At about five o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Ran finally returned to Danfeng, in front of his residence, with his newly recruited apprentice.

Walking on the stone road in the quiet forest for a while, suddenly there was a light in front of him, Li Shiyin's spirit was shaken, and he stepped forward quickly, came to the forest exit, and looked forward.

It suddenly became clear for a while!

The vast grassland, the vast sky, and the gentle breeze gently brushed the green shallow grass. Under the bright sunshine, the green grass seemed to reflect light. In front of the left is a cliff, there is a small waterfall flowing down the cliff, the waterfall splashes water, pearl-like water drops fall, and a small rainbow is in the air. The creek meanders through the meadows and disappears into the forest on the right.

On the edge of the cliff, beside the small river, there are two buildings, a two-story wooden structure and a five-story masonry structure.

Li Shiyin panted heavily, stood at the exit of the forest and looked at this place, she couldn't help being stunned, this is the world in the painting, this is a scene like a dream!

"Let's go!" Qin Ran said, and continued to walk forward, entering this painting-like world.

Li Shiyin watched from behind. After entering this fairyland-like world, the emaciated figure of the master finally seemed coordinated...

She followed along, walked towards the house along the path, and walked to the front of the two-story wooden house.

This wooden house is made of wooden tiles. Although the structure still has the smoke and fire of the world, the materials used are unusual. I saw its tiles are crystal clear, and the corners of the eaves are flying, with a mysterious and floating charm.

It should be some kind of spiritual wood, Li Shiyin secretly guessed, it is pleasing to the eye, smells it with a delicate fragrance, and has a faint spiritual qi lingering, it really looks like a paradise.

There is a tall tree on the left hand side, right next to the house, with dense branches and leaves swaying in the wind, covering half of the roof; the right side is empty, and there are only a few plants planted on the bank of the river, the plants are short, with green branches and leaves. It's about to drip, but Li Shiyin has never seen it.

On the other side of the river bank, there is a strange five-story building, which forms a corner with the house in front of it. The material used in that building is something similar to stone, and each room is square, like a box, with a strange aesthetic feeling. Li Shiyin had never seen that kind of architectural structure.

Seeing Li Shiyin looking at the building over there, Qin Ran introduced aloud: "That's the research building over there, um, it's the pill refining room, and pill refining will be practiced there in the future. This is called the dormitory building in front of you, where you usually eat, sleep and entertain. It’s over here. This tree is a locust tree, despite its appearance, it’s actually a spiritual tree, which is said to have been planted by an ancestor of Danfeng, and it must have been thousands of years old.”

After a brief introduction, he motioned for Li Shiyin to enter the house, "This is the living room in front of you, and it's not the living room anymore. Usually there are no guests, it's just a place to play; the left side is the kitchen, and the right side is the storage room. Ordinary Life trash will Put it inside; upstairs, there are bedrooms, a study room, and a sports room, and I will look at it later.”

Li Shiyin followed Qin Ran into the living room, and saw that the living room was spotless, too clean and tidy. Against the wall on the left side of the living room, there is a row of seats. The seats look fluffy and soft. There is a table in front of it with some food on it. On the right is a very clean wall with nothing on it.

This, the layout of the living room is also very strange, she has never seen it before.

"Sit whatever you want." Qin Ran took off the black robe casually, and only wore white single clothes. He hung the robe on the shelf by the door, signaling Li Shiyin to do whatever he wanted, and then he walked through the living room and entered the so-called kitchen.

Li Shiyin didn't sit down, and walked around the living room, touching here and looking there, all of which made her feel novel. However, this kind of novelty is not the ethereal novelty of immortals, but a kind of, um, very strange novelty, which she can't describe.

She came to the window and looked out through the transparent window. Outside was a large and empty grassland. The green shallow grass moved with the wind. The grassland was surrounded by tall and lush forests, and the dim sunlight pierced through the forests. past. They just came here through the forest.

"Is this a fairyland?" She sighed inwardly, and immediately laughed, isn't this a fairyland? This is Xanadu, this is Langhuan Wonderland, and this is where she will live in the future.

