Today is another sunny day.

In the morning, Qin Ran was refining pills, and Li Shiyin was practicing swords. After having lunch and resting for a while, Li Shiyin continued to dig the lake.

The big project of the artificial lake has been in progress for five or six days. Li Shiyin dug a rather large mud pit in the grassland by the river, with a radius of ten meters and a depth of almost two meters. Sure enough, he was a stupid apprentice, he didn't steal at all lazy.

Qin Ran cleaned up the dishes, went out for a walk, and finally came to the edge of the mud pit to work as a supervisor.

Compared with the supervisor on the first day, he had an extra sunshade, a small table, and an extra pair of sunglasses, all of which he made during the past few days.

Under the parasol, he was wearing sunglasses, lying on a deck chair, drinking a sip of ice soda on the small table with a long straw, full of hatred worth it.

The master has been doing this damn it for several days, and Li Shiyin has gradually gotten used to it. She works with her back to this side, pretending that she doesn't exist when she can't see it.

And it was in such a situation that two figures appeared in the distant sky, approaching Danfeng crookedly. Their speed was not fast, like two long clouds in the distance, it took a while to come close, passing over the treetops in the forest, and stopping on the grass.

Qin Ran was concentrating on deciphering the Jade Slip, and didn't pay attention, but Li Shiyin was the first to notice that someone was coming.

She stood up straight in the mud pit, raised her head and looked at the two people not far away. It was a man and a woman. The man was handsome and handsome, and the woman was bright and generous. Their clothes fluttered like a couple of gods.

Li Shiyin didn't know the man, but she was a little familiar with the woman. In the questioning meeting, the woman's performance was comparable to hers. If she remembered correctly, her name was Tian Wenjin.

And if she hadn't been dazzled, Tian Wenjin flew over with his own sword just now.

Tian Wenjin and Huang Feiyu landed on the lawn, walked this way, walked a few meters in front of Qin Ran, bowed and saluted, and said, "I've seen Uncle Qin!"

"Hmm!" At this time, Qin Ran had already spotted them. He sat up from the recliner, took off his sunglasses, and waved his hand to signal them not to be too polite.

"Have you found all the medicinal materials?" He looked at Huang Feiyu.

"Junior tried his best, and finally gathered the medicinal materials." Huang Feiyu took a temporary Qiankun bag from his waist, stepped forward, and handed it to Qin Ran.

The so-called temporary Qiankun bag is that the cloth material used to make this kind of Qiankun bag is difficult to withstand the spatial distortion caused by the formation of Qiankun, and it will collapse after one or two uses. It is a temporary Qiankun bag. This kind of Qiankun bag is cheap, and it is very common in Immortal World.

Qin Ran took the temporary Qiankun bag, consciously probed into it, checked the medicinal materials, and found that the quality and quantity were relatively sufficient, and Huang Feiyu was indeed a capable person.

"Bing Ning Pill is relatively simple, and it won't take too long to refine. But I'm busy these two days, so you can get it the day after tomorrow." Qin Ran raised his head and said to Huang Feiyu.

"It's Uncle!" Huang Feiyu nodded, and smiled again, "Uncle, please be more considerate. I have an appointment with my senior brother to hunt the lion-heart mad flame beast, and I will only wait for me to practice this Frost and Cold Sword Art."

"The Lion-Hearted Flame Beast?" Qin Ran was a little surprised. The Lion-Hearted Flame Beast is a fourth-level demon, equivalent to a cultivator of the Gold Core late stage. Huang Feiyu actually wanted to hunt and kill such Demonic Beasts? It seems that this disciple's Cultivation Base is higher than he imagined, he nodded and replied, "Well, then I know."

Huang Feiyu took out another pocket and Qin Ran, and said, "This is one hundred Spirit Stones, which is the fee for asking Master to refine the Medicine Pill."

It would cost five hundred Spirit Stones to buy a bottle of low-quality Bingning Pill, but with Qin Ran's help, after buying it at a low price, he gave Qin Ran three hundred Spirit Stones as a thank-you gift. Why is Qin Ran specially invited for pill refining at this time, but only one hundred Spirit Stones?

