My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 216 The First Sword God Of Northern Chu

My name is Jiang Xiaobai, and I am the number one sword god in Northern Chu.

When I was called the sword god for the first time, I was very flustered and ashamed, because I knew that in the territory of Northern Chu, there were not many sword masters stronger than me, but I was actually just an ordinary sword master.

But others shouted a lot, and I gradually got used to it; after defending the Northern Chu royal family from assassins many times, they were overwhelmed by my invincible swordsmanship, and the Northern Chu emperor named me the number one sword in Northern Chu god.

Gradually, I found that in the absence of the big Sect disciples, the small Sect disciples and the sword cultivators in Rogue Cultivators were no match for me, and I seemed to fit the title of Sword God;

Once, a disciple of the Infinite Sword Sect came to Danyang to challenge him, and he was defeated by the Three Swords of the Void Sword. So I found that the disciples of the Great Sect were no more than that. I am indeed the number one sword god in Northern Chu Kingdom.

My name is Jiang Xiaobai, the number one sword god in Northern Chu.

In the winter of this year, the Emperor of Northern Chu came to me and said that Jiangmen Li's family had a great swordsman with good aptitude and strength, and he would become a great weapon in the future. She stayed in Northern Chu and worked for Northern Chu.

At the beginning, I was reluctant. There are so many well-qualified sword cultivators in the world. If every one of them had to be pointed out by me, would I still have the face of a sword god?

But they gave too much, one shot, five hundred Spirit Stones!

...Actually, I still like to support juniors. As a sword god, one should have the responsibility of the sword god to make the world's sword cultivators walk smoothly in the way of the sword.

The first time I saw her was on a rainy and snowy day. The sky is gloomy, there is snow in the rain, and the whole world is cold and wet, which is uncomfortable.

The Emperor of Northern Chu arranged for us to meet in the small attic of the Imperial Garden. In order to be worthy of my name as a sword god, I burned a furnace of good incense in the attic, brewed a pot of good tea, prepared a pot of good wine, hung a good sword, and then The location facing away from the stairs increases the mysterious feeling of the Sword God.

The emperor and the general brought her up to the attic to meet me. When the emperor and the general greeted me, although their backs were turned to her, I still felt that she was looking at me, and my back was covered by her vaguely sharp Sword Qi felt numb from the sting.

Sword Qi? It really is a good seedling.

So when she called me Sword God, I turned around and looked at her...

I... I... the God of Swords! Is there such a beautiful woman in this world?

No, no, I mean, how can there be a genius of swordsmanship in this world who has both physical aptitude and good looks? !

I decided to guide her earnestly... If possible, it would be a good idea to give her a chance to become a teacher.

It is such an honor for a sword cultivator to be a teacher of the Sword God...

Hello! What's up with your snickering?

I noticed that the girl pursed her lips and smiled while saluting to me. Although she smiled cutely, my keen perception told me that the teasing smile was aimed at me.

Don't know what's so funny, I'm kind of annoyed to be honest. If it wasn't for the sake of her excellent bones, I should have already left.

I suppressed the anger in my heart, and after they saluted, I motioned them to sit down.

I shared tea for them with my own hands, and seeing the young girl sitting across from her and drinking tea gracefully, I asked her, "What's your name?"

"Li Shiyin, seventeen years old." Her father, that is, the Northern Chu general, answered for her.

That general seems to be called Li Zhan. I have seen it a few times, but I don't have a deep impression... Few cultivators will have a deep impression on ordinary people.

Li Zhan answered, but Li Shiyin didn't answer in person, which made me unhappy. I glanced at him and hoped that he would be more alert.

I asked the girl named Li Shiyin again: "What Cultivation Base?"

Maybe Li Zhan didn't know, maybe he was very alert, but he didn't say anything. Li Shiyin put down her teacup politely, looking shy—she is so cute—she replied: "Foundation Establishment middle stage."

The sound was so crisp, like the sound of a fine sword being pulled out of its scabbard, "chirping", it fascinated me.

Foundation Establishment middle stage, seventeen years old, I nodded, the aptitude is indeed good, not much worse than mine. When I was seventeen, I was ready for Golden Core. But she seems to have some understanding of Sword Qi, which is rare.

"It's not bad..." I took a sip of tea and commented, "You seem to have a feeling for Sword Qi?"

"Yes." Li Shiyin nodded to me.

The way she nods is also very cute, with a smile, every time it hits my heart.

I was a little panicked, and hurriedly lowered my eyes to drink tea, and didn't speak for a while... Maybe they thought I was thinking?

After a while, seeing that I hadn't spoken for a long time, Li Shiyin asked me, "What is Cultivation Base, Lord Sword God?"

There was a smile on the corner of her mouth, which seemed to be joking, but I noticed that on her attractive red lips when she smiled, I didn't see clearly what she was laughing at.

"Gold Core late stage." I replied.

When I was 20 years old, I got the Golden Core, and when I was 207 years old, I got the Gold Core late stage. The Cultivation Base progressed quite smoothly, and the Cultivation Base Talent was high enough. Moreover, I am still quite young. Calculated according to the normal life span of a mortal, I am in my youth, young and strong.

"Ah! That's amazing." Li Shiyin said.

I have heard too many compliments in Beichu, but I feel that the sum of all those compliments is not as good as this sentence, which makes my heart flutter. I must have smiled unconsciously, and I asked her again: "What kind of sword did you repair? Flying Sword or the sword in your hand?"

