My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 193 Li Shiyin Vs. Tian Wenjin

In fact, Li Shiyin felt a little uncomfortable from the first moment she entered this village, as if the village revealed some strange atmosphere from beginning to end. But she hated Own's lack of insight, and she couldn't see what made her uncomfortable for a while.

Now that she was chasing Tian Wenjin to the back of the mountain, the alarm bell kept ringing in her heart, and the sense of crisis and strangeness spread all over her body from her heart, making her even more uncomfortable.

She couldn't help flashing back to the scenes of those villagers laughing at her, the voices of those villagers whispering, and when those villagers asked questions, she felt more and more that something was wrong, but she still didn't know what the problem was.

The two sword celestial beings traveled very fast, and it took only a few minutes to pass through the village to the back mountain. Before Li Shiyin could think about it, she came to the entrance of a cave.

This cave is probably the Taoyuan Cave. The entrance of the cave is not big, and there are gravels nearby, or the temperature of the entrance of the cave is high, but there is no snow around; there is withered yellow grass on the ground in front of the entrance of the cave. , looks like a healthy growth, but suffered from the fire.

Just looking at it, one can tell that it is a sinister and weird cave, which has nothing to do with the Taoyuan that symbolizes beauty.

There are no peach blossoms or springs in Taoyuan Cave; there are only rocks and withered grass.

Tian Wenjin was standing in front of the cave entrance, about to go in.

"Wenjin!" Li Shiyin stepped forward to speak.

But at this time, there was a sudden wind blowing out of the cave. Thanks to the cold outside, the wind was warm... and it was also foul-smelling.

A hot stench hit his nose and mouth.

Li Shiyin had no choice but to stop talking, and immediately sealed her mouth and nose. She thought of her master's caution again, fearing that there was something in the bad wind, she activated Magic power to separate the bad wind from her surroundings.

She looked into the cave through Tian Wenjin, but she could only see that the cave was pitch black and she couldn't see clearly.

After the bad wind passed, Li Shiyin asked again: "Wen Jin, do you want to go in?"

She didn't want to go in, but on the one hand, it would embarrass Jianxiu to say that kind of running away, and on the other hand, Tian Wenjin was the main task for this mission, so she asked Tian Wenjin's opinion first.

"What's wrong? Are you afraid?!" Tian Wenjin said coldly.

"It's not a matter of being afraid..." Li Shiyin said.

"You are one of the new top ten talents of Daojianmen, a peerless female sword fairy! Why are you afraid?" Tian Wenjin suddenly sneered.

Li Shiyin looked at Tian Wenjin's back and knew that something was wrong with Tian Wenjin. This should not be something that Tian Wenjin in a normal state can say.

"Wenjin!" She stepped forward, trying to forcibly stop Tian Wenjin.

But at this time, Tian Wenjin suddenly moved in front of her. She stretched out her figure, only heard the sound of lightning, and saw the blue arc flickering. She disappeared in front of Li Shiyin in an instant, and went into the cave.

Li Shiyin didn't have time to stop it.

You know, Tian Wenjin is no weaker than anyone!

The first time Qin Ran saw Tian Wenjin, she felt that she and Li Shiyin would form the peerless twins of Jianfeng. Li Shiyin is a top swordsman genius, and so is Tian Wenjin!

Although Li Shiyin is cultivated by Qin Ran with all his strength, Tian Wenjin just grows freely like weeds; but in fact, one of them has realized Sword Qi, and the other has realized Sword Intent.

Seeing Tian Wenjin enter Taoyuan Cave, Li Shiyin hesitated for a while, but followed, and plunged into the dark cave.

Taoyuan Cave is a Calabash Cave, that is, the entrance of the cave looks very small, but the inside is very large. Breaking into the darkness of the cave from the entrance of the cave, there is a sense of suddenly being enlightened and the vastness of the Realm.

Li Shiyin's Qingxing Sword had already been unsheathed, she held the sword and looked forward, and saw Tian Wenjin standing there with her head bowed in the darkness ahead, with blue electric currents beeping around her body.

"Wenjin?" Li Shiyin called softly, but Tian Wenjin didn't answer her.

She took out a Lighting Pill from the Qiankun Bag, threw it into the air, and sent out a Sword Qi, hitting the Lighting Pill in the air. The illuminating pill spread out, and the light exploded, dispelling the darkness in the cave and illuminating the place.

The moment the lighting pill shattered, Li Shiyin narrowed her eyes subconsciously. When she opened them again, she suddenly saw Tian Wenjin in front of her turning around and throwing a sword at her.

