The rain in summer is, after all, a torrential rain, not to mention that the rain last night was caused by two demon kings. When I woke up in the morning, the rain had already stopped.

The rain cleans the air, and the sky and the earth are fresh. There are birds jumping on the branches in the forest, and a girl is dancing a sword on the lawn in front of the house.

The girl is indeed a girl, her soft and slender body is in bud, and her light green clothes are blowing in the wind, but the Sword Technique posture she dances is not girly at all. Every move is fierce and powerful. The sound of piercing the sky resounded from time to time.

Qin Ran was sitting under the eaves reading a book. The book contained words related to the Xuanming Spirit Tiger. Beside his chair lay a raccoon cat...a cub of the Xuanming Spirit Tiger.

The sound of "咻咻咻" sword blades piercing through the air kept coming, and he looked over there. Li Shiyin's flexible and vigorous posture, fierce and swift sword style, made him admire the power contained in that slender daughter's body .

This silly apprentice was born to practice swords. She only practiced the most basic Cultivation Technique, she only practiced the most basic sword style, but with every move, she already had extraordinary power.

Qin Ran secretly commented in her heart, not to mention Tian Wenjin has already established the Foundation, if she does not play tricks, flies into the air, and fights Li Shiyin head-on on the ground, it is not certain who will win.

After watching the silly apprentice dance sword for a while, Qin Ran continued to read, studying how to raise this Xuanming Spirit Tiger.

Legend has it that the first Xuanming Spirit Tiger in the world was born in the darkness, bathed in darkness, born to master the laws of darkness, and is the king of darkness. It feeds on darkness and uses darkness as its strength.

According to legend, every time it swallows the darkness, it will have a black stripe on its body, and its ability will be higher, until the whole body is covered with black stripes, it can hold the sun and soar.

After reading the book, Qin Ran turned his head to look at Zhui Feng beside the chair. It was covered with black markings, and even its tail had circles of black stripes. He suddenly felt that the records in this book might not be reliable.

"What legends, what rumors, I'm not looking at the marketing account of the world of cultivating immortals, right?" He closed the book to take a look, "The Complete Explanation of Divine Beasts", "Maybe the author of the book has never seen the Xuanming Spirit Tiger .”

Thinking of this, he threw the book aside and threw it in the face of Zhuifeng.

Zhuifeng, who was sleeping soundly, was suddenly hit by a book, and jumped up in a jerk. His big blue eyes saw the flying book unfold its pages, as if he saw a baby, and rushed over.

But it missed the book, its head hit the spine of the book, and the book fell into the grass outside, where it fell.

Seeing the foolish look of the king in the darkness, Qin Ran laughed.

Chasing Feng got up and tilted his head to look at Qin Ran, not knowing what the Twolegs was laughing at. It didn't care, and jumped forward again, onto the books on the grass.

Before long, the book was reduced to confetti.

Qin Ran watched Zhuifeng tearing up the book, and secretly apologized to the book.

"Master!" Li Shiyin called him suddenly.

He looked over, Li Shiyin didn't know when he didn't practice sword, and when he reached the river, he was squatting in front of the refreshing grass, turning around and waving at him.

"Master, it's sprouted!" Li Shiyin said loudly with a smile.

"Sprout?" Qin Ran's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly got up and walked over.

Beside the extremely lush Xinshen Grass, there is a piece of soil that has been refurbished. Several green heads with black hats drilled out of the soil, full of vitality.

This is the Crane Crown Immortal Grass that was planted before. Qin Ran couldn't afford spiritual soil, so he only planted one experimental species... Unexpectedly, it really germinated, and there are four more plants.

Qin Ran was quite pleasantly surprised, and quickly pushed Li Shiyin away, squatting down to examine carefully.

These few sprouts seem to be slender compared to the normal Crane Crown Immortal Grass. Moreover, the normal Crane Crown Immortal Grass, even if it has just germinated, should still have Spiritual Qi, just like cultivator practice, it can swallow the Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth, but these few plants do not.

"Sprouted, but malnourished," he sighed softly.

Then he thought about it again, "It's been planted for several days, why did it sprout today? Is it because of the rain? Or is it related to the one-horned bull that Yulei last night?"

