"You are a sword repairer, you have the Muran Sword, and your means of killing are sufficient, so what you need is a defensive Magical Item, Magical Item or spell, preferably a Magical Item, because practicing spells will delay your practice." Sword Technique, and it is best to protect the primordial spirit..."

Before Li Shiyin followed the leader, Gu Yueming, to receive the assessment reward, Qin Ran instructed her again.

Li Shiyin looked at Master Own with wide eyes, she thought:

If Long Qiqi went to receive the reward, the master would definitely say, "You are a pill refining master and lack protection measures, so you need one that can protect your own Magical Item";

If you are chasing the wind to receive rewards, the master will definitely say, "Your combat power is very high, your body is strong, and your soul is strong, so you need a defensive Magical Item to strengthen your own advantage";

If the master himself goes to receive the reward...

In any case, the master is definitely the first choice for those who can run and save their lives.

She didn't agree with the master's suggestion, but she was not going to refute it, nor was she going to go against it, she just joked: "Why don't I have a Sword Technique or a powerful Magical Item? If a swordsman goes forward, it will make me more aggressive." .”

The master explained to her earnestly: "It's not necessary, you have the Battle Spirit Art plus the Starlight Art, and then Sword Qi is the third level, your aggressiveness is already high enough."

She asked again: "What if there are no defensive Magical Items and spells?"

Sure enough, the master replied: "Then choose Escape Technique, Movement Technique, Flying Magical Item and so on."

So she wanted to laugh.

The master quickly discovered her bad intentions, became angry, and stretched out his hand to pinch her nose.

Daojianmen is located on a spiritual vein, so there is no shortage of Spirit Stones, but it is very short of Medicine Pill, Magical Item and so on.

So the general reward for this assessment is Spirit Stones; the top 50 to 20 disciples will get an extra talisman, Medicine Pill and the like; the top 20 to top 10 will get more Cultivation Technique, spells and the like Things; and then the top ten disciples will get an additional Magical Item reward.

Li Shiyin is the first and can get a top-grade Magic Treasures.

The head of the sect, Gu Yueming, watched the girl with a cold temperament walking towards him, and couldn't help but think of when she was apprenticed to her teacher three years ago, she stubbornly went to pill refining, no matter how much he tried to persuade her, she couldn't come back...

When they looked at each other now, both were slightly embarrassed.

At that time, Gu Yueming had acquiesced that Li Shiyin was abolished, so he would send Qin Ran a companion. Whether it was a wife or an apprentice, it would depend on his own ability. Unexpectedly, three years later, Li Shiyin won the first place in the assessment and beat him hard. his face;

At that time, Li Shiyin was dying to learn pill refining, and she was still thinking about thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, she must refine the most powerful medicine pill to show this old man, and slapped him in the face fiercely, no Thinking that she went to practice swords in the end, she slapped herself in the face.

Gu Yueming coughed dryly, turned around and walked towards the Treasure Pavilion, and said, "Come with me."

He walked in front and asked Li Shiyin behind him, "Is your practice going well?"

"En." Li Shiyin said.

"How do you feel about Dan Feng?"

"very good."

"What is Realm now?"

"Foundation Establishment."

The two walked awkwardly asking and answering questions until they entered the Treasure Pavilion, where Gu Yueming asked Li Shiyin, "What kind of Magical Item do you want?"

"The master said, the best defensive Magical Item."

Thinking of Qin Ran's cautious style, Gu Yueming laughed twice and said, "It fits his temperament very well."

He took Li Shiyin to the defensive Magical Item, and said, "Here are three top-grade defensive Magical Treasures, choose one!"

Li Shiyin looked forward, it was a table with three things placed on it from left to right, a shelf on the left, a bracelet on the shelf, a box in the middle, and an inner armor on the right.

The bracelet was green, and the color was very ugly, so Li Shiyin directly ruled it out. She went up to open the box, and inside was a beautiful ornament hanging around her waist.

She wanted this accessory, but suddenly remembered something, and looked at her waist, where was hanging the fat wooden sword carved for her by his master... There was no place to hang it.

"Just this inner armor." She said to the master.

Choose so fast?

Gu Yueming was taken aback, and said: "You still don't know the effects of these three Magic Treasures... Actually, this bracelet is the best, it can withstand the magic attack of the cultivator in the transformation stage..."

"That's all." Li Shiyin shook her head.

"Okay!" Gu Yueming said, he would never know what the female disciple was thinking when he chose Magic Treasures.

The two entered and exited quickly, and they came out in a blink of an eye.

"So fast?" Qin Ran frowned and asked Li Shiyin, "What did you choose?"

Li Shiyin showed Qin Ran the inner armor.

"What special effect does the inner armor have?" Qin Ran asked again.

Li Shiyin's eyes widened and she shook her head: "I don't know."

"?" Qin Ran was startled, "I don't know why you chose it?"

"Because the other two are not pretty."

Qin Ran almost died of anger.

Li Shiyin was the first in the assessment, and was the first to go up to get the Magical Item. After she got it, the others went up to get the Magical Item one after another.

It took more than half an hour for them to receive the Magical Item, and then the leader led them to the mountain behind the main peak.

At this time, family members can follow, but others can no longer follow.

Qin Ran followed Li Shiyin to the back mountain, and whispered beside her:

"Taoism is roughly a kind of perception of practice, which is the substantiation of the laws of the world or an abstract elaboration of natural laws, or the display of a high rank cultivator's understanding of practice. In a word, the perception of Taoism is not necessarily It suits you, you need to pay special attention, don't accept it completely, and learn to distinguish what kind of perception is useful and what kind of perception is harmful.

"Remember, this kind of perception of the Tao will definitely give you the urge to breakthrough Cultivation Base. But you can't get the Golden Core yet. Your foundation is not solid enough, so you must not be able to get the Golden Core, remember?"

Li Shiyin nodded as she listened to Qin Ran's nagging.

"After entering, you must also pay special attention to other people. You must be on guard against others, especially the disciples of Qifeng..."

After hearing Qin Ran's words, Li Shiyin couldn't help but look to the side. Sure enough, the face of He Daoguang, the head of the Qi Peak, turned black.

"Don't worry, Junior Martial Uncle, we will protect Junior Sister." At this time Lu Junxing turned his head and smiled with Qin Ran, "Not only will we protect Junior Sister Li, but we will also prevent people from messing around in the Taoist sect."

"I believe my nephew's guarantee..." Qin Ran and Lu Junxing laughed, and then lowered their voices and said to Li Shiyin, "Not only Qifeng, but also other people should pay attention, after all, people's hearts are separated from each other..."

The cultivators here are all cultivators, and they can be heard clearly even when they lower their voices, so Lu Junxing had no choice but to go forward with a suppressed smile.

The Taoist gate is just a gate, even a very ordinary stone gate. It stands alone on the edge of the cliff, and you can see the other side from one side. There is nothing but the moss on the gate.

But there was still a distance of ten feet, and the family members were isolated, and only the disciples who knocked on the door were allowed to enter.

"Remember the master's words, and pay attention to safety." Qin Ran and Li Shiyin gave the last advice.

Li Shiyin gave him a reassuring gesture, and was the first to go forward and knock on the door. According to the head of the door, Gu Yueming, she bowed respectfully in front of the Taoist gate, and then walked towards the Taoist gate.

The stone gate was obviously ordinary, but as Li Shiyin walked forward, walking, suddenly disappeared inside the gate out of thin air, and could not be found again, as if it had never appeared before.

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