
Zhui Feng was so frightened that the tiger's fur stood on end, which made Li An wake up from a daze.

Fortunately, he was different from ordinary babies, he didn't cry when he woke up, but smiled when he saw Sword Qi flying towards him.

Chasing Feng used his ultra-limit steering ability to get away from this Sword Qi, but this Sword Qi was so sharp that he still lost two beards.

He looked in the direction where Sword Qi came from, and saw Fu Ming smiling in the air holding a sword.

What Fu Ming practiced was the Sword Technique of the Boundless Sword Sect Zhenzong, the Boundless Sword Technique, and the Boundless Sword Way. This boundless Sword Qi has the meaning of chaos, Sword Qi is mysterious, thick and sharp.

In terms of sharpness alone, Li Shiyin's Star Sword Qi is far inferior to Boundless Sword Qi.

So even Zhuifeng, who has been in close contact with Li Shiyin's Star Sword Qi all year round, broke out in a cold sweat when faced with the sneak attack of Infinity Sword Qi.

"You are really not human!" He couldn't help but yelled, "Are you still engaging in sneak attacks?"

He cursed, and immediately set off a gust of wind, rushing towards Fu Ming.

Fu Ming watched the whole battle between Kongxuan and Zhuifeng. He knew that Zhuifeng's physical body was terrifyingly strong and he couldn't get close to him. He hastily cast Sword Technique, cut out Sword Qi, and launched Movement Technique, pulling away the distance from Chasing Wind.

"Walking the dog, huh?"

Seeing Fu Ming's tactics, Zhuifeng couldn't help but sneer.

Because no matter how fast Fu Ming was, he couldn't be faster than Li Shiyin's celestial product Movement Technique Feixian asked. He pulled the distance like this, it would be better to fight in close quarters, maybe he could use the sharpness of Sword Qi to gain a little chance of winning.

"Who do you think you are?" Chasing Wind asked.

Could it be that Mr. Zhuifeng was slipped away casually?

I saw him dodging Sword Qi continuously, blowing Sword Qi away with the gust of wind, getting into the shadow of Sword Qi, and kept getting close to Fu Ming.

Seeing Zhuifeng getting closer and closer, Fu Ming was in trouble. If he used his Sword Qi again, Zhuifeng would take advantage of his Sword Qi to get closer. If he didn’t use Sword Qi...

Thinking of the strength of Zhuifeng's paw to slap Silly Sword Immortal Xuankong, Fu Ming hesitated.

At this moment, Zhuifeng suddenly "forged forward", no longer relying on the shadow of Sword Qi, but rushed directly in front of Fu Ming.

Be the first to record the soul-stirring tiger roar...

Fu Ming was prepared for this, and with Sword Technique unleashed, Sword Qi slashed out, splitting the tiger's roar.

Chasing the wind doesn't care, as usual, he rushes over there, hitting his head and face with a claw.

They only have three moves in hand-to-hand combat with tigers...

But Fu Ming didn't dare to take his claws hard, and quickly avoided it, taking advantage of the gap raised by the chasing wind, with a sliding shovel, he raised his sword and slashed towards the weakest belly of the Tiger Clan.

But before he unfolded his Sword Qi, a tiger tail was drawn towards him like an iron whip. He hastily turned his sword peak and went towards the tiger's tail, the tiger's tail intersected with the sword, making a "dang" sound.

The tiger's tail was so powerful that it made his tiger's mouth numb.

Chasing the wind, he hurriedly got up...

But suddenly, Zhuifeng's tail, which was thrown forward, flicked again, and it was directly drawn into his hand, and his sword was directly thrown out.

"Still thinking about sneak attack? Still thinking about sliding shovel?" Zhuifeng sneered, "This is the hole that Master Zhuifeng dug for you! How about this move back to Huwei?"

Once the sword cultivator's sword is out of his hand, it's basically cold, and Fu Ming has nothing to say.

Zhuifeng turned his claws and sent him flying.

Before he landed, he flew up, opened his bloody mouth, and grabbed him in his mouth.

With the lessons learned from Sword Immortal Kongxuan, Fu Ming insisted on a few more tricks, but they were just a few tricks. He didn't know that there might be a slight gap in strength between him and this silly-looking little tiger.

Chasing the wind landed in a handsome posture.

