In the middle of every month, it is the time when Daojianmen comes to Danfeng to collect Medicine Pill.

Last month it was another deacon from the deacon church, not Jian Yuanjie, Qin Ran didn't know him, so he didn't care. He only thought that Jian Yuanjie died, and Daojianmen arranged a new Medicine Pill deacon. I also pray that this new deacon can last a little longer and be bewitched by the "evil" forces outside the door later.

But at noon today, when Qin Ran was refining the Medicine Pill in the pill refining room, he suddenly heard a familiar voice from outside the research building: "Is the brother there? The brother is here to count the Medicine Pills."

The familiar voice startled Qin Ran. She stepped out of the research building, went outside, and looked at the person who had just walked across the small bridge. It was... really Jian Yuanjie!

"Jane... Brother Jian?!" He couldn't speak clearly.

The land of the immortals, the mist, the devil willow, catkins, under such horror, people like Su Changqing are dead, why are people like Jian Yuanjie not dead yet?

It's true that good people don't live long, and the scourge lasts for thousands of years? !

"Junior Brother Qin!" Jian Yuanjie saluted Qin Ran and said with a smile, "Long time no see!"

Qin Ran calmed down his turbulent mood a little bit, and sighed: "I didn't expect you, brother, to be alive!"

"Alas..." Jian Yuanjie shook his head and sighed, "It's just a matter of life and luck, that's all."

Looking at Jian Yuanjie, Qin Ran hesitated for a while and then asked: "Then the brothers and sisters Su Changqing hunted us down in the land of the immortals, how did the senior brother survive from their hands?"

Jian Yuanjie was taken aback, and asked: "Did Su Changqing and the others hunt us down? I really don't know about it!"

He asked back, "Brother, have you been hunted down by them?"

"I was chased by them from the Immortal Remains to the Hengduan Mountains, and then out of the Hengduan Mountains, to the city of Beichu... Fortunately, Su Changqing also cared about running for his life, otherwise I would have died." Qin Ran said half-truthfully.

"Then Su Changqing is the so-called Taoist, who is said to be able to achieve Taoism. Senior brother can escape from his grasp, senior brother admires him!" Jian Yuanjie sighed,

"I escaped from that valley, but got lost in the mist, and kept wandering in the mist... until I encountered white catkins falling to the ground, killing and injuring countless creatures. I had an idea and buried myself in the ground, which was a fluke Not dead."

Qin Ran burst into tears, feeling that God was unfair, and said:

"When Su Changqing killed me, Zeng Yan had already killed Senior Brother Jian. At that time, I was so sad that I wished I could kill Su Changqing with my own hands...It's a pity that my strength is not enough, I can't beat the pair of senior brothers and sisters, so I had to run away...

"Fortunately, brother is not dead!"

Jian Yuanjie didn't know that Qin Ran had such deep feelings for him, so he couldn't help being moved, and said: "I never thought that my position in the heart of my junior is so important...

"It's a pity that Su Changqing did all kinds of bad things and committed heinous crimes...but he really didn't chase me down."

Qin Ran shook his head and sighed again.

He couldn't understand why Su Changqing didn't kill Jian Yuanjie? For Su Changqing, it was a matter of convenience.

But the real situation at that time was that Su Changqing thought that Jian Yuanjie would not survive for too long in the mist, and with catkins, he didn't think Jian Yuanjie could survive at all.

He thought that Jian Yuanjie was already dead, so he didn't put his mind on Jian Yuanjie, but only teased Qin Ran wholeheartedly.

If Qin Ran knew the truth, he would have to bring Su Changqing back to life and beat him up, and then told him to kill Jian Yuanjie.

These two scheming people cried for a long time outside the research building, before Qin Ran led Jian Yuanjie into the research building to count the Medicine Pill for the next month.

"Junior Brother, now that you have a Golden Core, you should refine some Medicine Pills that can be used by cultivators during the Gold Core period." Jian Yuanjie counted the Medicine Pills and Qin Ran and said.