This is where Huang Feiyu is smart. There are only one hundred Spirit Stones on the surface, but there are more than ten times more in the dark.

Firstly, he prepared all the medicinal materials for refining Bingning Pill by himself, and Qin Ran only opened a furnace for refining; secondly, the medicinal materials he gave were enough to make three furnaces of Medicine Pill, and he only needed one The amount of the Medicine Pill; three, this is just a fee, not a gift...

Qin Ran is an elder, so it is not easy to charge Junior too much. Huang Feiyu intentionally spread out the remuneration, hoping that Qin Ran would charge more.

This was his intention to curry favor with Qin Ran.

He has a high EQ and is tactful in dealing with things. Qin Ran has been a human being for two lifetimes, and he has not seen many people. As for repairing Immortal World, it is precisely such talents who can go far.

Qin Ran secretly praised Huang Feiyu in his heart, raised his hand to take Spirit Stones, and said without refusing, "I will try to make the quality as high as possible."

"Thank you uncle!" Huang Feiyu saluted again.

While the two of them were dealing with ghost faces, Tian Wenjin on the side looked at Li Shiyin under the mud pit.

These two peerless twins of Jianfeng in Qin Ran's heart, at this time one is on the lawn, with blue sky and white clouds behind it, gorgeous clothes, fairy appearance and beautiful appearance, really peerless beauty; the other is under the mud pit, with mud at the feet Stone, coarse cloth and simple clothes, unkempt, a village woman in the countryside.

Tian Wenjin was aloof, looking down on Li Shiyin. She was thinking in her heart that life is like this, once she chooses the wrong path, she will be lost forever. At this time, she has already established the Foundation Establishment, and has already embarked on the road of cultivating immortality, and this person she once regarded as a competitor...

What a pity! She must have committed a stupid mistake to be punished like this.

Li Shiyin looked up at Tian Wenjin under the mud pit. Life is like this, there is no harm without comparison. If she hadn't known that Tian Wenjin had already established the Foundation Establishment, and could cast spells and fly around, she wouldn't be so unbalanced in her heart. She will still continue to dig the lake in a foolish way, deceiving herself that it is a special practice.

But the reality is that this person who can be an opponent stands there and looks down on her.

At this moment, an idea crossed her mind, the master was indeed just a young cultivator in the Foundation Establishment period, with a low cultivation base and mediocre qualifications, so she was not qualified to be her master. For the sake of own future, maybe she should go to Jianfeng.

The two girls, one high and the other low, looked at each other without speaking, but the level of aura between them was clearly visible.

Huang Feiyu, who finished his business, saw Li Shiyin at the bottom of the pit, and said, "This must be Li Shiyin's junior sister. I've heard of you, and you really are not ordinary."

He also pointed to himself and introduced, "I am Huang Feiyu, a disciple of Jianfeng."

Li Shiyin glanced at him, but didn't speak.

Huang Feiyu took a look at the mud pit where Li Shiyin was, and immediately understood what Qin Ran was doing. He praised: "Young junior sister has laid a solid foundation, and the Cultivation Base Realm will be very solid in the future."

However, among the three present, Tian Wenjin thought he was greeting politely, Li Shiyin thought he was sarcastic, Qin Ran understood what he meant, but did not answer.

Qin Ran glanced at Li Shiyin, who had a dull face under the mud pit, and looked like a cold and proud goddess. She ignored her, but turned to look at Tian Wenjin, and asked, "Are the clothes ready?"

"Two bodies." Tian Wenjin came back to his senses, saluted, took out a package from his Qiankun bag and handed it to Qin Ran.

"En!" Qin Ran took the package and put it on the table, and nodded.

The atmosphere on the court suddenly became a bit cold. After all, it was Huang Feiyu. He hurriedly asked to leave: "If the uncle has no other orders, Junior will leave first."

"I won't keep you either." Qin Ran said, "Take the Bing Ning Pill in two days."

Huang Feiyu led Tian Wenjin to salute and retreated, walked to the edge of the forest, and then rose against the wind and flew towards Jianfeng.

Seeing those two people leave, Li Shiyin dropped the shovel and hoe, climbed up the mud pit, came to Qin Ran, and looked at him with a cold face.

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