My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 33 Three Sentences, Let Me Pick Up Little Sister

"Brother, have you become stupid too?" Li Shiyin frowned, and hurriedly said "Bah bah" twice, what "again", she said again, "Brother, why have you become stupid? I am Shiyin?"

Li Shiwen looked at Li Shiyin carefully again. Although the face of the guy in front of him was dirty, the stupidity that seemed cold and arrogant but actually cute penetrated the bone, and he could tell at a glance... This is indeed his silly Little Sister.

"Shi... Shiyin?" Li Shiwen asked uncertainly, "When did you have such great strength?"


Li Shiyin showed a small expression of complacency, and played with Li Shiwen's steel gun in his hand.

This steel gun is Li Shiwen's treasure. He takes it with him wherever he goes, and never leaves him. She has never played with it...Although it is probably because the steel gun is so heavy, more than sixty kilograms, she couldn't handle it before. But no matter, she easily snatched the steel gun from Li Shiwen today.

"I'm a cultivator now!" She held a gun, put her hips on a stick, raised her chin to Li Shiwen, and smiled triumphantly, "You mortal, why don't you kneel down to me!!"

So Li Shiwen snapped Li Daxian back to reality.

It took less than twenty days for Li Shiyin to disappear from his residence, and he has achieved such strength. It seems that he is practicing seriously, but... Li Shiwen looked up and down at Li Shiyin's dirty appearance at this time , how does this seem to be practicing?

"Returning to the Immortal?!" He laughed and said, "The Immortal has to come home with me too."

"I won't go back..." Li Shiyin planted the steel gun firmly on the ground, leaned up, and folded her hands on her chest, "I am the top-level golden Spiritual Roots, and I was born to cultivate immortals... soon I will be a sword immortal. Old Li's family also has a fairy!"

"Sword Fairy and Sword Fairy, do you really want to be a fairy so much?" Li Shiwen stared at Li Shiyin, "Do you know that there are two worlds, fairy and mortal, if you want to be a fairy, you have to cut off the entanglement of mortals, you don't want me as a big brother, Don't you want your parents too?"

"It's just practice. Who said that we must cut off the entanglements of the world? After I learn how to fly with the sword, I will go home every day, and I will annoy you." Li Shiyin put her hand in front of her belly, and she said, "Anyway, I must To become a sword fairy, I have to go to the underworld to recover my grandfather's soul, and I must find the elixir of life so that my parents can live forever!"

This is so silly Little Sister!

Li Shiwen was really moved and angry, but he had to wake her "mua" up today. He turned up the volume and shouted: "Hell, hell, I tell you, there is no hell! There is no elixir of life! There is no grandpa! Grandpa is dead , never come back!

"You are sixteen years old, you should be more sensible!"

Li Shiyin lowered her head and said in a low voice: "Grandpa Dong said that when a person dies, he will become a ghost, and ghosts will enter the underworld and live in Fengdu to wait for Samsara. Grandpa Dong said that ghosts can also cultivate, and ghosts can also cultivate in the Immortal World... I Go to Fengdu and bring grandpa back and teach him the method of ghost cultivation!"

Grandpa Dong is obviously someone like Li Jiakeqing.

Li Shiwen shook his head and said, "Grandpa Dong lied to you."

Little girls always believe in fairy tales, but Li Shiwen tore up the fairy tales today. Li Shiyin was leaning on the steel gun, her body was obviously stiff, she lowered her head, she couldn't see the expression on her face, but there were big and big ones. Tears fell to the ground, splashing plaster.

Li Shiwen stepped forward and gently embraced Li Shiyin in his arms.

Qin Ran was still sitting there, he took a sip of juice and put the glass back on the table. The juice was sour and sweet, so sour that he shed tears...

There are ten thousand reasons for practicing in this world, the most common one is my own destiny, and the rarest one is for the longevity and well-being of my parents. It is the most innocent and romantic, and the most pitiful.

Li Shiwen held Li Shiyin and cried for a while, then pulled her, moved the chair in front of Qin Ran, sat down, and asked aloud, "What is Shiyin doing?"

"Dig the lake..." Qin Ran said, before Li Shiwen's expression turned violent, he added, "Exercise your body, and control your body."

Li Shiwen thought about it carefully, and he could understand. He nodded, looked at the huge pit next to him, couldn't believe it, and said hesitantly, "She dug this all?"

"Yes." Qin Ran replied.

