My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 132 The Largest Beast Tide In History

"Brother, why didn't you just kill him?" Bai Ruoxi didn't understand.

Although Qin Ran is indeed very strong, and her combat strength is about the same as hers; there is indeed something that can reach this level with an ordinary Talent. But compared with Su Changqing, he was far behind.

"He's very interesting, isn't he?" Su Changqing smiled.

Then he tiptoed, and the whole person flew away from the treetops, turning into a Sword Ray and going away.

Sword Ray is a unique evasion technique unique to sword cultivators. It turns into a sword with its body. It not only has top speed, but also has considerable attack power.

But it's extremely difficult to comprehend, even Bai Ruoxi hasn't learned it yet.

Seeing that Su Changqing left first, she hurriedly called out the Flying Sword, tiptoed, stepped on the Flying Sword, and chased after Su Changqing.

Walking among the tall trees in the primeval forest, Su Changqing always had a vague sense of Qin Ran's aura, and needed to stop from time to time to confirm the location, making it extremely difficult to chase and kill him.

It seems that Qin Ran not only cast a dreamlike concealment figure, but also cast some kind of spell to hide breath.

More and more willow catkins flew up over the land of immortal relics. Those willow catkins were flying in all directions of the Hengduan Mountains.

They fly freely and fall freely, falling on Demonic Beasts in the forest, falling on animals, falling on trees, falling on flowers and plants, falling on the ground.

They are delicate and harmless, extremely soft, and land silently.

Su Zhangqing's spiritual sense is very developed, and he can always hear the rustling sound of willow catkins falling to the ground like snow. He can't bear to look back, and he will see catkins falling on the ground and trees like snow, all white.

Covered with white catkins, it didn't take long for the animals and plants Demonic Beasts to wither at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Su Changqing didn't dare to look any further, so he just told himself to focus on Qin Ran and continue to hunt him down.

The catkins in the sky seem to be soft and soft, like snowflakes, and seem to be flying very slowly, but in fact, the catkins are advancing from the depths of the Hengduan Mountains to the outer periphery at a very fast speed.

Like the speed with which snowflakes fall from one place to another.

Liu Xu's advancing speed was so fast, not much slower than Su Changqing's speed of chasing and killing Qin Ran.

Just follow Su Changqing far behind.

Except for those high rank Demonic Beasts in the core area of ​​the Hengduan Mountains who ran to death and were almost harmed by the Demonic Willow, the Demonic Beasts in the middle and periphery of the Hengduan Mountains still existed.

Now the catkins are falling, these Demonic Beasts' lives are threatened, and they run out instinctively.

In the forest, one Demonic Beasts, two Demonic Beasts, three Demonic Beasts, soon, Demonic Beasts form a herd; one herd, two herds, three herds merge, soon, a herd forms The tide of beasts is like the waves of the ocean, an unprecedented huge tide of beasts!

At this moment, all the Demonic Beasts in the Hengduan Mountains went crazy and ran away in order to survive.

A huge wave of beasts originated from every Demonic Beast in the Hengduan Mountains, starting from every detail, right next to Su Changqing and Qin Ran who were chasing and fleeing, there were constantly Demonic Beasts who sensed the danger and ran out. There are more and more Demonic Beasts around, and finally gather into a group of Demonic Beasts.

They also became part of the beast tide rushing outward.

Because of the beast horde, Qin Ran could no longer remain invisible. Su Zhangqing quickly found him, but also limited by the beast horde, it was difficult for Su Changqing to attack him.

Qin Ran and Su Changqing's speed was faster than the beast tide. They walked through various Demonic Beasts, crossed mountains and ridges, and headed out of Hengduan Mountain Range.

Their speed was extremely fast, and it didn't take long for them to pass through the middle of the Hengduan Mountain Range and reach the outer edge of the Hengduan Mountain Range. However, the further they ran toward the outer edge, the slower Qin Ran's speed became.