"It's like this..." Qin Ran nodded, "Recently, my junior is researching Juyuan Pill, and I have already started trying to refine this Medicine Pill.

"After refining it later, if you are proficient, tell your brother to carry out large-scale refining."

The beginning of trying to refine means that he was targeted by the Yuan organization because he sold high-quality Juyuan pills, and he dared not go to Linxian City again.

"Then brother should concentrate more..." Jian Yuanjie said, "I have always trusted my brother's pill refining level. If I can use the medicine pill refined by my brother, my brother will be more at ease. I have always used Zhishengu , an outsider's Medicine Pill, I don't feel at ease."

Qin Ran glanced at Jian Yuanjie. How did he feel that Jian Yuanjie was not too worried about Zhishengu's Medicine Pill? Been urging him for pill refining. Would rather use his Medicine Pill than Zhishengu's Medicine Pill.

Could it be that this guy is not the inner ghost of Zhishen Valley?

The two people with 800 minds chatted nonsense, quickly counted the Medicine Pill, and walked out of the research building.

Jian Yuanjie looked at Xijian Lake and said with a smile: "This lake has finally been dug. It is really beautiful and fits Danfeng very well."

"Whether the lake is floating or not is all dug by my scoundrel..." Qin Ran said, "It's just for her to hone her foundation."

"Is this lake called Xijian Lake?" Jian Yuanjie saw the name when he came.

"Yes, the villains are practicing swords at the bottom of the lake, and use Sword Qi to open the lake." Qin Ran replied, "It is indeed the Lake of Cleansing Swords."

"Sword Qi? What a Talent!" Jian Yuanjie admired, "If Liu Shouzuo knew about it, his face would turn green with anger."

"I'm not a sword cultivator, after all, I delayed her..." Qin Ran said.

As the two walked, Jian Yuanjie suddenly saw a willow branch by the lake, and said in shock, "That's a bitch..."

"That's just an ordinary willow branch!" Qin Ran laughed, "It would be nicer to plant some willow branches and trees by the lake."

Jian Yuanjie looked at the willow branch twice more, nodded and said, "It is indeed an ordinary willow branch, senior brother is delusional."

"Recently, I have heard about the heinous crimes committed by the Pole-devouring Willow. I can't get over it. I can't see the willow branches..." He said again, "Let the younger brother see the joke."

"I was also terrified..." Qin Ran said, "After that incident, I haven't had a good night's sleep until recently."

... cultivator, Gold Core cultivator, do you really need to sleep?

Jian Yuanjie saw the old locust tree in front of the wooden house again, and exclaimed: "Oh, this locust tree is not dead, it escaped a catastrophe."

"The old tree has spirits, maybe it's already enlightened, it's Demonic Beasts." Qin Ran said, "It's also fortunate that the senior in the door took shelter, and it's just lucky that it didn't die."

"Yes..." Jian Yuanjie nodded, saw the cat climbing frame and the cat scratching post, pointed at the scratching post that Qin Ran described, and said with a smile, "What is that?"

"The joke of the villain..." Qin Ran and Jian Yuanjie explained Li Shiyin and Zhuifeng's bad taste in detail.

"Where's your Xuanming Spirit Tiger?"

"Going out to play."

The two walked all the way and said, Qin Ran has been sending Jian Yuanjie to the stone road at the exit of the original forest - now it is only a stone road, there is no forest - as if it was the same as before, still brothers and friends.

"Goodbye, senior brother!" Qin Ran waved goodbye.

Jian Yuanjie waved his hand and quickly left Danfeng.

Seeing that Jian Yuanjie's back disappeared, the smile on Qin Ran's face also disappeared. He hurriedly turned around to check the situation of the Pole Devouring Willow...

He wanted to use the Demonic Willow as one of the formation bases to set up a mountain protection formation. Originally, he could wait for the Demonic Willow to recover before setting up the formation, but now, it seemed that he couldn't wait anymore.

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