Li Shiwen was silent, he looked at Li Shiyin, feeling very distressed, how could the silly girl have suffered this kind of hardship, seemed, he quickly suppressed this distress, when his father punished them, it seemed that it was no worse than this.

Sure enough, Li Shiyin said: "Brother, this is actually quite fun. Dig out the mud, separate the stones from the mud, and pile them over there. The mud can be used to make clay dolls, and the stones can be thrown to play, and to hunt birds... Many interesting treasures will be dug up, I dug up a Flying Sword before, but unfortunately it was rusted..."

For a person with a pure heart, sadness comes and goes quickly. At this time, Li Shiyin can already have red eyes and joyful brows. Qin Ran looked over and thought to herself, the intensity is still low, and she is playing with emotions.

Sensing the master's terrifying gaze, Li Shiyin hurriedly stopped, and talked about other things: "And you don't have to worry about muscle soreness. Master makes me a medicinal bath every day. It's very comfortable to take a medicinal bath...Brother, you should try it."

"Medicated bath?" Li Shiwen knew what Qin Ran was doing to Li Shiyin when he heard this.

Unlike Li Shiyin, he knows the value of medicated baths. If the medicated baths taken by ordinary people are for money, then the medicated baths taken by immortal cultivators are Spirit Stones. Spirit Stones, if ordinary people get one, it can be passed down as a family treasure.

And Qin Ran soaks Li Shiyin every day...

He looked at Qin Ran, his expression became respectful, he considered his words, and said: "I have some understanding of Dao Jianmen. I heard that the four peaks of Dao Jianmen practice different Taoism, and Danfeng practices pill refining. technique. Then you must be the legendary pill refining master."

Qin Ran masturbated the cat, but didn't speak.

"Then..." Li Shiwen asked, "Why does Shiyin need to practice body and sword, and take the road of sword cultivation?"

"She is Jin Spiritual Roots, born to practice swords. Then her own Little Sister, you understand..." Qin Ran explained.

Li Shiyin is silent, Li Shiyin is a silly boy, with a big nerve, a simple mind, flying around, practicing sword is indeed a good choice.

"If you ask me, why did she go to Danfeng to practice swords..." Qin Ran looked at Li Shiyin and laughed, "She just wanted to learn pill refining and refine the elixir of life by herself. I asked her to practice swords. I promised to help her find a Medicine Pill that prolongs her life."

Li Shiwen glanced at Li Shiyin, Li Shiyin smiled at him, he looked at Qin Ran, cupped fist saluted, bowed his head and said: "It's really troublesome Master Immortal! I apologize for my rude behavior just now!"

"Those who don't know are innocent." Qin Ran said, "As for Shiyin, my apprentice loves her, so I will naturally help her."

Speaking of this, Li Shiwen knew all about Li Shiyin's specific situation in Danfeng, and then he said:

"My Little Sister is simple-minded and out-of-the-box by nature. I am a fool and have a fool's fortune. I am honored to be under your seat, and I am fortunate to set foot in the cave. But, she really has to go home.

"For one thing, the parents are safe at home, and children should not go to the mountains to cultivate immortals. My father and his lord write a letter every day, urging Shiyin to go home..."

The map of Yan Kingdom is still not long enough! Is this just a picture of poverty? This Li Shiwen is not a good person after all, Qin Ran looked at this fellow indifferently, and after talking about shit for a long time, he still wanted to take Shiyin home.

However, his first reason was somewhat reasonable. Qin Ran remembered that there were relevant regulations in Taoism on earth. If you are an only child and have elders in your family, you are not allowed to join the religion and practice, so you don't care about him.

But at this moment, Li Shiyin curled her lips slightly and snorted softly, showing her disdain, obviously there are other tricks in it.

"Secondly, Shiyin is only twenty-eight years old, and it's time to talk about marriage..." Li Shiwen continued, "My Li family has always had a good relationship with the Cheng family in Danyang, and Shiyin made a marriage contract with the Cheng family very early... ..."

Good guy, is there a story about "don't bully the young and poor"? Shock! The silly apprentice was actually Nalan Yanran?

"Three times..." Li Shiwen's expression became serious, he looked at Qin Ran, and said in a deep voice, "The reason why I didn't come to visit you until now is because there have been many incidents of Demonic Beasts hurting people in the Hengduan Mountains recently. I have a premonition that something big will happen in the Hengduan Mountains, and I want to take this opportunity to send Shiyin back, away from this dangerous place."

Hengduan Mountains? Qin Ran's eyes are faint, and it's the Hengduan Mountains again!

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