My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 159: The Ten Talents Of Daojianmen

Almost half a year has passed since the Daojianmen Ceremony, and the life rhythm of the new disciples in Daojianmen has also stabilized. The training that should be practiced, the paddling that should be done, the adventure that should be explored, the treasure hunt that should be treasure hunted, in short, they have officially started their life of cultivating immortals.

But in this world, there are always very few geniuses, few hardworking people, few smart people, many stupid people, many idle people, and many Eight Trigrams...these are all paddling.

They will make rankings for each class of disciples, such as beauty rankings or genius rankings, such as this year's Daojianmen Five Stunning Beauty.

And while they ranked the top five, they also ranked the top ten talents.

As for whether Daojianmen officially participated in these rankings, it is difficult to say.

But at least, the ten talents sent out are very valuable, each of them is a talented existence, and in the future they will at least be Nascent Soul old monsters, and they even hope to participate in the Lingnan Immortal Sect's fairy invitation test, So he entered Lingnan Xianzong.

This ranking is indeed rarely questioned.

Generally speaking, these ten talents are basically the top ten candidates who will knock on the door after three years.

As far as Daojianmen is concerned, the distribution of the ten people is also very reasonable, namely four in the main peak, three in the Qi peak, and three in the sword peak. It's also not clear if there's a deliberate...official deliberation involved.

"Why isn't there any Dan Feng?"

On the main peak square, Li Shiyin was wandering around with Zhuifeng, and overheard a group of people talking about the Top Ten Talents, so she couldn't help asking Zhuifeng.

Zhuifeng shook his head, he was just a kitten weighing a few hundred catties, how could he understand this?

"Danfeng should have two. If you are as powerful as me, then you must be the Chosen One! But you, Stupid Tiger, are stronger than me, so you should be the Chosen One..."

Li Shiyin was very confident, she hooked her fingers and calculated for Dan Zhuifeng, "When the Qiqi Foundation is established, she is also a genius. We should have three geniuses in Danfeng!"

Thinking about it this way, Danfeng obviously has three Tianjiao, but none of them are on the list. She was very upset and said angrily, "No, I have to ask who sent this Tianjiao, why is my name not even... "

She took Zhuifeng to the crowd over there, and before she got there, she heard someone inside say, "Oh, what a pity Huang Feiyu."

Brother Huang? Her heart moved, she stopped, and listened.

The man sighed and said: "He was originally ranked in the top five Jianfeng Tianjiao, his sword roaring mountains and rivers is very good, but he was injured by the lion-heart mad flame beast and killed his life."

Brother Huang actually ranked in the top five? ! Li Shiyin was taken aback, how powerful is Huang Feiyu? It's just a 50-50 split with her!

"This is the world of practice..." Someone answered, "You never know which one will come first, chance or Death."

"But I heard that Huang Feiyu was cured and his Cultivation Base was restored..." Another person gave the "latest" news.

"But..." Li Shiyin suddenly realized, and looked at Zhuifeng with big eyes, "Is Senior Brother Huang the same class as me?"

Zhuifeng looked at her with a pair of bigger eyes, and there were more doubts in it... How could he know?

"Senior Brother Huang is already in the Gold Core period, and he was in the same class as me...and he is only in the top five!" Li Shiyin nodded, "It seems that this list is really interesting."

In Daojianmen, what counts as the same class of disciples?

To be precise, starting from the end of the last Daoqian door-knocking, and ending with the end of this Daoqian door-knocking, during this period of 50 years, all the disciples who worshiped at the mountain gate are considered to be of the same class.

According to this theory, the maximum difference in practice time between disciples of the same class is 50 years.

That is to say, the possibility that some of the disciples of the same class have already conceived babies and some have not yet felt angry exists completely.

That's right, apart from the Daojianmen Ceremony once every fifty years, Daojianmen will also accept disciples every fifty years. But this kind of apprenticeship is not public, but the elder, head seat, deacon, head and other qualified people in the sect who are qualified to accept apprentices in private.

It is equivalent to special recruitment into Sect, and once you come in, you will be a direct disciple.

For example, Qin Ran and Huang Feiyu both entered the mountain gate in this way.

Qin Ran was his master when he went out to look for pill refining materials, he was pleasing to the eye and accepted him as his personal disciple. Thinking about it, Huang Feiyu's situation was not much different.

So, strictly speaking, not only Huang Feiyu is considered this year's disciple, but also Qin Ran...

If Qin Ran insisted on putting down his face and participating in the door-knocking three years later, that would be in line with the norms.

Li Shiyin stood on the spot and thought for a while, although she felt that this list was reasonable, but because of this, there was not even a single Danfeng disciple, which was too Losing face.

She, Li Shiyin, will fight for Danfeng's card.

People here are still talking about it, and someone said: "I don't know who will be the new one after Huang Feiyu loses the top ten talents."

"I still hope to be a disciple of Jianfeng..." A pure passerby who looked like a disciple of Jianfeng said, "Pure passerby, I think Jianfeng's combat power is the best in Dao Jianmen."

"It doesn't have to be Jianfeng!" Another pure passerby from Qifeng shook his head, "It is said that Qifeng has a brother who practiced the five thunders.

"I, Jianfeng Dugu Wenxue Senior Brother, found an ancient inheritance at the beginning of the year. It is said that it contains the Demon Slaying Sword intent of the sword ancestor 30,000 years ago... I saw Dugu Senior Brother at Jianfeng yesterday. Senior Brother Devilish Qi soared to the sky, making the People dare not look directly at him. I feel that he is far from the strength of a Gold Core cultivator."

The pure passer-by from Jianfeng stated the facts objectively, "I think this position of arrogance must belong to Senior Brother Dugu..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt someone patting him on the shoulder, and then a clear female voice asked himself: "Dare to ask senior brother, who are the top ten talents?"

He turned around and saw a lovely girl with pouty face, cute, pure and heroic, he was stunned for a moment.

"Hey! Brother, did you hear me?" The girl frowned beautifully.

"Oh!" He turned around, gently wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth, and replied, "I heard... I heard...

"These top ten talents are arranged by Zhufeng senior brother Dong Zhongyuan. It is very fair and reasonable... Senior brother Dong himself is one of the top ten talents."

"It's fair and reasonable to arrange yourself? You have thicker skin than the master..." Li Shiyin curled her lips and asked again, "Do you know where he is now?"

"I saw him just now..." The man inspected the square, raised his hand, and said, "Over there, Senior Brother Dong is teaching the Jiang sisters spells."

Li Shiyin looked along, and there was a handsome young man in brocade clothes and fan who was smiling and talking to two little Lolis who looked exactly the same.

"Is he the only one?" Li Shiyin confirmed, and walked directly towards Dong Zhongyuan.

This Jianfeng passer-by saw Li Shiyin turn around and walk away, came back to his senses, and hurriedly asked: "Dare to ask my junior sister's name?"

Li Shiyin hadn't answered yet, a white half-sized tiger ran over from a distance, listened to his words, and bared his teeth at him, so frightened that he didn't dare to wait for the answer any longer.

"Danfeng, Li Shiyin!" But the girl suddenly gave him the answer, raised the sword in her hand with her back to him, and said loudly, "The next Tianjiao!"

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