My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 215 The Behavior Of The Female Sword Fairy

"You said you belonged, so who does your heart belong to?" Yang Yanqi asked Li Shiyin.

"Ah?" Li Shiyin blushed and hesitated to speak.

Don't look at Li Shiyin's carelessness, she does things neatly, she is still a high-cold female sword fairy, she doesn't have a bit of a daughter's tweaking, but when talking about the person she likes, she still treats her mother, and she is still ashamed to say it.

In particular, there seems to be a little problem with the identity of the person she likes.

Master and apprentice... can this be said?

Although the practice world doesn't seem to care much about this kind of thing, after all, life is long, but in the mortal world, it seems that master and apprentice are not very good about ethics.

So no matter how Yang Yanqi asked, Li Shiyin just kept silent.

In the end, it made Yang Yanqi think that Li Shiyin didn't have anyone she liked at all, and that she said she belonged to her, but she was telling Cheng Nan that she didn't want to marry Cheng Nan.

On the 20th day of the twelfth lunar month, the second day after Cheng Nan and his son visited, Li Shiyin was found by his servants again when he was thinking about the meaning of life in the back garden.

"Miss, the general wants you to find him in the study."

"Looking for me again?!" Li Shiyin was puzzled, "What's going on today?"

This servant was smarter than the one yesterday, thought for a while and said, "The general just came back from the palace, and he looks very angry."

"Come back from the palace and get angry?" Li Shiyin frowned, "That should be a national event, what does it have to do with me?"

She had doubts in her heart, but she still went out of the back garden to Li Zhan's study. As usual, she opened the door without knocking and went in.

Entering the study room, Li Shiyin found that Li Shiwen was also there, kneeling limply on the side while he was about to die, while his father Li Zhan was writing something at the table.

"Close the door and kneel down." Knowing that she was coming, Li Zhan didn't look this way, and only gave a simple order without any fluctuations in his voice.

But upon hearing this voice, Li Shiyin felt his skin itching all over his body. Because she knew that this was not a plain voice, it was the voice of Li Zhan's suppressed anger to the extreme, and she had never heard this voice several times since she was a child.

She remembered that once she beat the prince to tears; once she teased the guard at the house. In short, the final outcome is not very good.

After closing the door, Li Shiyin obediently followed and knelt next to Li Shiwen, even if she was a peerless sword fairy who was omnipotent in slaying demons and demons, she had to kneel in front of her father.

"What's the matter?" After Li Shiyin knelt down, she winked and asked Li Shiwen silently.

Brother and sister have been together for more than ten years, and there is still this tacit understanding.

Li Shiwen understood it, but he looked like he was dying, he didn't care so much, and replied directly: "What else can it be, what happened to Xiang Hui and Tang Yin happened."

"You..." Li Shiyin glared at him, I want to live if you don't want to live, and then sensed that Li Zhan was looking over, and hurriedly knelt more roundly and obediently.

Li Zhan finished writing, put down his pen, picked up the paper, and said in a lukewarm voice, "I've cultivated immortality for half a year, and I've really grown my skills!"

"No, dad, where did you come from?" Li Shiyin laughed.

Li Zhan blew the ink on the paper and ignored her.

The entire study room was filled with the sound of Li Zhan blowing ink. To be honest, this sound made Li Shiyin feel scared, as if he had returned to Dashanling Village.

After the ink dries up, Li Zhan continued: "If you don't go home for more than half a year, you will do big things as soon as you go home. On the second day, you will beat the son of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, the Little Brother of the General Zhenbei, the son of the Hanlin scholar's family, and the eighth son." Prince, what is it if this is not your ability?"

Having said that, Li Shiyin recalled that the servant said that Li Zhan came back from the palace, and knew that the problem might be serious, so she stopped smiling and hurriedly lowered her head in silence.

He didn't hear Li Shiyin continue bickering, Li Zhan was curious, glanced over, and saw the wild child kneeling with a well-behaved look.

"Oh, this is, you learned to be smart?" He asked in surprise.

Li Shiwen looked at Li Shiyin, and was surprised that his Little Sister seemed to be a bit of a city...a little bit, but not much.

Li Zhan put down the paper and stood up.

And as he stood up, in an instant, the whole study room fell down. So depressed, Li Shiyin only thought that the Nascent Soul boss was about to make a move.

"It's coming, the big one is coming." She gritted her teeth, ready to bear the next wrath of her father.



Li Zhan slapped the desk heavily, and shouted:

"In a snowy day, you still don't get rid of your anger after hitting someone, take off your clothes, and even ask them to walk home in front of the people of Danyang City! Is this something that people can do? This is a girl's house. Can it be done?!!

"Shame! How can you even blindfold others?! Leave a cloth belt!! You don't need a dog leash! It's all good!! It's a devil, it's not as good as a devil!! How can I, Li Zhan, have you like this? Two unfilial sons?"

Li Zhan scolded and scolded, and when he came here, his saliva was sprayed all over Li Shiwen's face.

Li Shiwen wiped his face, still indifferent.

He went to see Li Zhan with dead fish eyes, and took advantage of Li Zhan's break at halftime, laughing out loud: "Father, you are actually very happy, aren't you?!"

"Happy?" Li Shiyin turned her head to look at her brother. She must have been scolded for being stupid. How did you know that she was happy?

Li Zhan squinted at Li Shiwen, but didn't answer, but it was time to explain to Li Shiwen.

"Master Shangshu, Hanlin Bachelor, Eighth Prince, a scholar, has always looked down on us who wield knives and guns, and that Xiang Ji is even more incompatible with us. Shiyin... We beat those four guys, but we also did it for you." Take a breath. During this period of time, you must..."

When Li Shiwen said this, he thought of his decadent self, so he didn't continue talking, and talked about other places,

"Actually, you should have known about this right away, but you didn't look for us. I also believe that you were trying to help us cover up. Maybe the matter was over, but who would have thought that Mr. Shoufu failed to propose a marriage yesterday..."

He glanced at Li Shiyin, "I think it should be that several of them jointly submitted a letter, together with Mr. Shoufu, to report to the emperor. That's how the incident happened."

After Li Shiwen finished speaking, Li Shiyin looked at him with wide eyes. What he said made sense, but why couldn't she understand it? Then……

"When did you become so smart?" She whispered to Li Shiwen.

The brothers and sisters agreed to be stupid together all their lives, how could someone quietly increase their IQ?

Li Shiwen glanced at her, and said silently: "Could it be that you were pretending to be stupid in the past, and you still have to talk about it?"

"Heh!" Li Zhan said coldly, "It's not too stupid.

"But you didn't address the nature of the problem after all."

"Huh?" Li Shiwen was puzzled.

"Sure enough, we are still at the same level." Li Shiyin nodded in satisfaction.

"Things of the younger generation are limited to the younger generation. This is a tacit understanding between the big families in Danyang." Li Zhan explained, "Although what you have done is a bit out of line, it will not cause trouble to the emperor."

"Then why did it still attract the emperor's attention?" He asked Li Shiwen.

Li Shiwen lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then suddenly came to his senses and looked at Li Shiyin.

"Because of poetry?"

"No..." Li Zhan shook his head and looked at Li Shiyin, "Because of a powerful cultivator."

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