My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 373 Master, You Need To Make Up

With one-tenth of the Yuanshen allocated, it can be said that Qin Ran lost half of his life and was extremely empty, and then the avatar suffered from spatial turbulence, which made things worse.

So, when the silly apprentice packed himself up and sent him over, he didn't even have the strength to open the package.

"Heaven! The earth!" When Qin Ran woke up from a coma and realized what he had missed, he couldn't help covering his face and looking at the sky.

"Master, what's the matter with you?" The clear and sweet voice of the silly apprentice sounded from the side.

Qin Ran turned his head to look, and found that this was his room, and the silly apprentice was sitting beside his bed dressed appropriately. It seems to be watching over him.

"'s okay." He forced a smile.

Although his heart was bleeding, he wished he could get up and beat his feet and beat his chest.

"Master, why did you pass out for nothing?" Li Shiyin was puzzled, looked at Qin Ran's pale face, and said, "I was scared to death, I thought..."

She thought she had the disease that the rustling would kill a man as mentioned in the book.

"It accident." That's all Qin Ran could say.

"No, master, I made soup for you." Li Shiyin suddenly took out a bowl from behind her like a magic trick, and there was hot thick soup in the bowl.

Qin Ran looked at the color of the soup and felt that it was drinkable, so he asked, "Did you boil it?"

"En!" Li Shiyin raised her tone and raised her chin triumphantly.

Qin Ran looked at the silly apprentice, her white jade-like round chin was so tempting that he wanted to take a bite, he smiled and asked, "When did you suffer?"

"I boiled it up in the morning."

Qin Ran looked at the sky coming through the window, and found that it was already afternoon.

"Did you wake up in the morning?" He stared at the lying little witch.

"Huh!" Li Shiyin wrinkled her little nose and said coquettishly, "It's the soup made in the morning. I think the master will have hot soup to drink when he wakes up! But I have been using Magic power to keep the temperature, so it is still hot now .”

Qin Ran came to a sudden.

At this time, he was lying on the bed, and the silly apprentice was sitting sideways on the side of the bed. The light from the window came in, and her fair face radiated the light of a fairy.

His heart was warm.

"You feed me..." he said, "Let me see if your skills have improved."

"Hey!" Li Shiyin carefully brought the soup in front of Qin Ran, mixed it with a spoon, and a puff of hot air floated towards Qin Ran's nose.

"Master, is it fragrant?" she asked.

Smelling the smell of the soup, Qin Ran's complexion gradually became weird. He is a pill refining master. He only needs to smell it to know what medicinal ingredients are in the soup...

"Very fragrant." He replied.

He asked again, "What kind of soup did you cook?"

"Turtle, wolfberry and lily soup." Li Shiyin said with a chuckle, "Sister-in-law taught me!"

Good guy!

This is... the accidental coma yesterday made the silly apprentice suspect that he couldn't do it?

"This soup is too nourishing, I don't fit to drink it now." Qin Ran said tactfully.

"Just make up a little bit." Li Shiyin scooped up a spoon and fed it to Qin Ran gently. She was as simple as she was. She obviously didn't know what the soup was for. She probably thought it was for strengthening the body. She smiled, "I Secretly stewed Qiqi's snapping turtle, master, don't tell her."

Qin Ran couldn't refuse the gentleness of the silly apprentice, he took a sip and asked, "Do you think Qi Qi knows it?"

Last time he experimented with the crimes committed by Death Pill, it was Long Qiqi who exposed him.

"She doesn't know..." Li Shiyin replied, "She has been sleeping recently."

Long Qiqi was indeed tortured enough by Li An.

"Okay." Qin Ran asked again, "Then have you ever thought about what to do if you find out after Qiqi?"

"Hmm!" Li Shiyin tilted her head and thought for a while, "Then I'll buy her one in advance..."

The master and apprentice fed one, drank the other, and chatted while chatting, and quickly finished the soup.

Li Shiyin helped Qin Ran get up again, and helped him get dressed.

Qin Ran really wanted to say that he was just a little weak, it wasn't that he was too sick to move, he was able to stand up, sit and lie down, even small-scale battles, he was also good.

That didn't work yesterday... mainly because it was too exciting. Confused him all of a sudden.

But such a gentle and silly apprentice, he couldn't refuse.

He watched her help him dress with a gentle smile on her eyebrows and eyes, and only felt that life was satisfied from now on.

His hand touched her waist unconsciously, hugged her lightly, then moved his head closer, and kissed her pretty cheek.

Given their height difference, such intimacy is very convenient.

"Master!" Li Shiyin pretended to dodge, but leaned over like a kitten, and blamed him, "I'm helping you get dressed!"

Qin Ran squeezed her waist with his hand, the silly apprentice's strong but soft waist felt really good. The waist was kneaded, the silly apprentice went limp all of a sudden, she fell into his arms, and couldn't put on her clothes.

"Master..." she said timidly, "You are bad!"

She felt itchy in her waist and pupae in Qin Ran's arms again.

Qin Ran lowered his head to bite the tip of her nose, and asked in a low voice, "Aren't you the worst?"

How dare she seduce him so boldly.

"Hmm..." Li Shiyin would not admit it, her voice was nasal, "I'm not bad, master is bad."

"What did your sister-in-law teach you that night?" Qin Ran asked in a low voice.

Li Shiyin blushed, and buried herself in Qin Ran's arms as if she didn't hear those words.

"Master actually knows more..." He leaned close to her ear and whispered.

This Li Shiyin didn't believe it, she raised her head in Qin Ran's arms, looked at Qin Ran, showed her small white teeth and smiled brightly and brilliantly: "Master, bragging!"

The master went up the mountain since he was a child, and he has never seen many women. How could he understand the relationship between men and women?

Qin Ran moved his hand around Li Shiyin's waist, wanting to show her some seriousness, but he finally endured it. Because going up and down will make him uncontrollable.

He snorted softly, lowered his head, put the tip of his nose against the stupid apprentice's nose, and said fiercely: "You will know later!"

"I want to know now..." Li Shiyin tilted her head, her face was close to her master's, and the hot faces were together, the heat from her cheeks was transmitted to the master's face, she didn't blush, her voice was hoarse Said, "Master, teach me now!"

The heat on Qin Ran's face fell into his heart, and suddenly magma boiled up...

However, he raised his head, forcibly separated from the silly apprentice, and sighed: "Not yet...

"After your Golden Core. Breaking the body will affect your Cultivation Base Realm."

"Hmph!" Li Shiyin hit the master's chest with a mallet.

She lay in the master's arms for a long while before continuing to help the master get dressed.

After getting dressed, they walked out of the room. In the corridor, Qin Ran saw four little kids surrounded by the sword washing lake and under the willow tree, chattering about something.

He pointed at the big kid, and said to Li Shiyin, "Check him out some time."

He can do this by himself, but he wants Li Shiyin to do it.

Li Shiyin looked at Zhang Junyi and asked, "Is there a problem with his background?"

"Whether there is a problem or not, we have to check." Qin Ran and Li Shiyin said seriously, "From his birth, even his parents and ancestors, to the time he joined Danfeng, you have to check everything you can find during this period. .Finally summarize it for me.”

Li Shiyin knew the seriousness of the matter, and responded formally: "Yes, Master!"

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