"Sword in hand," she said.

"The sword in my hand is not good..." I shook my head, "The sword in my hand is a reckless Sword Technique, and Flying Sword is the right way of swordsmanship."

"Ah yes yes yes..." She nodded in agreement with my point of view.

"You can switch to my sect, and I will teach you the orthodox Flying Sword technique." I advised her, "You are the Foundation Establishment middle stage, and you still have time to modify the Flying Sword."

"No, no, it's too much trouble for you." She was so kind-hearted and thought about me.

Looking at her lovely face, I still can't bear her to go astray. I think, if I show her how powerful Flying Sword is, at the age of sixteen or seventeen, if she finds that the sword in her hand is far inferior to Flying Sword, she will definitely join me to practice Flying Sword... Girls should still practice Flying Sword art.

Thinking of this, I raised my hand to lead, and the Flying Sword hanging under the eaves of the pavilion was immediately unsheathed, and then followed my will, swimming around the pavilion like a bird swimming with a fish.

I looked at her, and she nodded and thoughtfully, obviously attracted to me. I was proud of myself and had a great desire to show off, so I decided to show her off again. I used the Flying Sword out of the pavilion, and in a flash in the air, it suddenly turned into a giant sword with a height of more than 100 feet.

This sword is not a fake Sword Qi, but a real sword.

She must have never seen such a method before. She opened her eyes wide and was shocked by me.

"The so-called Flying Sword takes the head of a thousand miles. Hundreds of miles of battlefields, thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, the Flying Sword comes out and thousands of people fall. Beheading is invisible, shocking Xiaoxiao." I was very proud, and took the opportunity to say to her, "How about this empty Flying Sword technique? "

She sighed, shook her head and said, "It's amazing, amazing, amazing."

I was very happy, and then persuaded her: "I would like to teach you, do you want to learn?"

She pondered for a moment, then suddenly said: "You are indeed powerful, with some strength, why don't we find a place to discuss and learn from each other."

I quickly understood that she was a talent after all, and of course she had the pride of a swordsman.

In order to completely convince her, I decided to agree to her request. I took back the Flying Sword and said to her, "Just let me see, why do you need to find another place?"

"Here?" She looked inside the pavilion, shook her head and said, "It's too unfair to you."

She may not know what kind of chasm there is between the Gold Core late stage and the Foundation Establishment middle stage, so I chuckled lightly and comforted her: "It's okay. Whatever you do, I'll follow."

"Then let's try it. If it doesn't work, we'll find another place." She said, taking out a sword from the Qiankun bag and holding it in her hand.

With the Qiankun bag and the sword, I suddenly realized that the problem was wrong. She may have some background, but at this time the arrow is on the line.

"Come on." I still said, no matter what the background is, it is just a small cultivator of the Foundation Establishment.

"Pay attention!" she reminded me.

I heard the sound of the sword being unsheathed, and then my eyes blurred, and the lovely girl disappeared in front of my eyes. I reacted quickly, and I had already defended with the sword, but it was still too late.

"You lost." Her voice rang in my ears, I looked over, her eyes were frosty, like the edge of a sword, and there was a sword pointing at my neck.

Losing... I lost so fast, I didn't even realize it in my heart, I didn't know what it was like, I couldn't speak.

"It's too narrow here, and the distance between us is too close. It's unfair for you to practice Flying Sword." She put away the sword, went to the attic window, and said to me, "Go out and fight again?"

I don't know when I reached the passive position. I went to see Emperor Beichu and Li Zhan. Although they had no expression on their faces, there was a sneer deep in their eyes... She said go out and fight, then go out and fight again.

"Okay." I nodded numbly.

She cast her spooky Movement Technique and suddenly disappeared from the window. I summon another Flying Sword, make it bigger, and carry me out.

I saw her standing in the rain and snow in the sky of the imperial garden, although she was really beautiful.

"Get ready!" She was so nice and reminded me.

I saw that she attracted the starlight, every point of Magic power in her body lit up, she was like a star in the dark, her whole body was shining with light. I know she's doing her best trick...

She read the move aloud, and I could hear it clearly, it was, "Heaven...outside...flying...immortal..."

The name is really nice, just like her.

I also used my strongest move, I own six void swords Integrated Union, and turned it into a solid sword with the size of a hundred feet.

Her Sword Qi flew over - I could see clearly that she didn't realize Sword Qi for the first time, her Sword Qi Realm was already extremely terrifying - I passed the sword over.

My Flying Sword and her Sword Qi meet in the air, hold on for a long time, and I'm close to winning.


I know I lost.

If it's a life-and-death battle on the battlefield, she can use her ghostly Movement Technique, and that Movement Technique can make me completely miss her, and then she gets close with a sword.

She is a sword repairer with a sword in her hand, and she is a big Realm lower than me, and she fights with my Flying Sword with Sword Qi, she is purely for the purpose of comparing the strength of moves.

Won, but lost.

I stood in the rain and snow for a long time. I don't know when they left, I only know that today's rain and snow are very cold.

"Pfft!" I couldn't bear it all of a sudden, spit out a big mouthful of blood, couldn't hold on anymore, and fell down from the air.

Someone called "Sword God" "Sword God" and came to help me up.

I'm sick, very sick...

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