"Anyway, at least the scenery here is pretty nice, right." The master's voice came from behind, she looked back, and saw two transparent cups in the master's hand, and there was some strange dark brown in the cups liquid, the master handed her a glass, and said with a smile, "Try it, it's delicious."

She took it, the cup was icy and cold to the touch, and the liquid in the cup was bubbling, looking poisonous, she didn't dare to drink it at first.

Seeing the appearance of the apprentice, Qin Ran smiled, took a sip of own, and said: "There is no soda in this world. It took me several years to make it. This is the only one, there is no other branch!"

Li Shiyin thought for a while, if she wanted to cheat on her, Qin Ran from the Foundation Establishment late stage would never do such an obscene trick, so she picked up the cup and took a shallow sip.

The ice-cold sweet water flowed into her mouth, and thousands of air bubbles exploded instantly on her tongue. This feeling... She suddenly opened her eyes wide. How could it be so comfortable? !

She couldn't help it, and took a big sip from the cup. Then the cold water flowed down her throat and into her stomach, and the bubbles exploded in her stomach, immediately making her whole body feel comfortable, almost making her moan...

But she held back. But, soon, there was a surge of gas from her stomach, she, she seemed to be hiccupping! !

She quickly covered her mouth with her hand and stopped it forcefully, but the breath didn't come out of her mouth, but came out of her nose.

"Hahaha..." Li Shiyin's actions made Qin Ran laugh. He picked up the cup and took a big sip. He came to the window, looked at the beautiful scenery outside, hiccupped loudly, and laughed again, "It's comfortable!"

"What... what is this?" Li Shiyin asked.

"Hmm..." Qin Ran tilted his head to look at Li Shiyin, and said with a smile, "Let's call it soda."

"Soda?" Li Shiyin smacked her lips and couldn't help taking another sip.

"I'll teach you how to make it later." Drinking soda, Qin Ran and Li Shiyin said, "Actually, there used to be a large forest here, and I just cleared those trees at the beginning of this year... After clearing out such a piece of land, it can be planted in the future Something, food and medicinal materials."

He pointed to the back again, and said, "Actually, the Immortal Caves of Danfeng are usually on the cliff behind, but I'm not used to living in Immortal Caves, so I built a house here. Yes, I built these two buildings. If you prefer Immortal Cave, you can also live in the back in the future. It's the same."

Li Shiyin didn't reply, she drank the soda slowly. She has preconceived ideas about Cultivation Life, good and bad, Cinderella, The Weak are Prey to the Strong have also thought about it, but... so far, this development is not quite right, it is different from what she thought .

After drinking the soda and watching the scenery quietly, Qin Ran and Li Shiyin said: "You sit down for a while, or look around, and I will cook."

"Does Xiuxian have to eat too?" Li Shiyin finally asked.

"Well..." Qin Ran felt that this question was more serious, and replied after pondering for a while, "Cultivation is actually a process of improving oneself. I have studied it, and the Foundation Establishment period is essentially a process of improving one's physical fitness. The body can withstand the Gold Core, and the Gold Core is essentially an egg that hatches the Nascent Soul, and the Nascent Soul, the Nascent Soul is..."

As he was speaking, he suddenly saw Li Shiyin's confused eyes, stopped hurriedly, and said with a smile, "So, the Foundation Establishment period is a process of improving physical fitness, and the best way to improve physical fitness is to eat."

Li Shiyin didn't understand, and didn't dare to ask, she just nodded blankly.

"I'm going to cook." Qin Ran left this sentence, turned and went into the kitchen. After a while, there was smoke from the kitchen.

Li Shiyin went out from the living room and stood at the door. She looked at the grassland in front of her, the nearby forest, the setting sun in the distance, the evening wind blowing, the shallow grass swaying, the branches moving slightly, and the golden sunlight twisting in the smoke. She opened her hands, raised her head, and took a deep breath. The air was fresh and humid, and the sky was blue and bright. She suddenly felt that maybe this should be a practice life. She finally had hope for the future again.

As the sun went down, the master called her to eat in the house, so she turned and went into the house.

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