My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 22: A Stupid Apprentice Is Not Stupid

The first cyclone condensed during Foundation Establishment is called the basic cyclone, which can also be called the cyclone seed, which is the center of the subsequent cyclone and Gold Core.

Generally speaking, the cyclone seeds of a cultivator are obtained by combining the qi in the cultivator's own body with the first ray of spiritual Qi of heaven and earth absorbed into the body, and its quality is only related to the qi in the body and the absorbed spiritual Qi of heaven and earth.

The standard of Qi in the body is quality, and the standard of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi is purity.

Needless to say, the quality of the qi in Li Shiyin's body, and Danfeng's Spiritual Qi is also very pure, so the cyclone seeds condensed by Li Shiyin are not ordinary cyclone seeds, but the most basic, classic and upright cyclone seeds.

On the road of practice, there are naturally some special cyclone seeds, such as high rank cultivator, which transforms its own Magic power into the body of the cultivator that needs Foundation Establishment as cyclone seeds, so as to condense the Foundation Establishment cyclone; such as special practice Cultivation Technique; special Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

These cyclone seeds are of course beneficial to practice, but they are actually a tricky method, and there are bound to be many disadvantages. I will ignore it for now, and I will explain it in detail when I encounter it later.

Let's talk about right now, after Li Shiyin planted the most classic high-quality cyclone seed, he didn't need to worry too much, and opened Baihui directly to attract the spiritual Qi of heaven and earth into his body.

Her physical body is strong enough, without restriction, allowing the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth to swarm in, even forming a small funnel above her head.

Qin Ran stopped and looked at the Spiritual Qi funnel above Li Shiyin's head, feeling a little worried. Although the foundation he had laid for Li Shiyin was solid enough, he didn't know whether Li Shiyin could be made so roughly.

Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi entered her body, Li Shiyin took it easy and guided it with the Cultivation Technique to pour it into the Meridians. The Spiritual Qi was indeed a bit too much. Grinding his teeth, he recklessly activated Spiritual Qi in his body.

Under the guidance of Cultivation Technique, Spiritual Qi will moisten the body, change attributes at the same time, turn into Magic power, and finally travel to Qi Sea Dantian, wrap the cyclone seeds, and become a part of the cyclone.

Li Shiyin's Meridians are really tough, Spiritual Qi rampages in her body, she endured it all.

Even, she absorbed the Spiritual Qi of the world so savagely that the nearby Spiritual Qi frantically gathered here, and then the Spiritual Qi induced the air flow, the air flow produced the wind, and the wind changed the clouds!

All of a sudden, there was a storm on Danfeng, and there was a strange scene.

Li Shiyin's recklessness caused Qin Ran to worry, he held the seal formula in his hand, and rescued the stupid apprentice at any time.

As for Danfeng's posture, the high rank cultivators of the other three peaks naturally paid attention to it. They cast their thoughts over, knowing that this was the image caused by the Foundation Establishment, a disciple in the sect, and they couldn't help secretly praising Danfeng for having a great disciple.

Especially Liu Boxian, the head of Jianfeng and the head of the main peak.

Liu Boxian frowned regretfully, Foundation Establishment can arouse such momentum, Li Shiyin's Talent is probably better than he imagined. Why didn't he insist on that day?

And the head of the sect secretly speculated that this woman is amazing, he might be slapped in the face.

The sky and the earth darkened, and the wind was getting stronger and stronger. Chasing the wind lying on the ground couldn't sleep. He got up and looked for a place to shelter from the wind, but one of them didn't pay attention and was swept up by the wind.

It screamed "Aoao", but fortunately, Qin Ran took action in time to save it.

In front of the wooden house, on the lawn, Qin Ran hugged the cat, pinched the Yin Jue, and flirted in his robes. Li Shiyin sat cross-legged on the ground, with a Spiritual Qi funnel on his head, and the wind swept through the clouds.

The funnel of Spiritual Qi is getting bigger and bigger, and the clouds in the sky are getting thicker and thicker. Suddenly, there is a flash of lightning between the clouds. Qin Ran is startled, and hastily looked up. There will be a foundation and a thunder disaster, right? !

Li Shiyin was still frantically absorbing Spiritual Qi, he was thinking about it, Divine Sense reached into the Qiankun bag, looking for Transcend Tribulation props suitable for Foundation Establishment.

At this moment, Li Shiyin suddenly opened his eyes, and asked anxiously: "Master, master!! The cyclone has been condensed successfully, but the Spiritual Qi is still flowing, what should I do?"

