After Li Shiyin Foundation Establishment, her physical fitness has greatly improved, and with Magic power, the speed of digging the lake is much faster than before. Now the amount of digging in one day is worth the progress of the previous four or five days. Moreover, this speed is also accelerated with Li Shiyin's Cultivation Base process, which is an acceleration process with greater acceleration.

But only five days after Foundation Establishment, the mud pit in the middle of the lawn has grown several times. Now it has a considerable scale, and it looks like an artificial lake.

At this time, the sun was shining, and Li Shiyin was struggling under the mud pit.

The unscrupulous master, Qin Ran, sat under the parasol by the pit, holding a green flute in his hand, playing "woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo".

It's hard to hear, but if you listen carefully, you can still hear some tunes. for example:

"The sparrow outside the window

talkative on a pole

you say this


This tone is very reluctant. The tune may or may not be there, long or short, and the tuning of the bamboo flute is very stretched, so no matter whether you can hear the tune or not, it is very uncomfortable.

Poor Li Shiyin not only had to dig the lake hard, but also endured the torture of his master's monster voice.

It was at this time that a hero appeared on the stage, and a voice suddenly came from the edge of the forest, a man's voice full of spirit, and the voice asked, "May I ask if this is Dan Peak?"

So the sound of the flute, which is not an exaggeration to call it mental torture, stopped for a while. Qin Ran put down the flute and looked over. At the entrance and exit of the forest, there was an imposing man standing.

The man was wearing a black crew-neck gown with a bun and a crown. He had black hair and a black crown. He had a bronze complexion and a burly figure. It was conservatively estimated that he was half a head taller than Qin Ran.

This person looked fierce, not a good person, Qin Ran frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm Li Shiwen..." Li Shiwen greeted Qin Ran cupped fist, and walked this way, "I have seen the first seat of Danfeng."

Li Shiwen? Qin Ran looked the person up and down. This person was indeed somewhat similar to Li Shiyin. He should be the big brother of Li Shiyin's general stationed in the Hengduan Mountains.

The two brothers and sisters of the general's family, one with Shiyin and the other with Shiwen, on the one hand can really appreciate their father's good intentions, and on the other hand can really see that they let their father down.

Qin Ran sat upright, quietly watching Li Shiwen approaching. Although this guy looked very polite, but his aura was domineering, obviously the visitor was not kind.

Waiting for Li Shiwen to approach, Qin Ran stretched out his hand, a stream of water flowed out, rolled up a chair in front of Li Shiwen, and said, "Please sit down."

Qin Ran's hand did not calm Li Shiwen at all, he pressed the back of the chair, did not show any sign of sitting down, stared at Qin Ran with piercing eyes, and said: "I'm here to pick up my Little Sister, please let the first seat come to you .”

This guy must have killed people, and many, the Killing intent is so compelling, Qin Ran made up his mind to judge.

He knowingly asked: "Who is your Little Sister?"

"My Little Sister's name is Li Shiyin..." Li Shiwen was not annoyed, and patiently explained, "Half a month ago, I participated in your family's asking ceremony. As far as I know, she became an inner disciple and came under your door."

"Really?" Qin Ran nodded, and said calmly, "I have practiced alone for a long time, and I don't know Li Shiyin, you probably came to the wrong place..."

"elder brother!"

Before Qin Ran finished speaking, a black figure suddenly jumped out of the mud pit beside it, but it was Li Shiyin who heard the voice in the pit and jumped out. Li Shiyin looked at Li Shiwen several times from the edge of the pit, fearing that he had heard or read wrongly. When it was confirmed, regardless of the dirt on his body, he rushed up and hung on Li Shiwen with a "bang".

Li Shiwen didn't even react, and when that stinky figure hung on his body in a familiar posture, he slowly realized that it was his silly Little Sister.

But, how did this silly boy have so much strength?

Thanks to his strong body, otherwise it would be difficult to survive Li Shiyin's excited embrace.

When Li Shiyin's excitement passed, Li Shiwen lowered his head uncertainly, with the smell of Li Shiyin lingering in his nose, he stretched out his hands to hold Li Shiyin's head, and carefully identified it.

Although it was black and dirty, this was indeed the appearance of his Little Sister. He looked at her with pity, rubbed his fingers on her face, and wiped off the plaster. His heart was like a knife, what happened to his little sister? Will it become like this? ? !

He watched, smelled and thought about it, and the anger in his heart ignited, and it became more and more intense. He immediately picked up Li Shiyin's buttocks, put her aside, and then reached out to take out his back...

"Brother, how do you know I'm here?" Li Shiyin stood firm and asked, wiping away tears.

Li Shiwen took out three gun barrels and one gun tip from his back waist, and he silently assembled it with a gloomy face.

Hearing that the connection of the gun barrel was stuck "pattapatta", Li Shiyin was puzzled and asked doubtfully, "Brother, what are you doing here?"

"Wait a while, brother will take you home..." Li Shiwen said, after assembling the steel gun, he motioned for Li Shiyin to stand aside, and he looked at Qin Ran with murderous eyes.

Although he was slapped in the face instantly, Qin Ran was still as steady as an old dog. He sat there, looking at Li Shiwen calmly and calmly.

With no more magic sounds to fill his ears, Zhuifeng ran over again, climbed onto his knees, yawned aloud, and began to wash his face.

"Huh!" Li Shiwen suddenly shouted, "Look at the gun!!"

He reminded Qin Ran and signaled that he would not do the sneak attack, so he came forward with spear thrust... He is a scholar.

And he really deserves to be a general, at least in terms of combat power, he didn't overwhelm, he was as powerful as a rainbow, and his spear was like a thunderbolt. In an instant, the tip of the spear reached Qin Ran's eyebrows, and he was about to pierce Qin Ran's brain!


Qin Ran ignored the danger in front of him, turned his head to get the juice on the table.

His appearance made Li Shiwen frown. Seeing that the tip of the gun was about to hit his eyebrows, Li Shiwen was hesitant. After all, it was his Little Sister who came to worship him. He is a reasonable person, and it is reasonable to teach him a lesson. There is no justification for human life, thinking, he will pull back and smash it with the barrel of a gun.

But at this moment, he suddenly found that the barrel of the gun in his hand was not moving, and he retracted it vigorously, but it couldn't be retracted.

He was puzzled when Li Shiyin's voice came: "Brother, why did you hit me Master?!"

Li Shiwen looked back and found that Li Shiyin was holding his gun with one hand behind him, preventing him from moving forward or retreating.

"Ah?!!" Li Shiwen was dumbfounded.

He, Li Shiwen, is not a frail scholar. The strength of this spear thrust is at least 500 catties at least, but...

Our strength of hundreds of catties was restrained by our own weak Little Sister with one hand?

He was stunned, but Li Shiyin didn't. Li Shiyin pulled him back with a gun again, stared at him with bright almond eyes, and asked, "I'm asking you something!"

My brother stopped calling.

Li Shiwen tried to struggle, but found that Li Shiyin's strength was too great for him to struggle at all, so he let Li Shiyin take the gun away. He turned around, stared at Li Shiyin, and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

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