My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 24 Nine Cycles Star Sword Technique

"Nine Cycles Star Sword Technique."

The next morning, Li Shiyin threw several copies of Cultivation Technique on the table and talked to Qin Ran.

"You want to learn this Cultivation Technique?" Qin Ran frowned, shook his head and said, "This Cultivation Technique is not good."

Cultivation Technique is good, otherwise he wouldn't have chosen it on purpose,'s not suitable for girls. Because "Nine Cycles Star Sword Technique" is not so much a Kendo Cultivation Technique, but rather a Body Cultivation Technique.

"What's wrong?" Li Shiyin was puzzled, "I think it's good!"

This Sword Technique is both fierce and majestic, and every move has extraordinary power. In Li Shiyin's opinion, receiving starlight to condense Sword Qi and temper her body, this couldn't be better, it's a Sword Technique tailor-made for her!

Qin Ran didn't answer at the first moment, but secretly glanced at Li Shiyin.

Although the silly apprentice is stupid, she still has a very tall figure, tall and tall, and has a girly posture. It is predictable that her body will develop in two years, and she will have the so-called protruding back and long legs.

If this is for body training... Qin Ran shook his head again and again, and the shape of Vajra Barbie floated in his mind.

But such obscene thoughts could not be expressed, he pondered for a moment, and said: "The "Gengjin Flying Sword Technique" is pretty good, why did you change him?"

"I don't like Flying Sword." Li Shiyin shook her head.

"Thousands of miles of Flying Sword to take the head..." Qin Ran persuasively persuaded, and continued to struggle, "Isn't everyone's basic impression of the sword fairy is the Flying Sword?"

"Flying Sword? That's a trick you can't learn." Li Shiyin sneered, "A real man should be tough!"

Li Shiyin's words silenced Qin Ran, he thought he knew the silly apprentice well enough, but now it seems that he still underestimated the silly boy.

He was shocked, but he didn't speak, and took a sip of milk from his cup to relieve his mood.


He drank the milk, then thought about it, if the silly apprentice can become a Vajra Barbie, it might be a good thing.

Needless to say, although he doesn't have so many strange things in his heart... But if the apprentice is not so attractive, it seems that some dirty thoughts can indeed be cut off from the root.

"Cough..." Thinking of this, he coughed dryly, put down his cup, nodded and said, "That's can just like it yourself. The most lonely and unbearable part of the journey of cultivation is hard to bear, and it's rare to like it. It's better to walk the path you like .”

The master agreed to own the choice, which made Li Shiyin very happy, and said happily: "Then I will practice this "Nine Cycles Star Sword Technique"?"

"Yeah." Qin Ran nodded.

He tapped his fingers on the table, thinking carefully, since this Cultivation Technique was selected by him, it shows that it has something extraordinary, and Li Shiyin will not suffer from it if he practices it.

He thought about it, and said: "This Cultivation Technique is excellent. It draws the power of Star to refine Sword Qi and body. After training, it will be very powerful in close-range combat. But there is a problem..."

He slowly raised his head and looked at Li Shiyin, "This Cultivation Technique is incomplete, only the former Third Stage. The so-called Nine Cycles Star Sword Technique naturally has a Ninth Stage.

"Moreover, the former Third Stage was also repaired by me. I don't know how much difference it has from the original version. This Cultivation Technique must have been passed down from the Great Sect. The original Cultivation Technique must be more subtle, and then the follow-up Cultivation Technique , and more difficult to obtain.”

"So..." He looked serious, and finally confirmed, "Do you still want to practice this Cultivation Technique?"

However, Qin Ran had many considerations, but the silly apprentice didn't think so much. What she thought was that this Cultivation Technique was repaired by the master himself. The master is really amazing.

So she nodded again and said, "Just practice this Cultivation Technique!"

"That's good..." Qin Ran picked out "Nine Cycles Star Sword Technique" from the table, threw it to Li Shiyin, and said, "I won't dig the lake today, I'll study the Cultivation Technique thoroughly."

No need to dig the lake? Li Shiyin was so happy that she almost jumped up and down, she said excitedly: "I will study it seriously."

Seeing her like this, Qin Ran was very worried, and reminded: "Cultivation Technique must be studied first, and then practice after thorough research, so as not to make mistakes. Don't practice at the beginning. During the research process, if there is something you don't understand, You can come and ask me."

"Yeah!" Li Shiyin responded with a perfunctory nod. She sat down with her book in her arms, reached out to grab a handful of breakfast jelly beans, opened the book, and began to study Cultivation Technique.

Qin Ran hesitated to speak, but felt tired.

After breakfast, Li Shiyin was left alone to watch Cultivation Technique, and he walked slowly to the research building by himself.

The silly apprentice has laid a good foundation, and the cyclone seeds he planted are at least at the level of a large Sect inner disciple. Her immediate priority is to convert the Magic power of the basic Cultivation Technique into the Magic power of the advanced Cultivation Technique, that is, practice Good "Nine Cycles Star Sword Technique".

And Qin Ran himself, this poor guy, in order to build the best possible foundation for the stupid apprentice, soaks the stupid apprentice in medicinal baths every day, and has already ruined his own small treasury. He is now going to study how to make extra money, and then he has to study...

The Medicine Pill About Prolonging Life.

Earning extra money is a trivial matter, after all, how does a pill refiner make extra money? It is nothing more than refining some Medicine Pills and selling them. While repairing Immortal World, Medicine Pill has always been a hard currency. As long as there is Medicine Pill, there will be no place to sell it.

As long as pill refiners don't die in accidents, they are always very rich. Qin Ran has no money, not because his pill refining technology is not good, but because he is lazy.

But the Medicine Pill, which prolongs life, is a tricky business.

He needs to set up a new research project specifically for it - research on the Medicine Pill that prolongs life.

The last established research project was about Transcend Tribulation; the last research project was Flying Sword with guardrails...

To say that this matter is difficult is not to say that such a big Immortal World repairer does not have a Medicine Pill that prolongs life, but...

Lifespan is an endless temptation not only for people, but also for cultivators.

From the beginning of cultivating immortals, it was for longevity.

So when cultivating the Immortal World, all methods of prolonging life are like forbidden arts.

Cultivation Technique, formation, medicinal materials, Medicine Pill, anything related to prolonging life is taboo.

If someone obtains a method to prolong his life, he must keep it hidden and absolutely not let others know about it, otherwise, he will not even know how he died... I am cultivating Immortal World, this is not an adjective.

And if you want to talk about this kind of taboo, to what extent is the taboo...

Let's put it this way, as the only descendant of Danfeng, Qin Ran does not have a pill recipe for longevity.

Although it has been said that Jianmen is a small sect, it is compared with the real sect. In fact, as one of the five sects of Northern Chu, Daojianmen is not that weak.

And a Sect like this can't find a pill recipe that can increase lifespan, which is enough to prove what kind of taboo topic is about lifespan.

It's just that the stupid apprentice wanted to increase the lifespan of the Medicine Pill, so Qin Ran had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Isn’t it just that there is no pill recipe for prolonging life, just study one yourself! What's the matter?

So, he began to study what is called death. Only when we understand death can we know how to live.


On this day, Qin Ran sat in his office on the fifth floor of the research building and began to study Death.

Physical Death, Soul Death, Dissipation of Consciousness, Social Death...

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