"Foundation Establishment succeeded?" Qin Ran was taken aback for a moment, he looked at the sky, the lightning had disappeared in the clouds, it seemed that there was no thunder disaster. He breathed a sigh of relief.

However, this silly apprentice didn't remember the route to lead Spiritual Qi out of the body.

He patted his forehead and said helplessly: "Spiritual Qi enters from Baihui Point and exits from Yongquan Point!"

Li Shiyin probably didn't know where the Yongquan acupoint was, so he didn't care so much, squatting down against the strong wind, reached out and touched the soles of Li Shiyin's feet, and shouted, "This is the Yongquan acupoint."

"Oh!" Li Shiyin nodded and realized, "I said why half of the Cultivation Technique has not been used, it turned out to be used to induce Spiritual Qi out of the body."

Qin Ran was quite speechless.

Li Shiyin hastily closed her eyes and started the Cultivation Technique again, motivating the overflowing Spiritual Qi in her body to go to Yongquan acupoint. At the same time, the Spiritual Qi, which is still entering from Baihui Point, is also led out of Yongquan Point through two and a half universes, and a perfect universe is created.

Spiritual Qi enters from Baihui, enters Qi Sea through the upper body universe, and exits Yongquan through the lower half universe. During this period, part of Spiritual Qi is used to nourish the body, and part of it is transformed into Magic power to strengthen the cyclone.

The first half universe plus the second half universe is a perfect big universe of practice.

Li Shiyin is indeed stupid when it comes to reading and studying, but when it comes to practicing martial arts, she is a real genius. After a while, she went from being a fool who didn't know where the Yongquan acupoint is to a master of a perfect big universe. genius.

There are such people in this world. She watched Cultivation Technique. Although she didn't know which Meridians were which Meridians and which acupoints were which acupoints, when she officially started to practice, she was able to correctly guide Spiritual Qi and Magic power in her body run. She knew which Meridians she walked through, but she didn't know what Meridians they were called. She knew which acupuncture points she walked through, but she didn't know what acupuncture points they were called. She had an intuition that she knew where to go.

This is genius, never reason with people.

Is it very familiar? The students in the class don't study or study, and they don't know the theoretical definitions, but when they take the exams, they can get extremely high grades. You asked him why he did this, and he said intuition.

Qin Ran watched from the side, worried that the silly apprentice would make a mistake, and at the same time worried that there would be a thunder disaster. Fortunately, until the end, Spiritual Qi went from violent to calm, the wind from violent to calm, the clouds in the sky dispersed, and nothing happened. accident.

Li Shiyin opened his eyes, jumped up excitedly, rushed over, hung on his body, and shouted: "Master, my Foundation Establishment has succeeded."

Li Shiyin is not much shorter than Qin Ran. There is no accurate meter ruler in this world, but Qin Ran guessed that own height should be more than 1.75 meters. Then, if he is 1.75 meters, Li Shiyin should be around 1.72 meters.

So when Li Shiyin hangs on Qin Ran, it is still a little bit out of harmony. Fortunately, she is still a young girl, not fully developed, and relatively slender. And although she is tall and looks very slender, she is very light to hold...

Qin Ran was taken aback by being hugged by a sloth like Li Shiyin. It was the first time in his past and present lives that he was hugged by a girl like this. He blushed instantly and waved his hands wildly, not knowing where to put them. After being dazed for a while, he clumsily patted Li Shiyin on the back as encouragement.

The girl's back is not so fleshy, but it is actually light and fleshy, and the skin is delicate, so it feels good to the touch... So he didn't dare to touch it, so he only patted it lightly a few times, and then quickly took it back.

Li Shiyin took the opportunity to hug Qin Ran for a while, and when she sensed that the atmosphere was getting awkward, she got off Qin Ran in time. She giggled, looked at Qin Ran and said, "Master, my Foundation Establishment has completed its early stages. Oh!"

It can be seen from this that although he has been called a stupid apprentice, in fact, except for reading books, he is not stupid at other times. And judging from her like to pretend to be stupid, the stupid apprentice is also very witty.

Qin Ran noticed that his cheeks were hot, and knew that he must be blushing. In order to maintain the majesty of the master, he turned around quickly, leaving Li Shiyin with a shy back, and replied incoherently: "Well, the Foundation Establishment is a good thing, on behalf of you The path of cultivation has officially begun. In the future, we must guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and practice hard.”

Seeing the master's shy expression, Li Shiyin smiled even more happily. Her brows and eyes were full of spring and charm, just like a little fox. This is not a stupid apprentice, it is clearly a monster who wants to eat people. Even Xuan Mingling beside him The tiger cubs were trembling when they saw it, and felt inferior.

"Yes, Master!" She nodded.

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