Just at this time, the ground was booming, like fireworks, hundreds of cultivators flew out from the ground, and they stirred up countless mud, snowflakes, and ice chips flying all over the sky.

This, as the background of Chasing the Wind, made him look even more handsome.

"Where?!" There was a cultivator holding a sword in the air, looking for the figure of Chasing Feng everywhere.

"I'm going to kill it, you evil beast!!" A female cultivator yelled, "How dare you trap me in the dirt!"

"Baby, it took the treasure away!" Someone reminded.

But the noise in the air gradually became quieter, and among the swarms of ice shavings, Zhuifeng opened his mouth to spit out Fu Ming, and signaled to Li An behind him: "Peace, Sword Qi!"

Li An aroused a Sword Qi and pointed at Fu Ming on the ground in the meaning of Zhuifeng.

"Want a treasure?" Zhuifeng stood on the ground, looked up at the cultivators in the air, and shouted, "Come, come down, and fight with me! If you win, it will be yours."

Fu Ming, who was like a dead dog under his feet, was so intimidating that no one moved in the air for a while.

"Quick, who else is there?!" Zhuifeng shouted again, "It's getting late, I'm in a hurry, and I have to go home for dinner..."

Still no one dared to move.

In view of this, Zhuifeng suddenly opened his mouth wide:


A roar of a tiger roared from the ground into the air, as if the roar of a tiger frightened all animals in the mountains and forests. Chasing the wind's roar of a tiger made hundreds of cultivators in the air so that no one dared to move.

Amidst the sound of the tiger roaring, he gradually grew bigger and returned to his original stature, with his shoulder height about Zhang Zhang.

"A bunch of cowards." He left behind a sentence, and walked away on the wind.

There were cultivators in the air who were annoyed and wanted to cast their spells to catch up, but when they saw Zhuifeng's appearance at this time, they seemed to have seen Qilin who was in the air just now, and they paused for a moment, and they insisted on not chasing him out.

They watched the White Tiger carrying a baby on its back, stepping on the wind, and slowly disappearing from sight.

Zhuifeng ran for more than half an hour before looking back, but the group of cultivators did not come after him.

"Huh..." He breathed a sigh of relief.

As good as he is, he doesn't necessarily fight that many cultivators, especially with a baby on his back. Don't look at Li An carrying Sword Qi, but he is a baby after all, a serious cultivator fighting, and it is possible to hurt him if he touches it. He dared not take any chances.

"Hey!" After relaxing, he was proud again, raised his paw, threw the jewel-like blood of Qilin in his hand, and flaunted with Li An, "Look, are you a big brother chasing the wind? Are you strong? It's easy. Scared them. This drop of Qilin's blood is ours."

Li An naturally wouldn't answer him, but someone would answer him: "Are you taking Li An to grab the treasure?!"

"Who?" Zhuifeng was taken aback, followed the prestige, and saw Li Shiyin holding a sword, standing on the top of a big tree.

"Shiyin?" He smiled triumphantly again, and showed Li Shiyin the Qilin blood in his hand, "We snatched this, Qilin blood!"

Li Shiyin gave him a blank look, flew to his side, hugged Li An, and said, "You took Li An to do such a dangerous thing, I'll see how you explain to your father."

Thinking of his father's cautious character, Zhuifeng couldn't help hesitating. He said hesitantly, "We got Qilin's blood and we weren't injured. We shouldn't be scolded, right?"

"What do you guess?" Li Shiyin asked back.

Zhuifeng scratched his head with his paw, then handed the Qilin blood to Li Shiyin, and said, "Then I won't go back, you give the Qilin blood to Dad. Let Dad use Qilin blood to refine a Medicine Pill for Li An to strengthen his body, It's definitely very rewarding."

Li Shiyin refused to take his Qilin blood, looked him up and down, and sneered, "Are you planning to never go back?"

"..." Zhuifeng sighed.

I still went back to Danfeng, but the consequences were not that serious, Qin Ran knew this guy's skin, to this extent...it's not that outrageous.

Even compared to the Qilin blood that Zhuifeng grabbed, Qin Ran was more interested in the battle organized by Zhuifeng's disciples of the Infinite Sword Sect against the disciples of the Daojian Sect.

"Can't wait?" he murmured.

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