"Master...Master..." He was thinking about it when Li Shiyin's voice came again.

"What's wrong?"

He turned around and found that something was wrong with Li Shiyin. She seemed to be drunk, she couldn't stand upright, her face was flushed, and the top of her head was still steaming. After careful identification, the hot air coming out of her head is not hot air, but wisps of Spiritual Qi.

At this time, a special attraction appeared on her body, attracting the surrounding Spiritual Qi. After a while, her whole body was foggy.

"Master, what's wrong with me?" Li Shiyin asked with her eyes blindfolded, she was a little flustered and didn't know what happened.

But Qin Ran understood instantly, he smiled and said, "The timing of Foundation Establishment is here."

The attraction of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi is a sign that Li Shiyin's internal world and external world are connected. Mysteriously speaking, this is the integration of Deva, and generally speaking, it can be used for Foundation Establishment.

On the eleventh day when the silly apprentice entered the mountain gate, the Foundation Establishment was finally established.

Foundation Establishment is the beginning of immortality, and the Foundation Establishment period is the first Realm of the path of practice.

Foundation Establishment needs to condense the cyclone, and if you want to condense the cyclone, you need to introduce the spiritual Qi into the body, and if you want to introduce the spiritual Qi into the body, you need to have Spiritual Roots. Spiritual Roots is a kind of Talent. If you want to activate Spiritual Roots, You need to have breath, and if you want to have breath, you need to have a sense of breath.

So, the sense of breath is the beginning.

First have a sense of qi, then connect the qi in the body with the qi outside the body, then use Spiritual Roots to introduce the spiritual Qi of heaven and earth into the body, and condense the cyclone in Dantian.

Therefore, as long as there is a sense of aura and communication between the world and the world, the Foundation Establishment can be completed.

Then, Li Shiyin felt a sense of aura on the first day, why did it take until now for Foundation Establishment?

This was done intentionally by Qin Ran...

Because, even in the Foundation Establishment period, there are strong and weak points, and even cyclones, there are good and bad points.

He intentionally asked Li Shiyin to use the most basic Cultivation Technique to polish the qi in her body, and at the same time let her increase the strength of her own body.

She has extremely pure qi, and also has an extremely strong physical body, so once she condenses the cyclone, it cannot be an ordinary cyclone.

At this time, before she started to condense the cyclone, she already had the vision of heaven and earth.

The Spiritual Qi of the world here condenses and forms a mist around her, hazy, seemingly real or false, visible or invisible, this is a mirror image.

"Taiwan?" How could Li Shiyin know English.

"Foundation Establishment! Come on, sit down in Lotus Position!" Qin Ran hurriedly said, "Run the "Foundation Cultivation Technique", gather the mind in Baihui, and use the Qi in the body to guide the Spiritual Qi into the body."

"Foundation Establishment..." Li Shiyin understood, and sat down cross-legged according to the words, closed her eyes, and activated the Cultivation Technique, but she quickly opened her eyes, looked at Qin Ran, and asked, "Master, where is the Baihui acupoint? "

Qin Ran was so angry that he didn't die of anger, he raised his hand and slapped himself, but he slapped himself, then raised his hand, pressed it on the Baihui acupoint on Li Shiyin's head, and said, "Here!"

"Master, hold still." Li Shiyin said, closing her eyes again.

She operated the Cultivation Technique, and her mind came to the position where Qin Ran was holding, and saw that there were turbulent waves and howling winds, and the spiritual Qi of heaven and earth was too manic because of too much.

Her foundation is too solid, and there are too many Spiritual Qi in the world.

Li Shiyin took a deep breath, calmed down, and recalled the precautions for Foundation Establishment that Qin Ran told her...

She circulated the qi in her body to Baihui, then carefully rolled up a wisp of Spiritual Qi from the wind and waves, and brought it quickly along the path of Qi Sea to the Qi Sea Xia Dantian.

In consciousness, the lower Dantian was originally pitch black, until this ray of heaven and earth Spiritual Qi entered, and there was light. The Cultivation Technique is running, and this Spiritual Qi hovers in Dantian, elongating into a strand...

In this way, the first ray of cyclone is considered a success.

Li Shiyin calmed down, his consciousness came to Baihui again, and then, he let go completely, drawing the Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth into his body!

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