"What do you want to say?" Qin Ran glanced at Li Shiyin, took a sip of the ice soda on the table, and asked in a flat tone.

"The Tian Wenjin Foundation has been established." Li Shiyin said.

"so what?"

"What am I doing?" Li Shiyin asked.

"You want pill refining." Qin Ran gave Li Shiyin the answer, "You came to Danfeng and wanted pill refining, but you don't have a pill refining talent. Others knew from the beginning that they wanted to practice swords."

Li Shiyin was silent for a while, but still asked: "Is what I'm doing now for pill refining?"

In fact, she knows that pill refining does not need to practice Sword Technique every day, dig lakes to exercise every day, and take medicinal baths every day to strengthen the body.

"No." Qin Ran answered her truthfully.

What I asked her to do was not for her to be able to pill refining, but for her to learn how to practice swords.

"I came to Danfeng to learn pill refining." Li Shiyin said, "To learn swords, you should go to Jianfeng."

A silly apprentice is a silly apprentice after all, as soon as she said this, Qin Ran could take her to Jianfeng without taking any responsibility, and then come back and continue to live his free and free life of cultivating immortals.

But... Qin Ran remained silent and didn't speak. He was struggling, examining his own heart. He drank all the water in the glass, and he was still sucking on the straw vigorously.

The air froze for a while, and he suddenly realized that it was useless for him to entangle, the twisted melon was still not sweet, and it was up to the person concerned to choose how to follow other people's path.

He took out four books from the Qiankun bag and placed them on the table one by one, in front of Li Shiyin.

"This is the four basic Cultivation Technique. The first book is the metallic pill refining Cultivation Technique..." He tried his best to keep his tone flat, without any ups and downs. "The second book is called "Da Yan Jian Jue", which is very good Kendo Cultivation Technique, but only the first two; the third book is called "Gengjin Flying Sword Technique", majoring in Flying Sword; the fourth book is called "Heavenly Sword".

"One pill refining Cultivation Technique, three sword practice Cultivation Technique. You can choose one to keep, or...

He looked at the mud pit dug by Li Shiyin in front of him, and said, "I'll take you to Jianfeng."

Li Shiyin lowered her eyes and stretched out her hand to turn the pages of the book. The handwriting on the pages was brand new, as if it had just been written...

No, it's not as if, she suddenly remembered that the master would stay up late every day, maybe this was really what the master just wrote.

"Metallic pill refining Cultivation Technique..." The first Cultivation Technique didn't have a name, so she asked aloud, "What's the name of this one?"

"I haven't had time to name it yet."

Her hand that turned the pages of the book stopped, and she raised her eyes to look at Qin Ran. But Qin Ran looked at the mud pit and just didn't know.

"Master created a new Cultivation Technique for me?" She looked at Qin Ran, her pupils trembling slightly.

After a while, she closed the page and said, "I'm not going to Jianfeng."

Qin Ran looked back at her.

"I would like to obey Master's arrangement." Qin Ran didn't speak, she continued, "As for Cultivation Technique, I still have to think about it, I don't know about pill refining and sword practice..."

Qin Ran reached out and pressed the clothes on the table, looked at Li Shiyin, pondered for a while, and suddenly asked: "Do you still remember what I told you, what is the purpose of practicing?"

"The Master said that some people practice for longevity, while others practice for strength."

"Yes." Qin Ran was slightly relieved. Although the stupid apprentice was stupid, he finally took his words to heart. He asked again, "Then do you know what the essence of cultivation is?"

"The Master didn't say that."

Sure enough, he is still a stupid apprentice, Qin Ran thought, and answered: "The essence of practice is to take the Spiritual Qi floating in the sky and the earth as your own. Energy, to make yourself stronger."

Li Shiyin listened quietly.

"If I tell you that practice is anti-entropy, energy is forced to flow from low places to high places, but the greater the energy of an object, the more unstable it is, you will not understand." Qin Ran said, "However, if I Tell you, the state of mind must be before the Cultivation Base Realm, you can probably understand.

"Cultivation will make an ordinary person infinitely powerful. In other words, an ordinary person will suddenly have incomparably powerful power. What will happen?"

Li Shiyin understood a little bit, knowing that the master was explaining to herself why Tian Wenjin Foundation Establishment had been established, but she hadn't. "There is a saying in my hometown that when you have a sharp weapon in your body, you will kill yourself." Qin Ran continued, "So in the process of cultivating immortals, cultivating the mind is more important than practicing. If the state of mind cannot keep up with the Cultivation Base, it is too powerful Strength, it is easy to make people Qi Deviation."

