Of course it's not a mousetrap demon spider!

When will a mere first-level Demonic Beasts be able to control Tian Wenjin silently?

"What Demonic Beasts are these?" Li Shiyin asked Tian Wenjin.

Tian Wenjin carefully looked at the spider that climbed up by stepping on the web and finally hung upside down on the ceiling of the cave. Looking at its shape, he had a guess in his heart, but he felt a little unbelievable.

"This... this seems to be a ghost-faced spider!?" She said uncertainly.

"Demonic Beasts?" Obviously, Li Shiyin didn't know what Demonic Beasts were.

"Ghost-faced spiders are not Demonic Beasts, but rather powerful spiders in the Hengduan Mountains." Tian Wenjin said.

"Then..." Li Shiyin pointed at the black spider that was as big as a human on the top of the cave, and laughed, "How can it be an ordinary spider?"

Tian Wenjin was uncertain and puzzled, but explained to Li Shiyin: "The ghost-faced spider is a very powerful forest spider that can prey on young tigers and leopards. But it is not so big. A normal ghost-faced spider is about as big as a cat or dog.

"Look at this spider, its whole body is pitch black, its legs are very long, its abdomen has a ghost face, and its shape is hideous and terrifying... Except for its body shape, it is the same as a ghost face spider."

Hearing this, Li Shiyin looked at the spider carefully, and found that there was indeed a terrifying ghost-like pattern on its abdomen. The pattern is frightening to look at, and it has a feeling of chasing the "king" pattern.

But Chasing Wind is a seventh-level... even eighth-level Demonic Beasts, this poor spider is also comparable to Chasing Wind?

Just as she was thinking this way, the ghost face of the "ghost-faced spider" hanging upside down on the top of the cave suddenly lit up, and a large mass of mucus sprayed out from its abdomen.

"Poison!" Tian Wenjin shouted to remind him.

Both of them were sword cultivators, and neither of them had the ability to stop the spray, so they had to dodge to avoid the coverage of the venom.

Li Shiyin stopped in mid-air, and turned to look at the place where the venom landed. The venom that landed in the open space did not react much, but the venom that landed on the spider web changed slightly.

But she didn't have time to observe the specific changes carefully, because the cave roof spider started spraying poison again.

She had no choice but to deploy Movement Technique and continue to dodge...

At this time, she thought of her master again, and she found that although the master's spells didn't have much buff to combat power, they were inexplicably easy to use in many cases. For example, here, if the master is here, he can only use air bubbles to catch the poison, and he will get a lot of experimental materials.

Although their sword cultivators had extremely high fighting power, they did not dare to contact the venom rashly under the current situation where they were uncertain about the power of the venom, and they felt a little restrained for a while.

"We have to get close!" Tian Wenjin shouted to her from the other side.

Li Shiyin nodded, she also meant the same thing.

The two quickly reached an agreement, unfolded their bodies, bypassed the venom sprayed in front, and drew two arcs from both sides, one blue-black and the other purple-black, all heading towards the spider.

Getting close, the blue electric light directly aimed at the ghost face of the ghost-faced spider's abdomen, and the purple-black Sword Qi directly aimed at the head of the ghost-faced spider, all going to the vital point.

These two are both highly talented and arrogant masters. They had just fought to a close, and now they are working together to deal with this ghost-faced spider, and they inevitably have a fighting spirit.

But when Sword Ray started, Sword Qi was dark, and when he looked carefully, neither of them succeeded. The spider had a total of eight spider legs, divided into two, one on the left and one on the right, which precisely separated the distance between the two of them. sword.


Li Shiyin's Sword Qi touched the spider's leg, making a crisp sound, and the spider's leg transmitted terrifying force to the sword, sending her flying.

"What a lot of strength!" She couldn't help exclaiming.

Tian Wenjin's experience was not much different from hers, and she was also forced away by the spider legs. Tian Wenjin stabilized his figure in the air and said, "What a high defense!"

He also commented, "It's not weaker than fourth-level Demonic Beasts!"

