After filling up the rice bowl of Zhuifeng, let him take it aside to eat by himself. Qin Ran looked at Huang Feiyu and asked, "Can I still eat?"

Huang Feiyu shook his head.

"What about flames? Have you ever tried to eat fire, what kind of fire spar, what kind of strange fire and so on."

Huang Feiyu said: "If you have a chance in the future, you can try..."

"If you really encounter a strange fire, you should pay attention to see if there is a Cultivation Technique called Fenjue, maybe you will reach the pinnacle of life because of it." Qin Ran joked.

Obviously, Huang Feiyu didn't understand the meaning of his words, so he said, "Try again when we have a chance."

"Hate me?" Qin Ran asked suddenly.

Huang Feiyu froze for a moment, hesitated, he looked out of the pavilion, the bright moonlight was shining on the lake, and there was a breeze blowing ripples, after a while, he nodded imperceptibly.

He murmured: "Actually, I would rather die than become like this."

Looking at the moonlight shining on the railing of the Huxin Pavilion, Qin Ran asked Huang Feiyu, "Do you know what the definition of Daoist is?"

"The spirit of all things?" Huang Feiyu gave an answer.

Qin Ran did not deny Huang Feiyu's answer, but gave another answer: "People are the sum of all social relations."

He further explained, "When you were born, you were the son of your parents, the grandson of your grandparents, and the relatives of seven aunts and eight mothers-in-law; when you grew up, you were friends of friends; You are Liu Boxian's direct disciple, you are Jianfeng's senior are Tian Wenjin's senior brother. The collection of all these relationships is you.

"This body is actually just a carrier for these identities. It doesn't matter what it is."

This is a point of view that Huang Feiyu has never heard before, which gave him a new perspective of thinking.

"But..." he questioned himself, "When I become a fire, I am no longer the original me, and I am a different kind in their eyes, can I still carry those relationships?"

Qin Ran looked at the burning man and laughed: "How did you forget? This is the world of cultivating immortals, all gods, ghosts, and all strange powers are reasonable.

"Here, anything is possible!

"It's just fire... Besides, you can still practice. When you reach the stage of transformation, you can Fractionated Divinity and create a clone..."

Huang Feiyu had an epiphany, looked at Qin Ran, bowed down sincerely, and said, "Thank you."

"Actually, don't you realize that you are handsome now?" Qin Ran asked Huang Feiyu, "The legendary Vulcan is probably like you."

"Really?" Huang Feiyu laughed, and suddenly flew out of the pavilion and stood on the lake.

There is a bright moon in the blue sky, and there are a few thin clouds beside the bright moon. Under Liuyun, there is a small lake.

The surface of the lake is calm, with only microwaves. In the center of the lake, there is a small pavilion with eaves and corners. There are six or seven people bustling in the pavilion. Outside the pavilion, on the lake, there is a man of fire... a man made of fire.

Under the moonlit night, he caused the flames on his body to explode, and suddenly there was a raging flame burning and rising. Under the bright moonlight, he was like Zhu Rong who was born in the world.

The so-called strong aura, the so-called majestic.

"Woohoo..." Li Shiyin was the first to cheer. She raised her hand and waved, shouting, "Senior Brother Huang is amazing!!"

Zhuifeng yelled "Aoohoo..." in the midst of his busy schedule.

Between light and shadow, Tian Wenjin looked at Huang Feiyu on the lake and remained silent.

Everyone in the pavilion applauded Huang Feiyu, celebrating his acceptance of own new body.

The flame soared and then contracted, Huang Feiyu flew back to the pavilion. Qin Ran leaned against the pillar, carrying a jug of wine, he took a sip, and asked in a low voice, "So, are you still going to Lingnan Xianzong?"

Huang Feiyu paused and stopped on the guardrail of the pavilion. He lowered his head and did not answer.

It still seems to be going.

After a while, Qin Ran asked again: "When are you leaving?"

"Lingnan Immortal Sect will start assessment at the end of the year... just these few days." Huang Feiyu said.

No wonder the atmosphere between him and Tian Wenjin has become so serious.

Qin Ran leaned against the pillar and sat on the railing, put down the wine, took out the jade flute, and said:

"In my hometown, there is a great lyricist who wrote a song "Shui Tiao Ge Tou". The lyric is like this, 'When will the bright moon appear? Ask the wine to the blue sky. I don't know the palace in the sky, what year is it. I and Cheng The wind returns, and fears Qionglou Yuyu... People have sorrows and joys, and the moon has cloudy and sunny waxing and waning. This matter is difficult to complete in ancient times. I hope that people will live a long time and share the joys and joys of thousands of miles.'

