My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 19 Demonic Beasts On A Rainy Night

It had been sunny for a long time, but at night, suddenly the wind and cloud suddenly changed, and large swathes of dark clouds gathered, and it was finally going to rain.

Li Shiyin soaked in the bathtub. Thunder was rumbling outside, and she just felt it was a kind of enjoyment to soak in the warm and comfortable medicinal bath. She was so comfortable that her toes were loose, listening to the thunder, it was like listening to a very nice piece of music, and she hummed softly in response.

The current medicinal soup no longer has the pungent medicinal herbs smell. When the master made the medicinal soup, he added some herbs into it. The current medicinal soup smells fragrant, and after soaking, it will also smell good on the body;

The bathtub has been remodeled by the master, providing a depression that can pillow her head and a soft cushion to support her back, so that she can sleep in the bath without worrying about slipping into the water and drowning;

Heated formation has also been paved in the room, the water will not cool down over time, taking a medicated bath is like soaking in a hot spring.

In short, her medicated bath is a kind of enjoyment.

The hot air enters the body with the medicinal power, massages the muscles and relieves the muscle soreness caused by digging the lake during the day. At the same time, the medicinal power precipitates and is absorbed by the muscles, making the body stronger.

Such a bucket of medicinal soup, sometimes Li Shiyin would think about how much it would cost, but she couldn't even remember how many herbs Qin Ran used, let alone understand the value of the prescription. However, she can be sure of one thing, this medicinal soup is very expensive.

It can only be said that he deserves to be a stupid apprentice.

The thunder outside gradually diminished, and rain came. The rain came from far away. At the beginning, it was a few drops of tick-tock. After slowing down, it became a heavy rain like a splash.

The sound of rain came in from the window, and Li Shiyin fell asleep in a hot medicinal bath after a while.

But just when she fell into a dream...


Suddenly there was a loud thunder outside the house, waking her up abruptly.

She opened her eyes and looked out, just in time a flash of lightning struck, and there was another "split". The violent light pierced into the room from the closed window, making her eyes go blank, as if the thunder and lightning were right in front of her eyes.

"Huh..." She let out a breath, patted her chest, and eased the surprise in her heart.


Suddenly there was another tiger roar.

The tiger roared to calm her soul, and the sound made her tense up in fright again, and it took a long time for her to recover.

Heavy rain, late night, thunder, tiger roar...

Li Shiyin frowned, as if something happened outside.

Thinking of this, she got out of the tub, dried her body, put on some clothes and went to the corridor outside.

The night was dark and the rain was heavy. The darkness oppressed the light, and the light in the corridor struggled to protect the wooden house. But further away, nothing can be seen.

It was against this background that Li Shiyin looked up and saw that in the sky, under the clouds, thunder and lightning split the darkness, revealing two huge shadows, facing each other.

Those two shadows, one is shaped like a bull, with a horn on its head, containing divine thunder, and under its four hooves, it is stepping on electric light; The sound of tigers and howls came from it.

"This..." Li Shiyin's eyes widened, "The Demon King's battle?!"

"That cow is called Yulei One-horned Bull, and that tiger should be the Xuanming Spirit Tiger." Suddenly the master's gentle voice came from the side, Li Shiyin followed the sound and saw the master leaning against his own room On the door frame, crossed his arms and looked over there, "The heavy rain tonight was caused by the two of them."

Master really knows everything! Li Shiyin praised secretly, and then asked: "Why are they fighting?"

"Tigers and cows, why did you say they were fighting?" Qin Ran looked away and glanced at Li Shiyin. When he saw his apprentice, he was wearing a coat. It's really rare to hit the front of the human sect. Both of them are Demonic Beasts above the Nascent Soul stage, so they should know how to avoid the forces of the human race."

"Is it the tiger that wants to eat the cow?" Li Shiyin's focus was different. She pointed to the relative positions of the two demon kings and said, "But why does the tiger seem to be unable to beat the cow? Is that a defensive posture?"

"Who said a tiger must be able to beat a cow? The relationship between the hunter and the prey is never absolute." Qin Ran said, "Besides, the one-horned ox that guards against thunder feeds on thunder and lightning. Look at its four hooves, are they still stepping on lightning? And its horns can also shoot divine thunder. How is it weaker than the Xuanming Spirit Tiger?"

"Oh!" Li Shiyin nodded.

Just as they were talking, under the clouds over there, the Thundering One-horned Bull and the Xuanming Spirit Tiger had already started fighting again. The tiger howled and the cow kept lowing, the giant tiger loomed among the clouds, and the zigzag thunder and lightning flickered indiscriminately...

This scene was really scary, Li Shiyin subconsciously blocked it with his hands in front of him, but still felt that it was useless, so he leaned towards Qin Ran, and couldn't help asking: "Master, they won't come to our side Bar?!"

"No!" Li Shiyin leaned over, and Nuoxiang also rushed over, Qin Ran felt uncomfortable, he stared at the battle scene over there and shook his head, assured, "It looks like they are close, but in fact they are far apart. Besides, the retired elders of Daojianmen must be staring at them, and then there is the mountain guard formation..."

"Bitter fork!!"

However, while he was talking here, before he could finish his words, a blinding thunder light suddenly lit up there.

Then the Xuanming Spirit Tiger suddenly disappeared, and then, the roar of the Xuanming Spirit Tiger and the pitiful scream of the Thundering One-horned Bull resounded together.

At the same moment, a tiny thunderbolt also struck from there.

From the time when the Yulei One-horned Ox opened up, to the disappearance of the Xuanming Spirit Tiger, when the Yulei One-horn Ox screamed, and then when the thunderbolt struck, the lightning and flint, in fact, happened in an instant, almost at the same time.

Before Qin Ran finished speaking here, the divine thunder was close in front of his eyes, and he couldn't hold back and scolded all over the country: "Damn it!"

At the same time, he formed a mudra with both hands, and performed the technique of water escape, a layer of water film spread out to protect him and the silly disciples around him.

As soon as the water film spread out, there was a crackling sound, and the lightning struck the water shield. Then the water shield shattered in response to the sound, and dispersed into water mist, scattering the thunder light as well.

This hand of Water Escape is nothing short of miraculous.

Qin Ran followed the path of pill refining, and was determined to carry out Gou Dao to the end. He practiced escape and shield skills very well, it could not be better than pill refining.

This divine thunder light, in exchange for an ordinary Foundation Establishment period cultivator, is really not necessarily guarded against...

Well, Qin Ran didn't completely defend against it, and still missed a little lightning and hit him.

This made him startled, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

"Master? Master!" Li Shiyin shouted, and reached out to help Qin Ran, but was immediately numb by the residual divine thunder and lightning on Qin Ran's body, so she didn't dare to reach out again, and just yelled foolishly beside her.

Qin Ran slowly regained consciousness, still in shock, and replied: "I...I'm fine..."

He took two more breaths, then reached into his arms and took out a charred amulet.

Gou Ming hole card, minus one.

"What a disaster!" He couldn't help cursing, "I'm so unlucky!"

"Master...Master!" At this time, Li Shiyin who was beside him suddenly said, "Yeah, it seems that it's not entirely a random disaster..."

Qin Ran turned his head to see what the apprentice was doing stupidly, and saw that she was pointing at a certain place downstairs, and he looked along, and there was a faintly glowing thing in the open space over there.

He looked over carefully and found that it was the size of a kitten...a little tiger!

"Xuanming Spirit Tiger... cub?!!"

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