The four little kids under the Willow Tree, from childhood to adulthood, are Li An, Liu Xiaoji, Zhuifeng, and Zhang Junyi. Among them, Li An is five months old, Liu Xiaoji is four years old, and Zhuifeng is five years old. Zhang Junyi is thirteen years old.

Although Zhang Junyi is already thirteen years old, he is too thin, and his body size is about the same size as the shrunken Zhuifeng and Liu Xiaoji in normal state.

Zhuifeng shrunk his body down to the size of a big dog, and protected Li An to sleep soundly in his arms. He looked at Zhang Junyi and said with a smile, "Actually, you can sleep with us. I will be with Ping An, and we don't need to build a new house. "

He turned around and pointed to his cat's nest under the old locust tree, signaling to Zhang Junyi.

For the past two days, Zhang Junyi had no place to sleep, and was stuck in the shed.

Zhang Junyi looked at Zhuifeng, although the talking tiger demon smiled and became smaller, but the Demonic Beasts breath he inadvertently exuded made him feel depressed.

Seeing that he invited himself to his tiger's lair, Zhang Junyi was in danger all over, he forced a smile and said: "The chief wants me to take care of the elixir, and it is actually more convenient for me to sleep here. Besides, it is very warm inside, and it is comfortable to sleep inside. Very comfortable."

He was telling the truth, the environment in the shed was many times better than when he lived and slept on the street or deep in the mountains.

This newcomer is a bit ignorant of good and evil, he has put down his dignity to invite him, how dare he refuse? !

Zhuifeng didn't want to invite any more, after all, he wanted to face him too.

He looked at the open space outside the shed, and said with a sneer, "Father asked you to build a house by yourself...

"Can you build a house?"

Zhang Junyi has been wandering for many years. In fact, he knows a little bit about many things. He is a little bit good at carpenter building walls and laying foundations.

But when he saw that the tiger demon's city mansion seemed to be a little ahead of him, he shook his head and said, "How could I?"

He refused just now and brushed Lord Tiger Demon's face, and now he is showing weakness to win sympathy.

Can't even build a house!

Chasing the wind is somewhat underestimated. He raised his paw, pointed to the Jianjian Lake on one side, and pointed to the shed on the other side, showing off, "I will! Do you know? I... built the Jianjian Lake and the elixir shed of."

Zhang Junyi opened his eyes wide, half shocked and half flattered, and said, "Senior is really amazing!"

Demonic Beasts also build human structures? This was indeed beyond his expectation... Qin Shouzuo's spiritual pet is very unusual.

"It's okay, it's okay..." Zhuifeng said modestly, but his head was raised, "This is actually our Danfeng tradition!

"When Shiyin came, Xijian Lake was built. When Qiqi came, our house was built, just the few rooms under the old locust tree... Every time a new person comes, there will be another building in Danfeng .”

Shiyin? Washing Sword Lake? Zhang Junyi knew that Shiyin seemed to be the first closed disciple of Qin, who had a considerable status in Danfeng and was also very powerful.

Seven seven? He knew it was his Master. Although the Master hasn't recognized him yet, they haven't spoken yet.

"Hey! What kind of house are you going to build?" Zhuifeng asked again, quite like a senior, "If you want to build a house like Huxin Pavilion, then you have to find a spiritual root cultivator to burn bricks for you.

"You don't know! Before Danfeng, there was a brother who turned into a fire, which was very powerful. The lake embankment, the lake center pavilion, and the bricks and tiles used were all burned by him."

Brother who turned into fire? Zhang Jun wondered what kind of state it was.

"I'm going to build a thatched house out of wood." He and the tiger demon senior replied respectfully.

"Wood?" Zhui Feng paused, and flaunted, "My father and I went to the forest to chop the wood for building the house back then. I was still very young at that time, but I could already help out.

"If you want to chop wood, you can ask me for help."

"Yeah! Help..." Li An on his stomach raised his hand in his sleep and cried.

"No, I'll just chop some wood." Zhang Junyi said, looking at the willow tree next to him unconsciously. He knew that the little boy on the tree was the tree spirit of the willow tree, and he wanted to chop down trees to build a house. It doesn't feel right, "I'm just getting a place to sleep."

