"Something's wrong..." Qin Ran walked out of Gu Yueming's Immortal Cave and headed to the deacon hall of the main peak, holding the token of the Elder in his hand, his brain was running fast,

"The head said that they have verified Jian Yuanjie's death in many ways. Then he may not know how Jian Yuanjie died, where he died, and who killed him, but he is in charge of the mountain guard formation. At least he knows when Jian Yuanjie died. Out of Sect... He should also know when I entered and exited Sect... Plus Zhuifeng once looked for me in Sect, he has every reason to suspect me... plus he was in his Immortal Cave just now... "

"No!" At this point in the analysis, he stopped abruptly, "The fact that Jian Yuanjie was killed by me must have been known to the head! "

A sense of crisis immediately invaded Qin Ran's heart, urging him to run for his life.

"Calm down... calm down!" But he quickly reacted and told himself to calm down in his heart, and he continued to walk towards the deacon hall as if nothing had happened, "The headmaster knew that I killed Jian Yuanjie, but he didn't grab me, and even killed Jian Yuanjie." The position of Elder in charge of medicine was handed over to me, which means... Does this mean that he is not going to hold me accountable?!"

"Yes!" Realizing this, Qin Ran breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he was safe for the time being.

But he wondered again, why?

"Is it because I am the only pill refining master in Daojianmen, or is it because...

"Jian Yuanjie, a 25-year-old boy, has actually been discovered by the head!"

His eyes were as deep as a universe, and there seemed to be stars flickering in it. He grasped a little detail and restored the truth of the matter, "Jian Yuanjie was discovered by the master a long time ago, but the master didn't attack... the master was seriously injured Closed Door Training... In fact, the master The sect has planned for a long time, this is to show the enemy's weakness, lure the enemy to go deep, and lure Zhishengu to attack?!"

"Good guy, they're all old Yinbi!"

Qin Ran sorted out the cause and effect clearly, and immediately knew that Jian Yuanjie was actually just a pawn in the game between two big sects, and that he killed Jian Yuanjie, the head probably would not pursue it.

"and many more……"

When he got here, he suddenly realized one more thing: if Jian Yuanjie was a pawn, then he killed this pawn now, and he was pushed to Jian Yuanjie's position by the head...

"I've become a pawn!"

He killed Jian Yuanjie, not without punishment, he became Jian Yuanjie, and now he is the one or two pawns in the Sect game!

"No..." Qin Ran looked at the pill refining furnace in his hand, "How did things become like this? Why did I suddenly reach the center of the vortex?"

He obviously just wants to be a dead house that lives to cultivate immortals! !

... However, things have come to this point, but we can only take one step at a time. It's a big deal to run away early, anyway, the running plan has always been in his record.

Still came to the deacon hall.

Qin Ran actually doesn't know much about Deacon Hall. His understanding of Deacon Hall is similar to what he knew about the school's Academic Affairs Office in his previous life, but he doesn't know what its internal organizational structure is.

It was only by asking for directions that I finally found this so-called palm medicine hall.

Qin Ran pushed open the door and saw that the space inside was huge, about the size of a football field, but there were not many people in it, only a dozen or so, and there were only four noteworthy people.

On the left side of the pharmacy hall, there are rows of medicine cabinets filled with medicines, among which there are drug boys who clean up and arrange medicine materials; on the right side, there are similar cabinets, but there are documents, files, and medical books in them. There are also handyman disciples shuttled among them.

And in the middle, where you can see at a glance when you open the door, there are four people sitting.

On the side of the main seat facing the door, there is a long table, and there is a place behind the long table, which must be Jian Yuanjie's place; on both sides, there are two desks for office work, and there is a place behind each table , and there is one person sitting in each position.

Four people, on the left and right sides, the man on the left and the woman on the right, and two people on one side, all working at desks, probably all deacon disciples.

Hearing someone push the door, the female deacon who entered the door on the right raised her head and looked over. She was an intellectual woman. When she saw Qin Ran, she thought it was some disciple, and asked softly, "Who are you looking for?"

When dealing with enemies, Qin Ran can act wildly, can be ruthless, and can be ruthless; but in fact, normally speaking, he is actually not good at dealing with people. This is quite in line with his handsome face.

"Cough!" He coughed awkwardly, and said softly, "I'm the new Elder."

