My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 275 I Am The Only One In The World Who Is Not An Undercover Agent

"I heard from the head that I need to go to Zhishen Valley to purchase in a few days. Is this true?" Qin Ran asked Feng Feiyan.

"Back to the Elder, this matter is usually decided by the Elder in charge of medicine, I don't know the inside story." Feng Feiyan looked very intellectual and spoke very softly, she said, "I just follow up every time and truthfully record the Spirit Stones spent. and purchased Medicine Pill."

"Oh!" Qin Ran nodded, expressing his understanding, "So this matter was decided by Senior Brother Jian."

Feng Feiyan saw Qin Ran's appearance, and saw that he was easily led aside and fooled by him, a few smug smiles unconsciously appeared in his eyes.

But who knows, at the next moment, Qin Ran suddenly put his hand on the table, and drew a lot closer to her. She didn't notice it for a while, and felt a pressure.

She heard Qin Ran ask: "Excuse me, the time for you to go shopping is random. Brother Jian can go whenever he wants; there is still a fixed time, for example, once a month, once every six months, once a year. Go once?"

Obviously Qin Ran still had that pretty face, still had a smile in his eyes, and his voice was still very gentle, but, for some reason, Feng Feiyan couldn't bear the thought of rejecting his question.

She hesitated for a long time, but still replied: "Go back to Elder, I need to go shopping once every three months."

"Hmm..." Qin Ran nodded, smiled, and continued to ask, "Then every time I go, is it the middle of the month or the end of the month?"

Feng Feiyan didn't dare to look at Qin Ran again, she lowered her head and still replied, "Middle of the month."

"Is the middle of the month the fifteenth of every month?"


"What day was that?"


Feng Feiyan had already lowered her head, and she couldn't see any changes on her face. Qin Ran leaned on the table with his elbows, and got closer, and could already smell the warmth of Feng Feiyan's body. He asked, "Now What do you need to purchase next time? Medicinal materials? Medicine Pill? Which medicinal materials, which Medicine Pill?"

"This matter... I really don't know." Feng Feiyan felt a huge stone pressing down on her heart, making her breathless.

"Do you know that this purchase is different from other purchases?"

Feng Feiyan's head was lower and her back was arched, allowing Qin Ran to see her big breasts. She shook her head, she was about to cry when she heard the voice, she replied: "Yeah."

Looking at this woman, Qin Ran finally stopped smiling. He stood up and stopped pressing her. He just said, "Give me a few copies of the dossiers you purchased earlier."

When Qin Ran smiled, Feng Feiyan felt infinite pressure, but when Qin Ran stopped smiling, she felt the pressure on her body suddenly disappear.

She breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly got up, rummaged through the file cabinet next to her, and then handed five files to Qin Ran. She lowered her head, still not daring to look at Qin Ran, and said in a low voice: "This It is the dossier for March of this year and the whole year of last year."

Qin Ran took the file, and a gentle smile appeared on his delicate face, like a weak scholar in green shirt standing under the willow tree by the river.

"Thank you." He nodded.

Feng Feiyan squeezed out a smile.

Qin Ran took the file and walked to his seat.

During this process, he noticed the seriousness of Ke Yue and Shi Yuan, and the shock of Yan Yi's face. So he further confirmed that matter, among the five persons in charge of the medicine hall, including Jian Yuanjie, one of them was not an undercover agent.

With a smile, he took a deep look at Yan Yi, then returned to his seat, and studied the file carefully.

I don't know what kind of psychological state Jian Yuanjie is holding to keep Yan Yi.

I don't know what kind of mental state Yan Yi is working in this medicine hall.

It would be very interesting if Yan Yi was sent by the head of the medicine hall to investigate the undercover agent, because in the whole medicine hall, he is probably the only one who is not an undercover agent.

Of course, if you think about it carefully, you can still grasp Jian Yuanjie's thoughts. I will keep the person who is in charge, but give him a meaningless job... in charge of pill refining in a Sect where there is no pill refining teacher...

Thinking about it, Qin Ran wanted to laugh again.

Then he looked at the file, looked at it, and the smile on his face disappeared.

Qin Ran understands Medicine Pill, medicinal materials, and mathematics. So he can understand this dossier and understand the meaning behind this dossier.

So he knew what kind of rubbish Medicine Pill Jian Yuanjie had been feeding Daojianmen disciples these years; so he knew how many Spirit Stones Jian Yuanjie had been greedy for these years.

And the most important thing is that only Danfeng needs the elixir and medicinal materials...that is, he needs it. In other words, over the years, Jian Yuanjie has been greedy for countless Spirit Stones by helping him buy his medicinal materials.

The more Qin Ran reads this dossier, the more complicated his psychology becomes. On the one hand, he has a heartbroken feeling of worrying about the country and the people. He is worried about all the disciples of Daojianmen, and he is worried about the future of Daojianmen;

On the other hand, his intestines were almost turning green, why didn't he lick Jian Yuanjie's bag at that time! ! !

Because Jian Yuanjie has not only greedy the Medicine Pill money of Mo Dao Jianmen disciples out of conscience, but also received countless kickbacks for his meritorious service in killing Dao Jianmen disciples... I don’t know how fat Jian Yuanjie’s bag is! !

While Qin Ran was investigating corrupt officials in Jianmen, Dan Feng, who he had been entreating and entreating,... sure enough, something went wrong.

Here's the thing:

The dark supernatural power that Li Shiyin wants to use is the escape supernatural power that Zhui Feng learned from Jiaolong Aoyi. This supernatural power can dye himself black and turn into a dark form, and then he can blend into the darkness, get into the shadows, or not Injured; similar to Qin Ran's dreamlike.

Qin Ran's dreamlike illusion is to turn himself into water; Chasing Wind's dark magic is to turn himself into darkness.

The supernatural power is of course a good supernatural power, but the problem is that Zhuifeng hasn't learned it least he doesn't master it well...

Under Li Shiyin's urging, he used it forcefully, and then lost control of his magical powers.

Darkness spreads...

The darkness centered on the cat climbing frame and spread out in a circular shape, not only turning the chasing wind tiger into a dark form, but also bringing Li Shiyin, the cat climbing frame, half of the small river, half of Xijian lake, and Xijian lake close to the cat. The trees on the side of the climbing frame, including the Demon Eater Liu Xiaoji, all turned into a dark form.

Oh, and on this side, the dining table where they ate was also dragged into the darkness by the chasing wind.

In fact, turning these things into darkness is not a big deal, just change them back quickly.

But the problem is...

Chasing the wind couldn't control it, turning so many things into a dark form, causing his Magic power and soul power to be greatly depleted.

In other words, not only did Zhuifeng lose control of his supernatural powers, but also the things that had turned into a dark state couldn't return for a while!

Even, Zhuifeng fell into a deep sleep due to excessive spellcasting.

Li Shiyin was left alone running around in the darkness, but she couldn't change back to her human form. She shouted for help, but her voice could not be heard.

"Qiqi help..."

"Master save me..."

"Tu Shanyouyou save me..."

She was hoarse, but no one heard her.

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