"I'm giving you 'I wish you a long life, and a thousand miles of beautiful beauty'. When I see the moon in the future, I will think of Daojianmen."

Huang Feiyu tried his best to restrain his own temperature, picked up a glass of wine, bowed to Qin Ran, and then poured it all into his mouth.

With a sound of "嗞", the wine he drank in his stomach was completely evaporated by the flames... The fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus and wine permeated the entire Huxin Pavilion.

"Master..." Some idiot raised his hand and asked doubts, "Why is the structure of your poem so weird? I've never seen it before."

Qin Ran glanced at her, and didn't bother to answer. The literature of Northern Chu was still at the stage of prose, and poetry and other things were not taken seriously by the literary literati. If she had heard of Ci, it would be a strange thing.

He picked up the jade flute, looked at the water in the lake, thought about the hometown he couldn't go back to, and blew the flute, and the quiet tune sounded on the lake and in the pavilion.

The tune is quite artistic. It can make listeners see the river entering the sea on a moonlit night, seeing the bright moon growing on the sea, and seeing the short-lived epiphyllum appearing under the moon... The artistic conception is vast, quiet and beautiful.

Although the flute player's technology stretched his legs, he couldn't hold back the blessings of this month, this night, this situation, and this scene, and everyone in the pavilion was fascinated by it.

After a short rest, after a song, Qin Ran sighed quietly: "This song is called "Moonlight Night on the Spring River".

When everyone woke up from the mood in the flute, Li Shiyin couldn't help asking: "Master, when did your flute play so well?"

Qin Ran learned to play the flute under her nose. It has been less than half a year since she couldn't play the flute at all, and now it sounds the same. Why did she suddenly play so nicely? Was she distracted in the middle?

Tu Shanyouyou, who was leaning on the other side of the pavilion, felt dizzy after drinking.

She looked at Qin Ran who was sitting across from her in the pavilion, the moonlight was clearly shining on him, it was like the light from him.

She thinks Qin Ran is so attractive, this man is so good and knowledgeable, she really wants to seduce him, really wants to kidnap him, and become her own harem favorite.

After all, Fox Spirit likes this kind of scholarly temperament, and they are also knowledgeable...

Qin Ran saw that Fox Spirit's seductive eyes were as silky as silk, and the pair of seductive eyes were a little scary, which made him unconsciously hug his weak self.

Li Shiyin sensed the danger, she snorted coldly, drew out her sword, flew to the lake, stood upright, and said loudly: "I will give you a sword dance!"

Then there was a girl bathing in the moonlight and performing a sword dance on the lake.

The sword dance is indeed beautiful, with both the delicateness of a girl and the sharpness of the sword; it is also very beautiful, under the moonlight, the girl's tall and soft figure, and the upright figure in the sword.

Except... from time to time, there will be a Sword Qi coming from the lake and passing through the pavilion, which makes people feel that it is not so beautiful.

Looking at Li Shiyin dancing swords under the moon, Tian Wenjin looked at Li Shiyin, then at Qin Ran, then at Huang Feiyu, and then at herself, always feeling downcast... This place is very lively, but it has nothing to do with her.

Long Qiqi leaned over Tu Shanyouyou's body and watched Jian Wu, her snake eyes smiled like fox eyes... She was the one who watched the excitement and talked about it.

Of course, there is also a Hanhan whose painting style will never change, who only takes one look at Li Shiyin, and then continues to chase after the wind.

Dancing and playing swords and so on, how can cooking be more important?

Li Shiyin's young girl dancing sword under the moon reminded Qin Ran of Chang'e flying to the moon in myths and legends. He looked at the girl sword dancing with a smile and said:

"Master, let me tell you about the origin of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Legend has it that there was an emperor named Houyi who asked a pill refining master to refine three elixir... He had a concubine named Chang'e. It is said that It was a nine-tailed demon fox... Heng'e stole his elixir...

"In order not to be blamed by Hou Yi, Heng'e swallowed the elixir and flew to the moon... On the moon there is the Guanghan Palace, there is Jade Rabbit who smashes medicine, and Wu Gang who cuts trees..."

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