Because standing on the outer land, Qin Ran suddenly thought that Daojianmen is located on the outskirts of Hengduan Mountain Range, as are Wujian Sword Sect and Zhishen Valley; The Ce army is here; outside the Hengduan Mountains, there are many people from Xuanqin and Beichu.

Beast tide, catkins!

Can they survive?

"Brother Qin, look at the sword!"

Qin Ran stopped, but Su Zhangqing did not, he quickly caught up, greeted Qin Ran, and headed towards Qin Ran with a Sword Qi.

Sword Qi came too fast, Qin Ran couldn't dodge in time, so he had to cast "dream like illusion", turning his body into water, to resist Sword Qi hard.

This Sword Qi slashed over with his sword, cutting Qin Ran's water man into two pieces with his sword, and Sword Qi passed through him, cutting off a giant tree not far away.

The water man broke and recovered, and turned back into Qin Ran's appearance. His face turned pale, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Sword intent!"

The dreamlike water form can be immune to most damage, especially physical damage, but this Sword Qi with Sword intent caused Qin Ran to be seriously injured.

He had just changed back into human form when Su Changqing approached with a sword...

"Battle Spirit Art!"

Seeing this, Qin Ran had no choice but to sip softly, activating the Magic power in his body, speeding up two or three times, avoiding Su Changqing's sword sharply.

"The second level of the Battle Spirit Art?" Su Changqing nodded and said, "Brother Qin's Talent is actually not low."

As he spoke, he brought up the Sword Qi and stormed towards Qin Ran.

There are nine levels of the Battle Spirit Jue, and each level has a different degree of use of Magic power. It can double its own Magic power, which shows that Qin Ran has already practiced the Battle Spirit Jue to the second level.

However, it took only five or six days for Qin Ran to obtain the "Battle Spirit Jue", and he was able to practice to the second level, which shows that his martial arts talent is actually not bad.

Qin Ran fully stimulated the battle spirit, supported Su Zhangqing's exquisite Sword Technique with his own vulgar combat skills, resisted damage with dreams and illusions from time to time, and then fled with Timeless Time, fighting and retreating.

There were Demonic Beasts rushing past all around, some were unfortunately touched by Su Changqing's Sword Qi, and were cut into two pieces on the spot, some were hit by the fleeing Qin Ran, their internal organs were damaged, and they disappeared in the tide of beasts middle.

Qin Ran didn't know how many swords he had eaten and how far he had run, all he knew was that Su Changqing's Sword was like rain and never stopped.

At this time, Su Changqing stabbed with the sword again, and suddenly a falcon flew by, and the falcon was instantly stirred into water by Sword Qi, Qin Ran was able to avoid Sword Qi, Su Changqing moved forward again, and kicked Qin Ran in the arm, causing Qin Ran to fall The person flew out and hit the rock beside it, breaking half of the rock.

Half the hillside collapsed.

Qin Ran got out of the mud and continued to run forward without stopping.

But as soon as he took off, he discovered something...


He couldn't help but stop, looked up, and there were white catkins falling from the sky.

Su Changqing also noticed that the catkins were floating over. He drew his sword and looked up to the sky. The sky was densely packed with catkins, and they all fell to the ground; when he looked to the ground, there were Demonic Beasts falling one after another on the ground. When the Demonic Beasts fell, they instantly turned into Mummy.

"General! Catkin..."

Suddenly someone shouted in front.

Qin Ran looked over, only to find that he had been chased by Su Changqing to the edge of the Hengduan Mountains. And among the mountains and forests over there, there are many soldiers guarding several small hills, trying to block the tide of beasts with their mortal bodies.

And on one of the small hills, there was a young man with a white armor and a long spear. He was covered in wounds, and managed to stand up. He saw catkins floating over like heavy snow on the other side of the Hengduan Mountains.

His face was covered by pitch-black blood, his eyes were numb, and he couldn't see any expression.

That is Li Shiwen.

He did not listen to Qin Ran's persuasion to leave the Hengduan Mountains, but continued to station here, trying to defend the border of the Hengduan Mountains in Northern Chu.

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