She defended with her sword, and only glanced at the cave, which made her hair stand on end in fright!

But I saw that the entire Taoyuan Cave was densely covered with white spider webs, layer after layer of spider webs, decorating this Taoyuan Cave into a spider's nest.

And in this cave full of spider silk, on the open space in front, there is a pile of bones that are so broken that their shape cannot be discerned; in mid-air, on the ceiling of the cave, human corpses are hung one after another by the spider silk!

After Tian Wenjin entered the village, her behavior gradually became abnormal. After the black-faced man took the village chief away and talked to her face-to-face, she was completely out of order. She seemed to be under some kind of influence, some kind of control, some kind of manipulation.

As soon as Li Shiyin's Sword Qi came out, she was stimulated again and immediately ran away...

"Why are you so lucky!" she shrieked.

The blue electric current splits the darkness and hits Li Shiyin's vitals.

Li Shiyin was startled and frightened, what happened, what happened to so many corpses here, Tian Wenjin became so strange, she didn't have time to draw the sword, so she had to dodge it quickly.

But Tian Wenjin is not a vegetarian, she has her own chance, Li Shiyin has the immortal technique Feixian asked, her Movement Technique is not weak, although it is not as good as the immortal technique, but with the speed of the thunder attribute, she can actually fly After Xian Wendao's dodge appeared, he turned into lightning and chased after him.

She can chase Li Shiyin out with the Movement Technique.

Li Shiyin was afraid of hurting Tian Wenjin, so he only used the First Stage Battle Spirit Art to fight, and with Sword Qi, he turned into a defensive posture again, and fought fiercely with Tian Wenjin in this spider cave.

Or because of status problems, Tian Wenjin couldn't cast the Sword intent; and Li Shiyin didn't pull up his combat power to full strength, and didn't take the initiative to attack. The two fought anxiously for a while.

The sound of thunder, Sword Qi piercing through the air, explosions, and rocks piercing through the air echoed in the cave, all resounding together.

After fighting with Tian Wenjin for a long time, Li Shiyin couldn't find a way to break the situation.

But at a certain moment, out of thin air, an inexplicable force came towards Li Shiyin's sea of ​​consciousness. Li Shiyin Yuanshen noticed it, stood up from the sea of ​​consciousness, grabbed that force, and then tore it apart.

"Psychic attack!" She finally confirmed, "Wen Jin has not cultivated into a primordial spirit, and his soul is not as strong as mine, so he must be under the control of the mind!"

Aware of this, she took out Qin Ran's "Spirit Awakening Pill" from her Qiankun bag, seized the opportunity, fought in close quarters, and popped the Medicine Pill into Tian Wenjin's mouth.

"It's a mental attack again, it's a soul attack again, it's a soul attack..." Li Shiyin muttered inwardly, "I don't know when the smelly master will get the power of the soul? He is always passively beaten."

After Tian Wenjin ate the refreshing pill, and fought fiercely with Li Shiyin for a while, he gradually came to his senses, recalled his memories of this period, and realized that he had done something stupid.

She hastily withdrew her sword, and apologized to Li Shiyin: "I'm sorry, I didn't notice it for a while, and I was under control."

"It's nothing." Seeing that she was awake, Li Shiyin also breathed a sigh of relief and shook her head.

Tian Wenjin didn't say any more, and looked around at the terrifying scene of the spider cave here.

"That thing wanted to control me just now, so it should be in this cave." Seeing Tian Wenjin sober, Li Shiyin said aloud.

Tian Wenjin nodded, and with the light of the lighting pill, she carefully inspected the cave inch by inch. At a certain moment, she fixed her gaze on a certain place in the cave...

This is a Calabash cave, here is the outer cave, so there should be an inner cave.

I want to come to the entrance of the inner hole hidden by the spider web, that is where the spider is!

She gestured to Li Shiyin with her eyes, Li Shiyin understood it, and lifted up the Sword Qi, and there was a purple-black Sword Qi like a rainbow, cutting down with one sword, cutting off the barrier between the inner and outer caves!

"Hey... Hey..." Suddenly there was a sharp and strange cry, which only hurt people's ears.

Li Shiyin retreated unconsciously, and looked forward with the "Illumination Pill", and saw a terrifying big black spider crawling out of the inner cave flexibly along the white silk, and then quickly climbed to the top of the cave.

"This is not a mousetrap demon spider!" Tian Wenjin said in a deep voice.

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