My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 23 Still Practicing The Sword

The silly apprentice hugged Qin Ran, killing Qin Ran's soul. He should have taken the opportunity to let Li Shiyin decide to practice the Cultivation Technique, but he hesitated for a long time, unable to speak, so he had to leave in a escape.

Then for the whole afternoon, he didn't show up again, locked in the research building alone, not knowing what he was doing.

It wasn't until after dinner in the evening that he cleaned up the dishes, came out of the kitchen, and saw the girl teasing the cat on the sofa, that he finally remembered something important.

The Foundation Establishment has already been completed, so the choice of Cultivation Technique cannot be delayed any longer.

He coughed dryly, reminding Li Shiyin that he was about to speak. When the girl picked up the cat and looked over, he looked out the window and said:

"Before Foundation Establishment, in order to allow you to have more choices, and to allow you to plant better cyclone seeds, I asked you to practice the most basic "Basic Cultivation Technique", giving you enough time to think, what is the practice? Sword or pill refining.

"Now that you have Foundation Establishment, continuing to use the "Basic Cultivation Technique" will slow down your progress. Therefore, you have to make a final decision."

"I..." Li Shiyin glanced at Qin Ran, looked down at the Xuanming Spirit Tiger in his arms, hesitated for a long time, but still replied, "I don't know."

Qin Ran withdrew her gaze from the window and looked at Li Shiyin. The silly apprentice was obviously impulsive and straightforward, otherwise she wouldn't have single-mindedly worshiped him, but at this moment, she was hesitant and unable to determine the path of practice.

He sighed and asked softly, "Why do you want pill refining?"

"At the beginning of the year..." Li Shiyin put her hand on Zhuifeng's furry body, and replied softly, "Grandpa passed away."

She didn't directly answer why she insisted on pill refining, but the reason for her pill refining was very clear. Qin Ran's eyes also softened. He looked at her but didn't speak.

"Grandpa was the founding general of the Northern Chu Kingdom. He fought for the Northern Chu and Nannan, expanded the territory, and made illustrious military exploits. He is a great hero that everyone admires." road,

"Grandpa is tall and powerful. His arms are thicker than my waist. Last year, he killed the assassin who came to the house with one punch. He has a very beautiful horse. When the first snow fell in winter, he played with him in the snow. He said that the weather is getting warmer at the beginning of the new year, and he wants to invite him to the battlefield."

As she spoke, the tears couldn't stop flowing. She wiped away tears, glanced at Qin Ran with a smile, and continued, "Master, you must think my grandpa is fierce, but no. Grandpa is very gentle and treats me very well. When he comes back from court, he will buy me candy Calabash, When at home, he would make toys for me, cut wooden swords, and protect me from being bullied by my brother...

"But...but..." she sobbed, "After that dance, grandpa said his knee hurt..."

She became more and more sad, sobbing and unable to speak.

Qin Ran walked over, picked up the tissue on the table and handed it to her.

"I thought grandpa was invincible in the world. I never thought that grandpa would live forever, but I never thought that grandpa would grow old, become haggard, and skinny. I thought grandpa's white hair was born with white hair. Grandpa The wrinkles are natural wrinkles..." Li Shiyin cried for a while, wiped away her tears and continued,

"But Grandpa died, suddenly. In the blink of an eye, it was as if Li Konghe had never appeared in this world."

With red eyes, she looked up at Qin Ran pitifully, "So I started to be afraid, big brother would die suddenly, father would die suddenly, mother would die suddenly. No, it's not fear, every time I think of people will die I knew they were going to die..."

Qin Ran looked at her calmly.

"But I don't want them to die. Every time they get older, I feel panic..." Li Shiyin said, "I know that Daoist will definitely die, but in this world there are immortals who live forever, and there are immortal medicines that can keep youth and prolong life... "

"Master..." She suddenly became firm, and said to Qin Ran, "I want pill refining!"

