My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 20 No Matter How Big A Cat Is, It's Still A Cat

"That divine thunder actually came after this Xuanming Spirit Tiger cub!"

Qin Ran suddenly came to his senses, and also wanted to understand why the Xuanming Spirit Tiger was able to chase the Yulei One-horned Bull to the front of the human Sect, "This is a lactating Xuanming Spirit Tiger..."

The so-called power of maternal love.

"Master, what should we do?" Li Shiyin pointed to the Xuanming Spirit Tiger cub shivering in the rain.

Qin Ran raised his head and saw in the rainy night sky, two demon kings of the Nascent Soul period fought farther and farther away, gradually disappearing into the darkness.

"Why did Xuanming Linghu send her child here?" He thought about this question, and soon had an answer, "She was injured...or she realized that she was about to die."

In the darkness, five rays of light suddenly rose from the main peak of Daojianmen, four of them chased in the direction where the two demon kings left, and one came towards Danfeng.

The cub of the Xuanming Spirit Tiger was found... Qin Ran suddenly realized that if he didn't make a decision, he would lose his chance. He shouted anxiously to Li Shiyin: "Quick, go and pick it up!"

Then, he rose against the wind and flew towards the light that was coming towards Dan Peak.

"So Master, you can fly!" Li Shiyin said in surprise.

She supported the railing with her hands, turned over from the corridor, and jumped to the ground with a "pop".

It has been more than ten days since I have been a teacher of Danfeng. The disciples of the same period, such as Tian Wenjin, have Foundation Establishment and can fly all over the world; and Li Shiyin is practicing with the help of Qin Ran's expensive medicinal bath. Although there is no Foundation Establishment, but In fact, it is not weaker than humans.

The strength of her physical body has long surpassed that of ordinary people, and the surging air flow in her body has already reached a certain quality... What she lacks is just connecting the sky and the earth and condensing the air vortex.

The rain was still heavy, and she was drenched almost as soon as it hit the ground. Taking advantage of the dim light from the corridor, she walked to the side of the Xuanming spirit tiger cub.

This little Demonic Beasts curls up in the dim light, eyes closed, like a sleeping tabby cat. The twilight propped it open, protecting it from the rain.

Li Shiyin stretched out her hand to test it, through the dim light, she touched the cub of the Xuanming Spirit Tiger, it was warm and fluffy, no different from a cat. The shimmer protecting it didn't respond, and neither did it.

She squinted her eyes and raised her head again. In the rain, the master collided with the ray of light in the air, and the person in the ray of light was looking down. She hurriedly buried her head, folded her hands, and rushed into the living room with the kitten in her arms.

"Uncle Master!" Qin Ran stopped Dunguang and saluted in mid-air.

He took off forcibly, and he still couldn't take shelter from the rain, his whole body was soaked, and he looked quite embarrassed.

The person in Dunguang is the head of Daojianmen. He saw Xuanming Linghu left something in Danfeng before he left, so he came here to check.

Now that Qin Ran blocked him, he also stopped. Although he is the head, although Qin Ran only has the Cultivation Base of the Foundation Establishment late stage, he still stopped.

...No way, Daojianmen is the last pill refiner, and the face that should be given still has to be given.

"The night is so deep, the rain is so heavy, what's the matter with the master master suddenly coming to Danfeng?" Qin Ran wiped his wet hair and asked with a smile.

The head of Daojianmen asked back: "Just now there was a demon king battle in the Outer Sect of the mountain gate, did you see it?"

"Is there a Demonic Beasts battle? I don't know." Qin Ran was puzzled, "I was woken up by the thunder, and woke up urgently at night. Halfway through urinating, I happened to see the master master."

"A Xuanming spirit tiger chased Yulei's one-horned ox, chased it to the front of the mountain gate, and fought!" The head didn't care whether Qin Ran saw it, he said, "Before they left, Yulei's one-horned ox Niu You fired a thunderbolt towards Danfeng, I was worried about accidents, so I came to have a look."

"That's it!" Qin Ran nodded, wiped the rainwater off his face, and replied, "It's nothing serious, please take care of the headmaster."

The headman looked at Qin Ran, seeing the traces of divine thunder left on his body, and nodded secretly, his ability is not bad.

He already knew what Xuanming Linghu left behind, and just now when Li Shiyin carried her into the house, he could see clearly. But he doesn't care, who cares? They are all in Daojianmen.

With a lot of thoughts in his mind, he smiled with deep eyes, and said to Qin Ran: "If that's the case, I can feel relieved."