Maybe I didn't hear clearly, maybe Qin Ran's delicate face and youthful expression made people not hear clearly, anyway, that beautiful female deacon asked again: "What?"

At the same time, the other three deacons also looked over.

The sight of the four people put great pressure on Qin Ran, as if he was facing Jian Yuanjie. But seeing him take a deep breath, straighten his chest, take out the token of the pill refining furnace, increase the volume, and said: "Brother Jian had an accident, and I am temporarily taking the position of Elder."

This time they heard it clearly, but the four of them were skeptical. They stood up and saluted Qin Ran: "Welcome Elder."

"Uh..." Seeing this posture, Qin Ran was a little overwhelmed for a while, and quickly said, "Well, my name is Qin Ran, the leader of Danfeng. You can do what you want."

"Qin Elder!" The four saluted again before sitting down.

After the four of them sat down, Qin Ran went to the main seat and sat down.

Book files were neatly placed on the main seat, and he took a file and opened it, which recorded the distribution of Medicine Pill for this month. He read it carefully. After reading it carefully, he took another book and opened it. The book recorded the medicinal properties of medicinal materials. It was a very ordinary book. He had already read it. After turning a few pages, he stopped reading it.

He read all the dossiers and books, but Qin Ran did not find anything related to the purchase of medicinal materials.

He glanced down the hall, and found that although the four people in the hall were still doing their own jobs, they were actually focusing on him.

Qin Ran looked down, flipped through the book, pondered for a moment, then suddenly stood up, walked to Zuo Yinan deacon's desk, and asked with a smile, "What's your name?"

"Disciple Shi Yuan." He put down his pen and replied respectfully.

"What are you doing?" Qin Ran asked.

"I'm in charge of the purchase and delivery of elixir for disciples in the sect."

"Is it related to the Sect mission?"

"Yes, the general Sect mission, the part related to the elixir, will go through my hands."

"Not bad, very powerful."

Qin Ran talked to Shi Yuan for a few words, then went to the table of the girl on the right, deacon, and asked with a smile, "What's your name?"

"Disciple Ke Yue." She put down her pen and replied respectfully.

"What are you in charge of?"

"I am responsible for distributing the medicine pills every month." Ke Yue replied, "The medicine pills needed by the disciples in the sect will usually go through me."

"Oh..." Qin Ran looked at the sweet-looking female deacon, and nodded, "There are so many disciples in Daojian Sect, it's really hard for you."

"No, I'm just in charge of statistics..."

After talking with Ke Yue, Qin Ran went to the desk of the second man from the left, and asked with a smile, "What's your name?"

"It's good for the first seat to call me Yan Yi."

Hearing that he called himself the first seat, Qin Ran asked, "Do you know me?"

"I'm a disciple of this year. In the assessment of door-knocking, I was defeated by the first person on the questioning platform." Yan Yi joked.

"Ah! Then you are unlucky to meet me." Qin Ran also joked.

"No, no..." Qin Ran's face and Qin Ran's temperament are not aggressive, they are actually approachable, and seeing that he is really approachable, Yan Yi also relaxed, and said with a smile, "Actually, I am Li Shiyin and Senior Sister Li's little girl." My brother, I admire Senior Sister Li very much. Senior Sister is really too strong."

"Haha..." Qin Ran laughed twice and said, "I have a chance to take you to Danfeng to play and meet your Senior Sister Li with my own eyes."

With that said, he also asked Yan Yi, "What are you in charge of?"

"I'm in charge of everything related to pill refining in the sect." Yan Yi said, "Any Outer Sect disciple who wants to pill refine will go through me."

Hearing that Yan Yi was doing this job, Qin Ran laughed and said, "Then your job is really free."

There is no pill refining in Daojianmen at all, it seems that Yan Yi is really a model fisherman in Daojianmen.

Yan Yi touched the back of his head in embarrassment, and replied: "Actually, there are disciples who want pill refining..."

After chatting with Yan Yi for a few words, Qin Ran went to the desk of the second female deacon from the right, who was the intellectual female deacon he asked him before entering the room. He smiled and asked, "What's your name?"

"Wind Flying Swallow."

"It's a nice name." Qin Ran looked at this beautiful intellectual woman deacon with a smile and asked, "What are you in charge of?"

"I'm in charge of the procurement of Medicine Pill and elixir." Feng Feiyan replied.

Hearing this, Qin Ran's smiling eyes slowly narrowed.

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