But when he looked at it, Liu Xiaoji let the willow branch hang down, and asked him: "You cut down trees to build a house, and you want to cut me down?"

"No, no!" Zhang Junyi quickly shook his head and said, "I'm going to cut trees in the forest over there."

"Let me tell you, don't mess with him, he is the scariest." Zhuifeng "kindly" reminded Zhang Junyi.

Speaking of which, he not only personally experienced the catkin catastrophe of the Demon Devouring Willow, but also beheaded Liu Daoji's remnant soul with his own hands. He really knew Liu Xiaoji's terror.

"Is the senior a tree spirit?" Zhang Junyi respectfully asked Liu Xiaoji.

"Hmm..." Liu Xiaoji nodded, pointed to the bamboo forest in the back mountain, and suggested to Zhang Junyi, "Why don't you cut bamboo to build a house! Don't cut down trees."

Zhang Junyi turned his head and looked at the bamboo forest in the back mountain. He knew in his heart that it would take a lot of effort to cut bamboo from the back mountain; moreover, building a house with bamboo required a higher level of craftsmanship.

But he nodded in response: "Okay."

Danfeng's people are getting more and more strange one by one, he has to be cautious. He can agree to this kind of request.

"You have to be careful of him!" Liu Xiaoji suddenly pointed at Zhuifeng, and said with a different face from Zhang Jun, "Look, he is a tiger demon. You know that tiger demons are the most deceptive, and you also know that tiger demons like to eat food the most. Human. And he eats human, one bite at a time. He doesn’t eat you now because you are too thin and tastes bad. He plans to make you fatter before eating.”

Zhang Junyi thought that Zhuifeng could grow into a very large one, which was really scary, and saw that Zhuifeng had become such a small one to talk to him in a pleasant manner.

His heart trembled, and a lot of terror appeared on Zhuifeng's smiling face.

But he said: "senior is a beast, how can he eat people?"

"Divine Beasts? Demonic Beasts!" Liu Xiaoji corrected, "He is a Demonic Beasts. Humans are the spirits of all things, and Demonic Beasts cannibalize people most up to Cultivation Base.

"And you pay attention to Danfeng, whether there are more people or Demonic Beasts. In fact, there were people in Danfeng before, this is a human Sect..."

There were people before, but there are no people now. Where has everyone gone? They were all eaten by this seemingly impoverished tiger demon. Zhang Junyi automatically made up what Liu Xiaoji hadn't finished saying, and was secretly scared to death.

Looking at the naive Zhuifeng, he always felt that there was something sinister and cunning hidden under the tiger's face.

"You, you, you... nonsense!" Chasing the wind, this Liu Xiaoji maliciously slandered him in order to retaliate against his joke just now, he raised his paw, and slapped Liu Xiaoji back into the Demon Willow, He threatened again, "Sooner or later, I will kill you!"

Liu Xiaoji popped his head out of the trunk of the Demon-devouring Willow, and continued to talk to Zhang Junyi: "Look, you see, he became angry after being hit by what I said. You must be careful..."

"Peace!" Seeing Liu Xiaoji still talking nonsense, Zhuifeng called out Li An's nickname loudly, and raised his paw to point at Liu Xiaoji.

Li An was awakened in his arms, opened his eyes, and saw the direction that Zhui Feng's claws were pointing, in a daze, a Sword Qi slashed past him with a "咻".

This is Li Shiyin's Sword Qi, which contains Sword intent, which can hurt the soul. Sword Qi attacked, Liu Xiaoji was also afraid, he quickly shrank his head, and retreated to the inside of the Demon Eater Willow.

Star Sword Qi didn't hit Liu Xiaoji, but hit the tree trunk, making a crisp "jingle".

Liu Xiaoji's voice muffled again from inside the tree: "That's not a child, that's an old monster. He likes to sleep the most and eats people when he wakes up. You have to be careful too."

Zhang Junyi thought to himself, how can there be a baby with such a powerful Sword Qi... Maybe it is really an old monster.

So this Danfeng has a talking tiger demon, a tree demon with a tree spirit, and a baby with a Sword Qi...

It turns out that Danfeng is actually a den of monsters!

He was terrified and began to think about how to escape.

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