Of course, regardless of whether the aura is strong or weak, Chasing Feng can still perceive it clearly, the aura that Qilin exudes in the air is indeed the aura of a divine beast...it has an obvious suppressing effect on him.

So, he still wanted to go and have a look. What if? What if there is really a little Qilin waiting to be fed?

Raising a little Qilin to play with, he feels excited just thinking about it.

He said to Xiao Bufan: "I have time to go to Danfeng to play! Now we are going to find little Qilin."

Before Xiao Bufan could reply, he took Li An and rushed out against the wind.

"Brother! Be careful of the Infinite Sword Sect..." Xiao Bufan hastily reminded.

But he looked up, and in just a short time, Zhuifeng had slipped into other people's shadows, changed several times in the shadows, and reached the front position.

"What a terrifying speed!" He sighed inwardly.

But he is not going to rush over to grab the opportunity, no matter whether it is Qilin or not, he has to be killed, right? Now that he sensed the murderous intent from the Boundless Sword Sect, he had to escape quickly.

Chasing the wind's short-distance explosive speed is not comparable to the cultivators who came here. Even if he let those cultivators run a few hundred meters first, he still arrived at the position under Qilin one step ahead of them.

Qilin was in mid-air, he looked up and felt the extremely obvious suppression of the high rank bloodline on him.

"Really Qilin?" He thought, feeling windy under his feet, and wanted to go up to find out.

But as soon as he moved, his nose suddenly smelled a special smell, he stopped hastily, his nose moved...

"The smell of blood?"

He looked up at Qilin in the sky again, and vaguely understood something.

He no longer went up into the air, but suddenly fell to the ground, as if he was suppressed by Qilin's beast blood and couldn't move.

The cultivator who was following him couldn't help showing a mocking smile when he saw his appearance.

"A beast is a beast, and it is always limited by blood!" Fu Ming was very fast, and he was the fastest one following Zhuifeng. The master of heaven and earth can only be a human race!"

When these cultivators were triumphant and sarcastic, they didn't pay attention. When they flew into the air and approached Qilin, their shadows were all cast on the ground, and the darkness formed by the shadows was right in front of Chasing Wind.

And at the moment when the shadow was formed, Zhuifeng opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of darkness onto the shadow. The darkness suddenly spread in the shadows. In the blink of an eye, a large piece of pitch-black darkness suddenly appeared on the snow-white snow.

"Bah! Stupid!"

Chasing Feng raised his paw, and gave the group of guys flying towards Qilin the middle finger. Then he took Li An, plunged into the darkness of the ground, and burrowed into the ground.

The first batch of cultivators who approached Qilin looked at the majestic, honorable, and sacred Qilin, and they still held awe of such auspicious beasts as Qilin, and they didn't immediately go forward to do anything rude.

They even saluted that Qilin under the leadership of Fu Ming.

Fu Ming took a step forward, and said to Qilin, who was exuding the radiance of Sacred, "senior, in the Southern Realm of the Lower Spirit, Fu Ming, the Boundless Sword Sect, is here to meet the Lord Divine Beast."

However, Qilin just stood there arrogantly, with a serious face, looking in the direction of the sun.

Fu Ming saluted again, and said, "How many times have you bothered Lord Divine Beast..."

As he talked, he finally came back to his senses. Although Qilin in front of him had the charm and breath of a divine beast, he had no breath of life. It's like a painting, a statue, a shadow, an excellent work of art, not a Qilin.

His face sank, he walked forward slowly, and reached out to touch the scales on Qilin's legs. Unsurprisingly, his hand went through.

He stretched out his figure again and slammed forward... his whole body pierced through the divine beast.

Sure enough, it was just a projection!

"Shadow!!" Discussions broke out in the crowd.

"It's not Qilin..." someone said, "It's just Qilin's breath."

"But... what made this shadow?" A wise person quickly thought of this question.

The Qilin in the sky is just a phantom, so what made this phantom of Qilin?

Fu Ming realized something, and hurriedly lowered his head to look at the ground, and the White Tiger was gone!

Amidst the rolling snow waves, there is a pitch-black darkness undulating on it out of thin air.

"The treasure is underground!" he roared.

All the cultivators also looked towards the ground and saw that piece of darkness. They were as smart as they were, and instantly understood the cause and effect.

There is no Qilin, but there are treasures related to Qilin. And now someone has taken the lead...

They shuddered and flew to the ground in a hurry.

Among them, the fast ones got into the darkness of the ground in the blink of an eye.

However... the fastest Fu Ming didn't move in mid-air. He squinted and looked coldly at the cultivators scrambling to get into the darkness.

"Why didn't senior brother go?" A clear female voice asked him.

Fu Ming turned around and saw Fairy Miaoyi from Zhishen Valley. He smiled and replied, "The darkness on the ground is the spell of that White Tiger. Only those stupid fools who are hopelessly stupid will be defenseless." into other people's spells."

"That's Qilin!" Fairy Miaoyi said, "It's a little dangerous, but worth the risk."

Fu Ming shook his head: "I don't need to go in. I just need to wait outside and monitor the ground. Then the White Tiger will definitely return to the ground after getting the treasure. Why not wait for the rabbit?!"

"Senior brother is very wise!" Fairy Miaoyi praised.

... What is it that you want to ask for a sword! ?

In the darkness of the underground, Zhuifeng roamed freely in his own dark Realm. He sensed the breath of the Sacred, and swam there with a dog.

Not long after, he saw the treasure.

Just like the last time I used this magical power, the spirit veins and Spirit Stones were not assimilated by the darkness, nor was the treasure.

It glows colorfully in the dark.

It is like a jewel in the sun, shining colorfully in this dark Realm.

Zhuifeng stared at the colorful brilliance obsessively, and the dog pawed beside it.

He twitched his nose, smelling the blood in the Sacred. He stretched out his claws and touched the colorful light.

The colorful light disappears, revealing its original appearance...

Blood, a drop of Qilin blood.

"So this is the Qilin cub?" He murmured, his tiger face smiling in the colorful light, "Peace, may I give you Qilin's blood as a gift?"

Li An hugged his neck, sleeping soundly.

Zhuifeng held the drop of Qilin's blood with his paws, and he wanted to put it in the Qiankun bag, but the Qiankun bag couldn't hold the drop of Qilin's blood, so he had to hold it with his paws.

At this time, those cultivators had already chased them down. From a distance, they saw a tiger shadow holding a colorful light.

"He got the treasure!" Someone shouted.

"Qilin, my Qilin!" Someone swam over there.

Chasing the wind turned around, seeing those cultivators struggling to swim in the dark Realm, his mouth twisted, and he sneered, "They're all stupid!"

In the next second, all the darkness shrank around him, and in an instant, the darkness disappeared, and the place returned to the original mudstone underground, and all the cultivators were confined in the mudstone.

Zhuifeng was wrapped in darkness, and rushed out of the ground.

Then the moment he rushed out of the ground, a sharp Sword Qi flew towards him.

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