, they jumped into it regardless. It's not greed, it's, stupidity.

On the main peak square of Daojianmen, Li Shiyin found that those people were not just talking about the Demon Willow Devourer, they were also taking actions.

Slowly, a cultivator or a sword or a magic spell flew out from the mountain guard formation.

One after another, the number of people in the square gradually decreased.

"What are these people going to do?" Li Shiyin didn't understand, "Isn't the Pole Devouring Willow very dangerous?" She vaguely remembered what the Master had said.

"Father..." Suddenly Zhuifeng whispered again.

"What?" Li Shiyin looked at Zhuifeng, and saw that he was staring at the cultivators flying out of the mountain gate in the air, a cat head thinking about something.

"Where's your father?" she asked.


Zhuifeng suddenly became agitated, with the wind blowing under his feet, he jumped forward, jumped into the air, and ran after those cultivators.

"Chase the wind!"

Li Shiyin didn't react to Zhuifeng's attack for a while, so he hurriedly used his sword to drag Long Qiqi past him, and went to chase Fengfeng.

But Zhuifeng is in the same line as his father, so he can do whatever he wants, he is the first runner, and he runs so fast on the wind, Li Shiyin couldn't catch up with him for a while.

After chasing and running, they slowly left the Dao Sword Gate and headed towards the Hengduan Mountains and the Immortal Relics.

Qin Ran looked up to the sky, and found that the cultivators flying past were all low-level cultivators, and there were even few Gold Core stage cultivators, and suddenly realized one thing...

"How long have we been in the Immortal Remains?" He asked Su Changqing.

"Three days." Su Changqing replied.

"Ning Elder and the others have already entered the Immortal Remains?" Qin Ran asked.

In fact, Qin Ran fell into a misunderstanding before, that is, the Wanli Tracking Disk in Su Changqing's hand, the Mother-Child Soul Orb, which is a Magical Item used for communication and positioning, and the Mother-Child Soul Orb is not only for Qin Ran and the others to enter. These few people who entered the land of the immortal relics can also give Ning Elder one in advance. The Wanli Tracking Disk does not have to be activated in front of the Extreme Devouring Demon Willow, but can be activated all the time.

Furthermore, it can be deduced that Ning Elder and the others do not have to wait for Qin Ran and the others to have the specific location of the Pole Eater Willow before acting, but they can hold the Mother-Child Soul Orb, sense the Wanli Tracking Disk, and hang behind them, together action.

Perhaps, Qin Ran also thought that at the same time they found the valley where the Pole Devouring Willow was located, perhaps Ning Elder had already led people to touch that valley.

"They've already gone in." Su Changqing replied, "When I turned around to hunt you down, Ning Elder had already taken over the seven-headed demon king."

Qin Ran's heart was completely ashamed!

He also fantasized that, after escaping from Su Changqing, he would go to the head of the sect and report the matter clearly before he took the three silly children away, so that one less death would be one less death.

After all, he is not an aborigine of this world, he comes from a civilized world.

But not now.

"It's too late," he murmured.

"Yeah, it's too late!" Su Changqing sighed.

As soon as Su Changqing's words fell, Qin Ran sensed something.

He looked up into the air, and through the branches and leaves of the tall trees in the primeval forest, he saw deep in the Hengduan Mountains, above the mist, under the blue sky and white clouds, there were one after another, slender and delicate white catkins, fluttering in the wind And rise.

The white catkins all over the sky, flying freely with the wind under the blue sky, are beautiful and romantic.

"It's so beautiful!" Bai Ruoxi stood beside Su Changqing, looked at the willow catkins in the sky, then looked at Su Changqing's side face, and sighed.

At the same time, in the deepest valley of the Immortal Relics Land, there are dozens of cultivators scattered in the sky and on the ground. They are fleeing, resisting, fighting, shouting, screaming, and cursing.

Because besides them, there are also white catkins floating here, and those white catkins fell on them one after another, penetrating their body-protecting magical powers, penetrating their body-protecting Magical Item, and penetrating their clothes , sinking into their flesh and blood, blending into their texture.

After a while, their bodies began to become thin and haggard...

In addition to the catkins, there are also willow branches like chains and whips here one after another. All the willows of the Demon Eater Willow are moving, attacking all the cultivators in the valley, whipping like iron chains, like rope Bound, pierced like a spear...

It stands alone against dozens of cultivators!

Seeing the beautiful picture in the sky, Su Zhangqing suddenly laughed, and he turned to look at Qin Ran, there was another Qin Ran on the ground looking at the catkins in the sky.

He raised his hand and cut out a Sword Qi, tore up that Qin Ran, shook his head and sighed:

"This will to survive is really tenacious!"

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