My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 2 My Master Of Immortal Cultivation Is Fear Of Heights

At the end of the ceremony, each peak and vein will make their own arrangements. Jianfeng, Qifeng and the main peak three veins, the newly recruited apprentices plus the chief and Elder who came to participate in the ceremony, each vein has more than a dozen, and there is a lot of noise when they come and go.

In fact, it was Qin Ran's first time participating in the questioning ceremony, and he didn't know much about the process. At least he didn't know whether to go directly or follow the procedure after the head announced that the ceremony was over. So when he was hesitating, each peak and branch either cast a flying spell or a flying magical item, and quickly left to ask the Great Hall. In the blink of an eye, in the empty Great Hall, only he and the newly recruited apprentice behind him were left. Only then did he realize, oh, he just slipped away.

He turned back to look at the little apprentice, and the newly recruited little apprentice stood behind him expressionlessly, as if shrouded in a realm of ice. It was also the first time for him, and he didn't know how to deal with this situation, so he coughed dryly, squeezed out a smile that he thought was kind, and asked aloud, "What's your name?"

Yes, he didn't ask people's names until this time... He still had a humble feeling of asking for a girl's WeChat account.

"Li Shiyin." Li Shiyin said coldly, she was completely disappointed with this master, this Danfeng.

Why? Why can it be so shabby? ! Don't say anything Elder or brother, why isn't there even a handyman? ? ?

"Oh! Li Shiyin." Qin Ran nodded, Li Shiyin's appearance made him feel that he should say something, for example, he is actually very good, for example, there are fewer people and he is more comfortable, at least to ease the atmosphere, but he really doesn't know what to say , hesitated, and said, "Let's go."

After finishing speaking, he immediately walked outside the Great Hall.

"Go...go?!" Li Shiyin couldn't react, she was stunned, "We have to go?"

Looking out from the gate of the Great Hall at this time, you can still see the disciples who worshiped Jianfeng sitting on the cloud boat and laughing.

"This Master..." She curled her lips quietly, and followed with great reluctance.

Daojianzong is a small sect with a small area. Compared with the sect with Minor World in the sect, Daojianzong with five or six hilltops is indeed the stinky Little Brother among the stinky Little Brothers.

However, if they encounter some non-flying cultivators, walking between these five or six peaks is still enough for them to have a headache.

For example, a certain Danfeng Chief who did not want to be named.

The Wendao Great Hall, which held the Wendao Ceremony, is on the main peak, and Dan Peak is on the left side of the main peak. That is to say, if they want to go, they need to go down from the left side of the main peak first, and then climb up from the right side of Dan Peak. Hey, it's not too far away, just counting the time from here, it's only two hours.

In front of the Great Hall is a huge square for gatherings, because the questioning ceremony is being held today, so there is no one on the square.

Li Shiyin came out of the Great Hall, looked up, and saw the thin figure of her master walking on the huge square. He is neither handsome nor tall, and he cannot give her a sense of beauty or security. This huge square, that thin back, doesn't look like a handsome fairy, just like a dilapidated poor old man.

In just a few quarters of an hour after apprenticeship, all her romantic fantasies about cultivating immortals were dispelled. At this moment, she once again had the idea of ​​refunding: "Why not? Slip away? Anyway, the big brother is outside. "

"Come quickly." But at this time, it seemed that she was too far behind, the master turned around and urged her, with a smile on his delicate face and a gentle voice.

"At least he's a good person." She sighed inwardly, but still followed, which was probably a blessing in misfortune.

The Cultivation Base of the disciples in the sect is relatively low, and there are even more people who don't know how to fly, so the road for walking in the sect is very smooth. Unlike those big sects who usually fly around, the inside of the gate is like a virgin forest, and they usually have to say everything in the air.

From the bottom of the main peak to the top of the Dan peak, there are neat stone roads, and it is not so uncomfortable to walk... If the sun is not so strong today.

Half way down the main peak, Li Shiyin couldn't stand the sunburn. Looking at the back of the old dog walking in front, she finally couldn't help asking: "Master, what is Cultivation Base?"

"Foundation Establishment late stage, if everything goes well, the Golden Core can be achieved before the age of fifty." Qin Ran replied, he turned to look at this beautiful little apprentice, and saw that her face was flushed and sweaty, It was only then that I realized that the apprentice was a girl and an ordinary person, and his physical fitness might not be that good, so he kindly asked, "Do you want to take a break?"

"No need." Li Shiyin refused, she was secretly calculating in her heart, Golden Core before the age of fifty, it seems that this master's Talent is not bad, but the Cultivation Base is too low... No, she suddenly realized, fifty years old? He can't be really young, can he?

"Master, how old are you?" She couldn't help asking.

Qin Ran felt the contempt in the apprentice's tone, blushed, coughed dryly, turned around, and replied in a low voice: "I am twenty-five years old!"

"Twenty-five years old?!!!" Li Shiyin was shocked, really so young? !

Such a young leader, such a low leader of Cultivation Base. What about the rest of Danfeng? What did the others do?

"Danfeng?" She hesitated, "Is there no one else?"

As soon as this remark was made, the figure had been very steady. The master who answered questions suddenly stood still, was silent for a while, and sighed: "Since my master Transcend Tribulation failed five years ago, only me is left in Danfeng. .”

He paused, then smiled, "You are here today."

"One peak for each person?" Li Shiyin was desperate. This should be the worst peak in the world. For a moment, she felt that the road ahead was dark.

"Master's condolences!" She comforted, not knowing whether to comfort the Master or herself.

"Nothing!" Qin Ran shook his head with a smile, "Although my Master died under the thunderstorm, you don't have to worry. I have done a lot of research on Heavenly Tribulation. Your Talent is good, you can upgrade it at will in the future, I promise You easily Transcend Tribulation."

"Oh!" Li Shiyin replied indifferently, she didn't believe it at all.

After walking for a while, she suddenly remembered the question she wanted to ask at the beginning, and hurriedly asked: "Master, don't you know how to fly through the clouds?"

"Ah?" This question seemed to touch Qin Ran's sore spot. He was obviously a little flustered, so he forcibly calmed down and replied, "Yes, why not? I will..."

"Why don't we ride the clouds back?" Li Shiyin asked coldly.

"Ah, this..." Qin Ran didn't know how to confuse...ah no, how to explain the past. Some inexplicable words circulated in his mouth, saying something like "walking to exercise is good for physical and mental health", something "flying around will damage the image", something "high altitude is too dangerous, what if you fall" and so on , in short, it is to avoid the question of "why not go back with the cloud".

Li Shiyin listened, as smart as she had extracted the key words, "Heights are too dangerous, what should I do if I fall?" She looked at the young master in front of her strangely, he wouldn't, as a cultivator, he wouldn't be afraid of heights Bar!

The little apprentice's eyes made Qin Ran feel uncomfortable. He lowered his head and said repeatedly: "Hurry up, hurry up, it's getting late, there's still work to do when we go back!"

Li Shiyin looked up at the sun that was still in the sky, and felt that this master was somehow cute... No, this master was a little special.

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