Li Shiyin was struggling to catch the ghost-faced spider's spear, but suddenly heard a "thin rustling" sound in the cave, she took the time to look down, and her hair stood on end.

It was none other than the infinite number of little spiders that made the rustling sound. The sound they make when they crawl.

Li Shiyin looked down from the sky, and in the bright white light, the cave floor turned milky white, and the ground was constantly wriggling... It was the spiders crawling, the cobwebs trembling.

She was startled by this terrifying sight, and she didn't notice it for a while, but was struck by the ghost-faced spider's spear and flew seven or eight meters horizontally.

She stabilized her figure in mid-air, and couldn't help but look at the ground again, and found that the milky white ground and the milky white tide were very close to Tian Wenjin, and Tian Wenjin seemed to have been frightened and stood there.

"Wenjin!!" She shouted, trying to wake Tian Wenjin up.

At the same time, she cut down a Sword Qi, and the Sword Qi fell from Tian Wenjin's body, separating the scattered little spiders floating in the air, and blocking the little spiders on the ground like a tide.

Facing Tian Wenjin, who was about to be covered by spider swarms, there was only so much she could do. Because, the ghost-faced spider has already chased after it!

The four spider legs of the ghost face spider were flying fast on the web, and the other four spear-like spider legs were attacking Li Shiyin, making it impossible for her to be distracted.

Fierce fighting in the air resumes.

On the ground, Li Shiyin's yelling didn't work, but her Sword Qi did. Sword Qi drew the attention of Tian Wenjin, who is also a sword repairman. When she came back to her senses, she found that the wave of milky white spiders in front of her was approaching, and The next moment was about to crawl on her; Little spiders were crawling around on her clothes.

She feels itchy all over...

At this moment, fear exploded in her heart!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" She looked up to the sky and shouted...

Lightning, blue lightning, dazzling blue flash, exploded in this cave! !

With Tian Wenjin as the center and all the spider webs as the connection, the thunder exploded...

The infinitely tiny spider evaporated instantly under the blue thunder; the extremely tough and rigid spider silk turned into coke under the blue thunder.

A man and a spider fighting fiercely in the air were also shocked by the sudden explosion of lightning, and stopped fighting. Li Shiyin held up the sword and looked down, the glare made her unable to see clearly; but the electric arc in the air made her whole body numb and her hair stood on end.

Taoyuan Cave here was stunned by the thunder explosion for a while, and then returned to normal after the ghost-faced spider screamed.

The densely packed little spiders bred out of more than a dozen corpses were all descendants of its ghost-faced spider. And Tian Wenjin exploded in a thunderstorm, electrocuting countless offspring to death.

The ghost-faced spider is furious!

Leaving Li Shiyin alone, it kicked on the top of the cave with all eight legs together, and it bounced towards the ground like a bullet.

Its six compound eyes are full of hatred and resentment, it wants to bind the woman, and lay eggs in her body while she is alive! Let her live to hatch its good baby! Want her to be eaten alive by his good babies!

"Wenjin be careful!" Li Shiyin reminded, and hurriedly followed to save Tian Wenjin.

After all, it is conceivable that such a big eruption of Cultivation Base will have power and damage, but Tian Wenjin's current state must be sluggish.

The blue thunder exploded and retracted, the dazzling light converged, revealing Tian Wenjin in the center of the thunder, but she supported the ground with her sword, her shape was sluggish.

The ghost-faced spider bounced down from the air, and the eight spider spears attacked together. Tian Wenjin was reminded by Li Shiyin and raised her sword to defend, but she was powerless in the end. She tried her best to block only two spider spears, and was pierced by six spider spears. .


Li Shiyin shouted loudly, and a purple Sword Qi slashed down in the air. The terrifying aura made the ghost-faced spider think it was dangerous, and quickly threw Tian Wenjin out.

This Sword Qi brushed past it, leaving a sword mark on its carapace.

Li Shiyin didn't go after the ghost-faced spider, but with a flash, he caught Tian Wenjin who fell from the sky.

"Pfft..." Tian Wenjin spat out a mouthful of blood, and said weakly to Li Shiyin, "Hurry up, you can't beat it!"

She had six wounds on her body, her arms, the sides of her lower ribs, and her legs were bleeding all over her body, and she had already lost her fighting strength.

Li Shiyin gritted her teeth. Based on her original temperament, she should turn around and fight the ghost-faced spider to the death; but now, after hearing Tian Wenjin's words, she remembered her master's warning that life is the most important thing...

She didn't think about it anymore, and hugged Tian Wenjin horizontally, regardless of what the ghost-faced spider was doing behind her, she unfolded Movement Technique and ran out of the cave.

It was getting late at this time, and it was snowing again, and the world was terribly gloomy.

Li Shiyin flew out of the cave with Tian Wenjin in her arms, and subconsciously flew towards Dashanling Village. What she thought was, no matter what, she had to find a place to heal Tian Wenjin first.

But after flying a long distance, she was about to enter Dashan Ridge, when she suddenly stopped in mid-air.

It was snowing heavily in the sky, and snowflakes the size of a thumb hit her face, and one thing suddenly came to her mind...


A thing that was completely ignored by them.

In the mission description this time, it was clearly stated that there were little spiders weaving webs in the village a few days ago, and the whole village was covered with spider webs. However, they walked in and out of the village, but nothing happened. See half a spider web.

Where did those spider webs go?

Following this train of thought, she continued to think:

With such powerful Demonic Beasts so close together, how did the people in this village survive?


They are all dead! !

They are already dead! ! !

Li Shiyin's mind buzzed, she thought of the village during the day, and she felt deserted even though the crowd was behind her. No wonder so, because they were all dead.

Those people laughed strangely, and those villagers asked questions.

They asked her:

"Are you a cultivator?"

"Are you sword cultivators?"

"Are you very strong?"

"What are you Cultivation Base..."

She felt strange at the time, ordinary people, after learning that they are gods in the mountains, shouldn't have the courage to ask the following questions.

But what if these are not the questions they are asking?

What if these questions were asked by the ghost-faced spider in Taoyuan Cave?

It has a very high IQ, and it can even cast doubts, listen to information, set traps, and...

Li Shiyin recalled that those villagers were extremely polite, and every time they met, they would perform a standard meeting ceremony. They are obviously the most rude frontiers, barbarians outside the Hengduan Mountains, how could they know about etiquette!

But what if this is the work of a ghost-faced spider who doesn't understand the structure of human society?

At this moment, Li Shiyin wanted to understand everything.

She was clearly protected from cold and heat, yet she suddenly felt a chill rising from her back, making her feel chills all over her body!

"Squeak... squeak..." The Ghost Face Spider's voice sounded out of thin air.

The ear-piercing voice terrified Li Shiyin.

Suddenly, the ground began to shake. It was the shaking when many people were running together. She looked up and saw a lot of people running out of Dashanling Village in the dark twilight...

Dozens of people, hundreds of people, hundreds of people, not just people from Dashanling Village.

They were all expressionless, and only ran towards Taoyuan Cave; they didn't speak, but Li Shiyin heard the excited cry of "Zhi Zhi", which she knew was the voice of a little spider.

Hundreds of people ran past her and went to Taoyuan Cave behind her.

She could hear strange voices behind her...



The sound made her scalp tingle, she had a premonition that something terrible happened behind her, she should do her best to escape at this time, leave Tian Wenjin behind, and run away.

But she didn't, she turned back.

So it is hard for her to forget the scene she saw at this time in her life...

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