Where is the master from? How come there are so many mysterious words in my hometown? Li Shiyin felt strange.

"From this point of view, the better the Talent, the faster the Cultivation Base enters, and the easier it is to Qi Deviation." Qin Ran looked at Li Shiyin and said, "In the same way, it is also easy to Qi Deviation when using the Medicine Pill to grow the Cultivation Base. "

"I've said so much..." he finally concluded, "I just want to tell you that you can't be in a hurry when you practice."

Li Shiyin understood.

She nodded and asked again: "Then why did Tian Wenjin establish Foundation Establishment so quickly? Didn't her Master tell her this truth?"

"The concept of practice is different. Sword cultivators have always believed in going forward and are confident in mastering power." Qin Ran explained, "And, she took Medicine Pill."

At this point, he sighed, "I warned her before to try not to take the Medicine Pill, but she took it anyway.

"Once people can obtain benefits through simpler ways, they are no longer willing to obtain benefits through more difficult ways. This is another harm of the Medicine Pill, even worse than the former, and it is not an exaggeration to call it poisonous."

Li Shiyin had already turned into a naive look, so she nodded obediently at this time.

Speaking of this, Qin Ran took out two porcelain bottles from the Qiankun bag and put them on the table. He looked at the Medicine Pill and said, "These two bottles of Medicine Pill, one is Foundation Establishment Pill, and the other is Juling Pill. It is of the highest quality. The Foundation Establishment Pill can greatly increase the success rate of the Foundation Establishment, and the Juling Pill can quickly increase the Cultivation Base. If you want to start the Foundation Establishment earlier, you can take the Medicine Pill Foundation Establishment now. But..."

He raised his head to look at Li Shiyin, staring into her eyes, "If you want to take it, then take these two bottles of Medicine Pill and go down the mountain."

Li Shiyin lowered her head and thought to herself, the master seems to be very rich, he can create his own Cultivation Technique, he is talented and rich, such a master...

She bit her lip.

Seeing her appearance, Qin Ran took a deep breath, did not take back the Medicine Pill, and left two bottles of top-grade Medicine Pill standing there, and then suddenly scolded: "What are you waiting for? If you don't continue digging the lake, what are you going to do?" Have you dug into the year of the monkey and the month of the horse?"

"Oh!" Li Shiyin nodded, turned around and jumped down the mud pit, making a loud "bang".

When Qin Ran was confronting Li Shiyin, Huang Feiyu looked at Tian Wenjin, who was frowning, and roughly guessed what she was thinking, and asked aloud, "What do you think of Li Shiyin?"

"It's a pity." Tian Wenjin replied.

"How to say?" Huang Feiyu knew Tian Wenjin's thoughts, so he still asked.

"It's too stupid, it's a waste of Talent." Tian Wenjin shook his head and said, "Top-level Gold Spiritual Roots, but he still wants to learn pill refining, which not only hinders the eyes of others, but also delays himself. She would have been a good opponent, but she died early. gave up on myself."

"Do you think so?" Huang Feiyu asked.

"I thought so."

"I don't think so." Huang Feiyu said.

Tian Wenjin looked at him, wondering what he was thinking.

"I think she will be your strongest opponent." Huang Feiyu said.

"On the road of practice, hundreds of boats compete, step by step, step by step, I have already completed the Foundation Establishment, and her Foundation Establishment is still far away." Tian Wenjin replied, "I don't believe it."

"The foundation is the most important thing in the journey of practice." Huang Feiyu said, "Why don't we make a bet..."

"Top Spiritual Roots are more important than any foundation!" Tian Wenjin was quite confident, but she obviously didn't understand what Huang Feiyu was talking about. She asked, "Say, what are you betting on?"

"In three years' time, Li Shiyin's ranking will definitely be higher than yours." Huang Feiyu said.

"What about the bet?"

"You win, I will give you the Qingming Sword." Huang Feiyu said, the Qingming Sword is a treasure that he has spent countless efforts to obtain. All Jianfeng disciples know that it is the natal sword of a Nascent Soul cultivator , is a top grade Magical Item.

"What if I lose?"

"From now on, you can no longer take the Medicine Pill that increases the Cultivation Base!" Huang Feiyu said.

Tian Wenjin looked at Huang Feiyu, the two looked at each other in the air, and then she nodded heavily: "Deal!"

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