My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 333: Eight People Go And Six People Return

A group of ten people, headed by Zhao Yaqing, walked towards the center of the camp, and arrived at Zhao Yaqing's tent in a short time.

Zhao Ya ordered the four members of the patrol team to tie up the four unlucky ones and take them to a place about ten meters away from her.

She took out a sword from the Qiankun bag, pulled it out, looked at coldly Sword Ray and the four of them and said, "It just so happened that I have gained some insight into Sword Qi these days, you guys are honored to let me try Sword Qi. If I comprehend Sword Qi because of this, your death will be worthwhile. No way, I will remember you because of this..."

Isn't it punishment? How could it involve death? So the four members of the patrol team silently left the four of them and stood a little further away.

The legs of the four unlucky ones instantly softened, and the thin man's legs softened and knelt down, begging for mercy with Zhao Yaqing: "The princess is very kind, please spare my life. I will not talk too much in the future."

"Do you still want to have a future?" Zhao Yaqing sneered and closed her eyes. She manipulated the Magic power in her body, and according to the Sword Qi release method she felt, the Magic power poured into the sword according to the law, and pointed at the thin-cheeked man...


There was a slight air explosion sounding from the tip of her sword.


The skinny man let out a scream and lay down in the snow, thinking that he was dead.

After waiting for a long time, he realized that he didn't feel any pain in his body, and then he got up, looked at Zhao Yaqing, and saw Zhao Yaqing's face was ugly. It turned out that Zhao Yaqing failed to cast the spell.

He breathed a sigh of relief before his soul returned to his body.

"Sword Qi!"

Zhao Yaqing looked at the tip of the sword in her hand with fierce eyes.

She could clearly feel that her Magic power condensed into Sword Qi and went out from the tip of the sword! but! Every time Sword Qi leaves the sword, it instantly dissipates into the air, never being able to form Sword Qi!

"Why does the little Sword Qi dare to disobey me like this?!"

She still remembered that four years ago, she was humiliated by a crazy girl who had only practiced for a few months because of Sword Qi!

Crazy girl, a few months, Sword Qi!

And she, Zhao Yaqing, has been practicing for seven years, three years later and four years, a full seven years, and now she is still at the Foundation Establishment late stage, and she has not comprehended Sword Qi yet.

What a shame? ! !

And the stigma intensifies when she calls herself a genius.

Zhao Yaqing turned her head back, looking towards the direction of Wuyi City with her bloodthirsty eyes, those Sword Qis that terrified her once again strengthened the fear and shame in her heart.

A rude wild girl she doesn't like, but Cultivation Base and Talent are above her, which is enough to make her want to die.

She remembered that when she went to meet Ziyi Elder two days ago, she learned from Ziyi Elder that Li Shiyin had fought Ziyi Elder for several rounds, and she did not lose...

Who is Ziyi Elder? He is a giant of Nascent Soul! He was someone who could crush Zhao Yaqing to death with one finger, someone who stood in front of her, Zhao Yaqing, she didn't dare to look up or look directly at him.

And such an existence, Li Shiyin can fight with it, but also, no! fall! Down! wind! !

"Ah!!!!" The more Zhao Yaqing thought about it, the more angry she became, she suddenly summoned all her Movement Technique power, poured it all into the sword, and then released it suddenly according to Sword Qi's release technique.



There was a louder sound in the air!

However, there is still no Sword Qi.

If it works, it works, if it does not work, it does not. The reality will not change because of her personal emotions and anger.

She doesn't have a deep understanding of Sword Qi, and she doesn't have enough talent in kendo, so she just can't use Sword Qi.

The failure of trying her best this time finally drove Zhao Yaqing completely crazy. Her proud scheming city has long since disappeared due to jealousy and shame. She stretched her figure and came to the thin man, and then the sword rained down...

In an instant, the thin man turned into a blood man.

At this moment, in front of this pawn who couldn't resist at all, Zhao Yaqing had the demeanor of a Foundation Establishment late stage cultivator.

Qin Ran stood by and watched this scene.

He came here because he wanted to find a way to kill these two women, who robbed them of their lives four years ago, but now, he suddenly felt that it was unnecessary, and he still concentrated on finding a way to kill Zhao Li.

Oh, there is no need to doubt, the first patrol soldier who stood up just now is Qin Ran... There is a clone, so he can do whatever he wants.

After leaving enough sword marks on the skinny man, Zhao Yaqing's anger finally dissipated. At this time, the thin man had been dead for a long time.

She sheathed the sword, and the thin man fell into the snow.

"Let's go!" She seemed to be the scheming daughter of the Zhao family again, and said to the remaining three soldiers in a flat tone.

"Thank you, Princess, for not killing me!" The three of them were frightened and kowtowed.

Qin Ran stepped forward, untied the three men, helped them up one by one, and led them out of the tent.

But just after they walked a few steps, Zhao Yaqing suddenly said, "Stop!"

Qin Ran clearly sensed that the six people around him were all startled and trembled.

But they still stood still, and even turned around, bowing their heads and saluting with Zhao Yaqing.

"You are not bad, just follow me during this time!" Zhao Yaqing said, she saw this man with winks (after she gave the order, he executed it as soon as possible) and courage (he had no fear when she was angry or killed), He is a man who can serve tea and pour water.

A few people looked up, Qin Ran saw Zhao Yaqing looking at him, and immediately understood. Zhao Yaqing didn't choose anyone, but chose him, the person who wanted to kill her.

Hmm... also good.

Qin Ran hastily lowered her head and saluted Zhao Yaqing: "Thank you Princess!"

So eight people came and six people returned.

Zhao Yaqing killed someone and was covered in blood. She put the sword back into the Qiankun bag, turned around and went to take a shower without giving Qin Ran any orders.

Seeing this, Qin Ran neither left nor entered the tent, but stood at the door of the tent.

It's normal for him not to go in, but why didn't Zhao Yaqing's escort Daoist go in? This is very strange.

Qin Ran faintly found that the relationship between Daoist and Zhao Yaqing was not like the relationship between Daoist and Tianjiao, but more like the relationship between a servant and a master.

It can be seen from the time they snatched the natal sword four years ago, because it seemed to be led by Zhao Yaqing.

Most importantly, Zhao Yaqing's Talent doesn't look like a genius, and she doesn't deserve a Daoist.

You know, talents like Li Shiyin and Lu Junxing didn't protect Daoists.

"Weird..." Qin Ran thought to himself, but he didn't dare to go to protect Daoist, he just thought in his heart.

After a long time, Zhao Yaqing washed the blood off her body, put on brand new clothes, became as beautiful as before, and stepped out of the tent.

The snow has been falling, and the body of the thin man has been disposed of, and the blood is covered by the snow. The sky and the earth were all white, and in the heavy snow, it seemed that nothing had happened.

"Uncle Huang called me over to discuss matters..." She stood in front of Qin Ran, without looking at him directly, she just said calmly, "When you're in the big tent, don't talk nonsense."

"Yes." Qin Ran replied.

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