At this time, the big spider that forced the two of them back suddenly made a sound of "嗞嗞...", which seemed to be mocking.

Li Shiyin was full of air, and was about to step forward again with the sword in hand.

But the voice didn't stop, and it became sharper again, only to hear the pain in the eardrums and the buzzing in the brain, telling her to stop.

And Tian Wenjin was even more uncomfortable. She had a splitting headache, holding her head, and almost couldn't stop in mid-air.

Another soul attack! Li Shiyin understood immediately.

Seeing Tian Wenjin's painful appearance, she endured the pain, cast Feixian asked, dodged to the side of the ghost-faced spider, took Sword Qi, and stabbed the ghost-faced spider with a sword.

The ghost-faced spider knocked Sword Qi away with its spear. At this point, Li Shiyin finally ignored it, and launched his combat power in an all-round way. With starlight, he continued to shoot the sword at the ghost-faced spider.

The shrill voice finally stopped, and the ghost-faced spider also needed to fight Li Shiyin with all its strength.

It grabbed the spider web with its six legs, stabilized its body, and attacked Li Shiyin with its two spider legs like spears. The speed of its two legs is as fast as lightning, bringing up countless afterimages, like countless spears stabbing at Li Shiyin.

Li Shiyin was assisted by the Movement Technique, while avoiding the vital points of the spider legs, and at the same time assisted by the long-range Sword Qi, it was only then that she was able to fight quite well with the Ghost Face Spider.

There was a continuous sound of "ding ding ding", echoing in the cave, a man and a spider in the air attacked and defended fiercely.

After the screams passed, Tian Wenjin was able to catch her breath. She clutched her head and fell from the air. She stood on the ground and looked up to watch the battle between Li Shiyin and the ghost-faced spider.

"Shiyin is really amazing!" She praised inwardly.

The ghost-faced spider's physical strength is not weaker than that of ordinary fourth-level Demonic Beasts, and it has a weird soul attack, which is probably stronger than that of third-level Demonic Beasts, but Li Shiyin still won't lose against it.

She rested for a while, the pain in her head was gone, and she was ready to get up to help Li Shiyin.

However, when she pushed her feet hard and flew up, she found that she didn't fly up, but seemed to be stepping on cotton, and felt weak for a while.

She was shocked, and hurriedly looked down, only to realize that she didn't pay attention when she landed, and stepped on the spider web, and the spider web was stained with the venom of the ghost-faced spider, and became extremely sticky, sticking to her. Above the spider web!

The entire cave was covered with spider silk, and at this moment, she was like a butterfly caught by the spider web.

Tian Wenjin slashed at the spider silk again, but the spider silk was extremely tough, and it was difficult for her to cut it off; she tried again, but she couldn't get rid of the stickiness of the spider web.

How is it not like a butterfly struggling desperately in a spider's web?

Tian Wenjin had no choice but to cut off the spider web with one sword at a time, but every time she cut with the sword, she suddenly sensed a change in the top of her head, and hurriedly looked up...

On the top of the cave, there are more than a dozen human corpses hanging by spider webs. At this time, those corpses turned around under inexplicable force, and their terrifying pale faces turned towards Tian Wenjin.

Then, under the bright white light of Li Shiyin's "Illumination Pill", under Li Shiyin's purple Sword Ray, and in the sparks where the Star Sword collided with the spider legs, Tian Wenjin saw...

The abdominal cavity of those human corpses was suddenly ruptured, and countless spiders crawled out of it.

The little spiders are white, very small, they are densely packed, and they are endless, like mercury leaking out of the belly of the dozens of corpses, flowing out like a waterfall.

They have just been born and cannot weave webs yet. They fall from the sky one by one, like waterfalls, like rain, like dumplings falling, and countless little spiders fall, one after another, connecting into lines and forming webs. , floated over without knowing the direction, and landed on the spider web on the ground.

Densely packed little spiders quickly crawled towards Tian Wenjin.

At this horrifying scene, Tian Wenjin was frightened and stood still...

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