"What a stupid apprentice... She didn't realize what it means to embark on the path of cultivating immortals." Qin Ran sighed in his heart, he raised his head, and looked through the window into the darkness in the distance, "Cultivating immortals means loneliness, and following It’s the same when Sun Wukong brought the Vajra circle. Immortal World and The Mortal Realm, although they are one world, are like two parallel time and space.”

But at this time, he didn't intend to preach, he thought for a while, and said: "Have you ever thought about the magic medicine, you don't have to make it yourself..."

Li Shiyin froze for a moment, then came to her senses again, her eyes slowly lit up, staring at Qin Ran.

Then Qin Ran said: "You can upgrade the Cultivation Base, find someone to grab it, anyway... Cultivation of Immortal World is The Weak are Prey to the Strong."

The light in Li Shiyin's eyes disappeared instantly, she shook her head and said, "Look for someone to snatch it? Forget it!"

"But you can still invite others to practice..." Qin Ran looked away, stopped teasing, and smiled, "Since you have joined my sect, if you want any medicine pill, I can help you practice."

Li Shiyin waited for this sentence for a long time, she looked at Qin Ran: "Master, what you said is true?"

"Really." Qin Ran nodded.

Li Shiyin stopped crying and jumped up and down. The ignorant Zhuifeng in her arms was suddenly thrown away, and she quickly changed her shape before landing on the ground. Li Shiyin continued to rush forward, wanting to hug Qin Ran again.

Fortunately, Qin Ran discovered her intentions in advance, reached out in time, and pressed her forehead to stop her "disrespectful behavior".

"So, pill refining or sword practice?" Qin Ran pressed Li Shiyin's head and asked.

"Practice sword!" Li Shiyin affirmed, she is a tiger girl of the general family, and she was born to practice martial arts. It is really embarrassing for her to ask her to dance and write.

"Then choose a Cultivation Technique!" Qin Ran pushed Li Shiyin away, and with a flick of his hand, five Cultivation Techniques appeared. In the past few days, he unlocked a Jade Slip and got a new basic Cultivation Technique of Kendo. ""Dayan Sword Jue", "Heavenly Sword", "Qingyun Sword Jue", "Gengjin Flying Sword Technique" and "Nine Cycles Star Sword Technique"."

"Master, which one do you think is suitable for me to practice?" Li Shiyin didn't choose, and asked Qin Ran for his opinion first.

""Gengjin Flying Sword Technique"..." Qin Ran threw the "Gengjin Flying Sword Technique" to her and explained, "This is not only a kendo Cultivation Technique, but also a metallic Cultivation Technique."

Li Shiyin turned the pages of the book, saw the Cultivation Technique recorded on it, and muttered, "Flying Sword?"

The tone was rather dissatisfied, Qin Ran frowned and asked: "What's wrong with Flying Sword?"

"Flying Sword is boring..." Li Shiyin said.

"Why is Flying Sword boring?" Qin Ran was puzzled.

Li Shiyin didn't explain, she thought for a while, looked at the other Cultivation Techniques, and asked again: "These Cultivation Techniques were chosen for me?"


"Give it to me!" Li Shiyin stretched out her hand.

"Do you want to practice?" Qin Ran was displeased.

"No..." Li Shiyin shook her head, "I'll watch them all, and then decide to practice that."

Qin Ran thought it made sense, so he handed the other four Cultivation Techniques to her, but warned again: "You can't eat too much, so you can only choose one! Do you understand?"

Li Shiyin nodded repeatedly, looked at Cultivation Technique, and said perfunctorily, "I know, I know."

Seeing her like this, Qin Ran was particularly worried, and said again: "It is best to practice the basic Cultivation Technique to ensure that the Magic power is pure. If you practice too much, the Magic power will be mixed and easy to conflict."

"I know!" Li Shiyin sat back on the sofa, looked at "Da Yan Jian Jue", replied without raising her head, obviously a little impatient.

Qin Ran shook his head, stopped talking, turned and went upstairs.

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