My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 260 Qin Ran's Cloud Driving Technology

They have to seize the time to find the sense of energy, because once the body is mature and shaped, it will be difficult to find;

After finding the breath, you have to hurry up to Foundation Establishment, because the cultivator during the Foundation Establishment period can live up to 180 years old, and they have to get the Golden Core before the deadline;

After the Golden Core, they have to hurry up to conceive a baby, because it is too difficult to conceive a baby, and they need to spend all their energy to prepare...

But the cultivator takes a long time.

Once the Foundation Establishment is successful, their lifespan will be infinitely close to 180 years old, and once the Golden Core is successful, their lifespan will soar to 800 years old, let alone conceive a baby and transform into a god.

During this long period of time, they don't need to go to school, they don't need to go to work, they don't even need to eat or drink, and if they can, they don't need physiological needs. Most of their needs are minimized. Such a long time is very boring, so it is difficult to endure.

There is no time in practice, and a hundred years can pass at a glance.

Under such a concept of time, even a big sect like Daojianmen has certain rules and regulations, but overall it still seems sloppy.

After the new disciples get started, it takes three years for them to pass the qualification assessment; the assessment process is even more lengthy, one round a day, and Nine Heavens for a whole day, before barely selecting ten out of more than five hundred disciples; The distribution of assessment rewards will have to wait until the day after the assessment is completed, not the same day.

"Why didn't you hand out the assessment rewards yesterday?" Qin Ran was full of resentment, and said what Long Qiqi said yesterday.

"Master, can you do it?" Li Shiyin sniggered beside her.

Qin Ran glared at her, and said: "Your master, I have great powers. I am omnipotent in heaven and earth. Aren't I just a driver of clouds? Why can't I do it?"

In the past few days of the assessment, when they traveled to and from Danfeng and the main peak, they were always chasing the wind to carry them back and forth. But that silly boy Zhuifeng went out to hang out last night, and he hasn't come back yet.

So today, if we want to go to the main peak together, someone has to cast a spell, drive a cloud, and carry the three of them together.

Li Shiyin is a sword cultivator, Yujian Flying and transforming into a sword is her main flying spell; as for Long Qiqi... don't make things difficult for this black-hearted little Loli, okay; so only Qin Ran can cast this spell.

But Qin Ran...

He naturally practiced this kind of running spell, the problem is...

"Ah!" He sighed inwardly, gritted his teeth secretly, and cast a spell to call out a cloud.

"What a simple spell?" He pretended to be calm, and walked up first, driving the cloud three feet above the ground, and said to Li Shiyin and Long Qiqi, "Come on, come up. I'll take you racing."

Li Shiyin knew best that her master was afraid of heights, but she was not afraid of anything, let alone her master, she followed Qin Ran and jumped up, and naturally clung to Qin Ran, putting her hands on Qin Ran's back.

But Long Qiqi is different, she also knows that Qin Ran is afraid of heights, but she is timid and still doesn't trust Qin Ran...

She stood on the lawn, looked up at Qin Ran's master and apprentice, hesitated, and suggested: "Shiyin, why don't you take me with Yujian? Or we can fly separately, I just fly a little slower, I will Fly."

Qin Ran's face sank, he looked at Long Qiqi and said, "Do you want to come up? Today is to send Shiyin to receive the reward. You can come or not."

Hearing the words, Long Qiqi gritted his teeth and made up his mind before jumping onto the cloud.

She climbed up the cloud with short hands and short legs, and whispered to Li Shiyin: "Shiyin, you will remember to catch me later!" She had already tacitly agreed that Qin Ran's cloud was about to "roll over".

Qin Ran's face was dark, he looked for the direction of the main peak, put one hand behind his back, then closed his eyes, and drove away on the cloud.

With his eyes closed and his hands behind his back, he was flying slowly on the blue sky and white clouds on a cloud, and with the blessing of the breeze, he was actually a god Immortal Qi.


"Master." Li Shiyin whispered in his ear, "Flew past."

So the whole thing fell apart.

Fortunately, Qin Ran was thick-skinned enough, Shi Shiran turned the head of the cloud upside down again, endured the strong dizziness, and wobbled the cloud to the main peak Wendao Square.

As soon as the cloud landed on the ground, Long Qiqi jumped down, clapped her small hands on her chest, and said with extreme fear: "I was scared to death... I was scared to death... I survived, I survived..."

Qin Ran was a little dizzy, squinted at Long Qiqi, and asked, "Is that an exaggeration? My driving skills are so stable."

Long Qiqi gave him a look, let him experience it for himself.

"Kukuku..." Li Shiyin covered her mouth and laughed.

The master and apprentice came at the right time. After all, it was Qin Ran’s specially chosen time. Too early or too late is not suitable. When they arrived, there were already some people in the square, and there were people flying over in the sky, or Magical Item or is a spell. After a little rectification, they walked towards Danfeng.

After all, Li Shiyin is number one in this assessment, regardless of how this number one came about, it is number one.

To put it bluntly, those who are qualified to question the number one don't care, and those who are not qualified to question the number one can only mutter behind their backs, never daring to come to Li Shiyin and say that her number one is a shady .

Therefore, when the master and apprentice walked through the square, most of the people they saw were those who greeted them with smiles, and most of them greeted them politely;

There are very few people in Danfeng, only three... After all, there are no handyman disciples, no Outer Sect disciples, only one direct disciple.

They stood there, somewhat shabby.

"Master, why don't we find a few Outer Sect disciples to support the scene?" Li Shiyin suggested to Qin Ran seeing that other peaks were bustling.

"The more people there are, the more complicated it will be." Qin Ran shook his head.

They were not isolated either. After a while, Lu Junxing and Dong Zhongyuan from the main peak brought the two sisters Jiang Ran and Jiang Qin over and talked with them for a while.

Three years have passed, and the two sisters, Jiang Ran and Jiang Qin, have become more beautiful. In terms of appearance alone, they are already comparable to Li Shiyin and Tian Wenjin. It is conceivable that in a few years, the peerless twins of Daojianmen will be their two sisters up.

Lu Junxing and the others left, and Jianfeng's Liu Baiyun, Qi Yuan, and Tian Wenjin also came and stayed for a while, and they didn't leave until the headmaster was about to start a long speech.

These people are considered to be the friends Li Shiyin has made in the past few years. As for Qin Ran, ah, this guy is a dead house with no friends.

People from all peaks and veins were all present, and the head of the sect appeared at the front. As usual, he talked nonsense for half an hour before starting to talk about business:

"In this assessment, the top 100 will all be rewarded.

"Among them, the rewards for the top 100 to the top 50 are...

"The rewards for the top fifty to the top twenty are...

"The rewards for the top twenty to top ten are...

"Finally, the top ten in this assessment are: Li Shiyin, Dong Zhongyuan, Lu Junxing, Liu Baiyun, Tian Wenjin, Qi Yuan, Yao Qingke, Ximen Wushang, Ye Qingxuan, Xiao Bufan. They will go to the Taoist gate to ask road……"

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