But at this time, his sound transmission Jade Slip rang, and he threw his thoughts into it, and suddenly his face changed slightly, and he hurriedly said to Qin Ran: "If you have anything to do, please tell me, and the uncle will try to help you solve it. Now I have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

Qin Ran hurriedly saluted and sent them off, saying: "I'm awake, thank you Sect Leader, Sect Leader, please go slowly."

The headmaster took another deep look at Qin Ran, turned around and turned into a light, and went out of the sect.

"Did the master notice it?" Qin Ran looked at the master's departure, but didn't know yet.

He was also thinking, is it worth it for a Xuanming Spirit Tiger cub?

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly looked down, and suddenly the sky was filled with darkness, and the world spun instantly. It was the same as what he saw when he crossed over, his head began to dizzy, and his stomach felt sick.

He quickly raised his head and looked at the sky instead of looking down, which was a little better. Then he maintained this posture, drenched in the rain, stepped on the wind, and slowly descended.

It seemed that after a long time, Qin Ran's face was numb from the raindrops before he felt that he had stepped on the ground.

Panting heavily, rubbing his face with his hands, he shook his head and said, "It's really not worth it!"

"Master, you are really afraid of heights!" Li Shiyin's voice suddenly sounded from the side, startling him.

He hurriedly turned around, and saw Li Shiyin in the corridor, wearing his clothes, which were still loose, holding a small... cat in his arms.

Only then did he realize that what he was stepping on was not the solid ground, but the corner of the eaves of the first floor.

"Afraid of heights?" He forced a smile, "How could I be afraid of heights?!"

"Master, look over there!!" Li Shiyin suddenly shouted, pointing to the forest.

Qin Ran was startled again, suspecting that the Sect Leader had shot back the carbine, and hurriedly turned to look. Then he stepped on the air and fell from the corner of the eaves.

"Hahaha..." The heartless and silly apprentice laughed loudly in the corridor on the second floor.

Qin Ran was covered in mud, entered the room from the living room with a dark face, and walked towards the bathroom one step at a time. Poor clean dust formation in the room, only to clean up Li Shiyin's footprints, and then clean up Qin Ran's footprints.

In the living room on the first floor, the lights were bright. After taking a shower, Qin Ran was sitting on the sofa, Li Shiyin was squatting in front of the coffee table, and the cub of the Xuanming Spirit Tiger was lying on the coffee table, licking the milk in the bowl.

"Master, should we raise it?" Li Shiyin asked, "You sacrificed so much..." She looked at Qin Ran, who had become clean and calm.

"This is the bloodline of a seventh-level demon king..." Qin Ran looked at the Xuanming Spirit Tiger on the coffee table, which was as big as a kitten, and said, "If it is raised normally, it is the existence of the Nascent Soul stage."

He was talking, and suddenly found that the eyes of this Xuanming Spirit Tiger cub were still blue, with blue membranes. He remembered something, and asked, "Its eyes were open when you hugged it, or are they still blue?" opened it afterwards?"

"It closed its eyes when hugging..." Li Shiyin looked at Xuanming Linghu, "Ah! Did it open its eyes?!"

Qin Ran was speechless. He shook his head. He didn't remember very clearly. The imprinting phenomenon of felines seems not so's not a big problem.

The two watched the little tiger lick the milk, Li Shiyin suddenly remembered something, Dududu ran upstairs, Dududu came down again after a while, holding a black horn in his hand.

"I found it next to it when I hugged it just now." Li Shiyin said.

Qin Ran took it over and saw that it was the horn of Yu Lei's one-horned ox.

He looked at Xiaoxuanminglinghu, sighed, and said: "This is the horn of the Thunder-Realing One-horned Bull..."

"Why is the demon king's horn here?" Li Shiyin was puzzled.

"The Xuanming Spirit Tiger must have been injured, and I knew that I would die soon. This may be a thank you gift for adopting the little Xuanming Spirit Tiger. Or it may be an exchange for the cub, so that the creature who found this cub It won't hurt it." Qin Ran said own conjecture,

"When she found herself chasing before the human sect, she should have known that she would never survive. The few flashes of light just now were the retired elders inside the gate, and they were all Nascent Soul old monsters. In addition, the master master ...

"At this time, she is probably dead."

This is the most instinctive maternal love of living beings. Li Shiyin listened, with tears in the corners of her eyes, she stretched out her hand to gently caress the Xuanming Spirit Tiger.

The little Xuanming Spirit Tiger might also have sensed something, stopped eating, raised its head and called out the window, "Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo", tears flowed from its dark blue eyes.

"No matter how big a cat is, it's still a cat..." Qin Ran said, "Give her a name, and raise her as a cat."

"Then call it chasing the wind!"

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