At the same time that Qin Ran's body arrived in Wuyi City, his avatar had also arrived at Xuanqin's barracks.

He first approached the Xuanqin military camp with his invisibility due to his transparent water form, and then waited for an opportunity to kill a patrolling soldier, then turned into the patrolling soldier's appearance, and finally mixed with the patrolling troops in this soldier's appearance, and patrolled the military camp together .

Qin Ran, the water body, basically has the ability to change. And he is a transformation, a shape-changing, not an Illusion Art or a blindfold. In other words, what he has become, let alone an ordinary person, even a Nascent Soul cultivator, is hard to detect.

Because Nascent Soul cultivators don't have souls yet, if they don't practice the special Cultivation Technique, then the world they see with naked eyes is not much different from that seen by low-level cultivators.

Qin Ran used water to enter the barracks of the mortal army, not only was it like entering no man's land, but it could also be said that he did whatever he wanted.

He mixed in with the patrol team, walked around the barracks, and secretly collected some information.

Generals lead troops to fight... Everyone thinks that "leading troops to fight" is one word, but in fact, it is two words, leading troops and fighting. The difficulty of leading troops is actually not much different from the difficulty of fighting.

A combat force of 10,000 people needs at least 20,000 to 30,000 logistics troops. That is to say, if a general led 10,000 people to fight, he would be responsible for at least 30,000 to 40,000 people's clothing, food, housing, and transportation. Because it was a war, he also needed to be responsible for basic things such as weapons, armor, chariots and horses.

If you can take good care of these 30,000 people without causing any major disturbances, and bring them back no matter what you do, then you are a qualified general; It can be called an excellent general.

As for fighting, that is another matter.

...Think about it, Qin Ran brought a Danfeng, including Yan Yi and Zhou Fu, that is, four people and four monsters. There are only eight souls, and none of them are of the same mind. If Qin Ran took these eight people out on a sect mission, and eight people went out, it might not be possible for eight people to come back.

(PS: If you are the class leader, and you are asked to take a whole class out for an outing, not to mention other things, can you mobilize everyone to take them away, and then bring everyone back safely? A class Only a few dozen people.)

Speaking of this, I want to say that Zhao Li is extremely powerful, he is indeed a great general. The 200,000-strong combat force, the hundreds of thousands of logistics troops, and the super-large camp were built here, and he arranged them clearly without any trouble.

At this time, Qin Ran was patrolling with the patrol team. The ground he passed was flat, the barracks were clean, and there was no mess. It can be said to be a miracle.

Zhao Li's ability to lead troops can be seen.

And Zhao Li was able to win nearly half of Northern Chu within three months, which shows that his combat ability is also very strong.

To sum up, Zhao Li is a super commander-in-chief, even worthy of Qin's killing intent.

"If there is a chance, kill Zhao Li while evacuating." Qin Ran thought so.

The patrol suddenly passed a barracks, and outside the barracks four soldiers were squatting in the snow drinking.

The wine is a pot of wine, and the appetizers are peanuts. Each person grabs a few peanuts and passes the wine to each other.

They drank and chatted.

Qin Ran was far away, and heard one of them with beards say: "Beichu is really delicate, even the snow is tiny. I'm afraid the men in Beichu are the same."

Speaking of this kind of thing, several people laughed tacitly.

One of the square-faced men drank the wine and suddenly sighed: "Oh, it's snowing. According to this momentum, I'm afraid we will have to celebrate the New Year here this year."

"No way..." A dark-faced man took over the conversation, "I don't know what the higher-ups are thinking, they won't fight, and they won't leave, so they put us here to drink the northwest wind."

"That's right, the Northern Chu army is very soft, and they can't bear us charging." The skinny man replied, "Wouldn't it be over if we just hit in?"

The bearded man took the jug, pointed to the Star Sword Qi in front of Wuyi City, and said with a sneer, "You're going to break those godlike tricks?"

"The tricks of the gods have to be broken by the gods..." The square-faced man looked at the sword Qi along the way, with fear in his eyes, and asked, "Where are the gods from Xuanqin?"

Hearing the words, the thin-faced man thought of something, lowered his voice, and said, "I heard that during the last attack on the city, several gods died on our side. Do you remember how many times the lights flashed on the top of your head that night? That was Xuan Qin The fairy is dead."

"Shh!" The dark-faced man glared at him, and said, "Nonsense, how could a god die?"

But at the beginning, the bearded man followed the thin-faced man's words and said in a low voice: "I've heard about this too..."

After the eyes of the others were all over, he continued, "It is said that too many gods died, and there was a conflict between the gods in the army and the general. The general wants to attack the city and go back early, but the gods are afraid of death... "

"That's right..." the thin-faced man said, "I heard that the general is looking for another fairy, and he wants to find a way to deal with that sword fairy of Beichu."

Having said that, the black-faced man ate a peanut and said, "I heard that the Princess Yaqing of the Zhao family has returned..."

"Who are there!" At this moment, a female voice suddenly shouted, "What are you talking about?"

The four of them were startled, and hurriedly followed the prestige, but it was a young girl with a beautiful face and a young woman with a charming appearance walking towards them.

The one who yelled loudly was the young woman.

"Princess Yaqing!" the black-faced man cried out in panic.

The four lost their peanuts and wine, they all stood up and bowed their heads in Zhao Yaqing's direction.

Zhao Yaqing walked here with her escort, glanced briefly at the four people, and said in a deep voice with the arrogance of a superior: "First, you violated military discipline by drinking alcohol in the army; second, you are rebellious , discuss state affairs indiscriminately. These two should be executed according to the law!"

The four of them trembled in fright, knelt down quickly, and said anxiously: "Princess, please forgive me."

Zhao Ya glanced at them disdainfully, and said to the patrol team who had gone far away: "Someone violated discipline here, don't you deal with it?"

So the patrol had no choice but to turn around and salute Zhao Yaqing.

The captain of the patrol team came out and said to Zhao Yaqing: "The princess is magnanimous, please take them down for punishment."

Drinking alcohol in the army is indeed against discipline, but... this kind of thing is in the cold winter, and everyone basically turns a blind eye to it; as for talking about state affairs, who doesn't gossip in private?

It's just that they just met Zhao Yaqing, and Zhao Yaqing was in a bad mood.

As for why Zhao Yaqing is in a bad mood?

Look at the Sword Qi in front of Wuyi City! A person she hates has become so powerful, how can she be in a good mood?

"You take it down?" Zhao Yaqing didn't know that this was a perfunctory approach to her. The team leader took these people away, and they must have secretly released them where she couldn't see them, so she became more and more upset, and shouted, "Hmph! Come and bring some people to my tent, and I will personally punish them!"

At the beginning, no one in the patrol team moved, but after a few breaths, before Zhao Yaqing became even more angry, someone from the patrol team came out and pinned one of the black-faced men down, and then three more came out, and arrested the other three. suppressed.

"Follow me!" Zhao Yaqing gritted her teeth and said coldly.

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