It cleared up for a while during the day, and in the evening, the dark clouds came back again, the sky became dark, and the patter of rain began to fall again.

After finishing Li Shiyin's medicinal bath, Qin Ran came out of her bedroom and turned to enter her own bedroom.

After a while, he changed into a dark night clothes and a black cloak, stretched out his hand in front of him, and drew a mirror with water. He looked at himself in the mirror, stretched out his hand to wipe his face, and his delicate face turned into a fierce one.

Transformation art, an essential skill for every cultivator to walk Rivers and Lakes.

"I'm batman!" He said in a low voice, and he heard the tone himself, and it was that smell.

Checking the temporary Qiankun bag again to make sure there was nothing missing, he put on his cloak and hat, opened the door and walked out.

When he came to the corridor, he took another look at Li Shiyin's bedroom, confirmed that there was nothing unusual, closed the door, and then jumped into the rain... Then, he disappeared into the rain line.

The escape technique is like a time in water. The most mysterious escapism practiced by Qin Ran is recorded in the basic Cultivation Technique "Water Blossom Heart Sutra" he practiced.

The speed of this escapism is not fast, it is the speed of general escapism, but it is uniquely favored by Qin Ran, because this escapism melts into water when it meets water, and its stealthiness is directly maximized.

It can be said that Qin Ran chose this basic Cultivation Technique for this evasion technique.

Melting into the rain, Qin Ran walked quickly, and not long after, he descended Danfeng and came to a remote corner. He looked around vigilantly again, and after confirming that there was no one around, he opened the Daojianmen's mountain guard formation with his identity token.

He appeared and disappeared in front of the mountain gate, and after identifying the direction, he turned into rain and disappeared.

Linxian City, a city located at the junction of the Northern Chu Kingdom and the Hengduan Mountains.

Like Daojianmen, it belongs to the junction of the Northern Chu State and the Hengduan Mountain Range, but one is in the Hengduan Mountain Range and the other is outside the Hengduan Mountain Range.

The reason why Linxian City is called Linxian City is because it is close to Xianyuan...

What fairy fate is approaching?

Hengduan Mountain means fairy fate.

There are immortals on Hengduan Mountain, this is the simple cognition of the people of Northern Chu.

In Hengduan Mountain, there is the Dao Sword Sect and the Infinite Sword Sect, both of which belong to one of the five great immortal sects of the Northern Chu Kingdom. Even the Zhishen Valley, the head of the five immortal sects, is not very far from the Hengduan Mountains. What's more, there are Demonic Beasts in Hengduan Mountain, as well as Heavenly and Mortal Treasures...

Being in such a position and being called such a name is very reasonable and fitting.

Even, the Immortal breath in Linxian City is stronger than that in Daojianmen, let alone a certain alchemy peak.

On such a rainy night, there are not a few cultivators in the city who ride clouds and swords to come and go. Falling into the city, the cries of selling Cultivation Technique, Magical Item, Talismans, and Array Maps are still loud. Two more steps, someone knelt in the muddy water on the side of the street, begging the immortal master to accept the immortal law; there was a beautiful woman who danced in the rain and volunteered to be Human Cauldron...

Qin Ran was wrapped in a cloak, with his head lowered, and hurriedly walked through the crowd with a clear goal, heading for a certain tea house in the city, not daring to take a second look at the chaotic scene.

Not long after, he came to the outside of the teahouse. The teahouse was called Yuanlai Teahouse. It had an ordinary name and an ordinary shape. It looked far from Xunxianwendao.

But Qin Ran didn't hesitate, walked straight into the teahouse, came to the counter, took out a token, took a look with the shopkeeper, and said in a low and hoarse voice: "batman."

The shopkeeper didn't understand what "Baitemen" meant, but he knew it was a code word that belonged exclusively to the pill refining master in front of him. He glanced at Qin Ran, confirmed his face, bowed again, and said, "Master Yuya."

Then he took out a mask from under the counter and handed it to Qin Ran. After Qin Ran put it on, the shopkeeper didn't say much. He led the way and took Qin Ran through the lobby of the tea house to the backyard, then opened the formation, walked into the secret passage, Walking through it for a long time, he stopped in front of the last stone gate.

"Master You, we're here." The shopkeeper said.

Qin Ran nodded, threw a bottle of Medicine Pill to the shopkeeper, and said under his throat, "Thank you."

He pushed open the door and walked in.

Inside the door is a small auction house. In front of it is an auction table. There is a person on it holding a sword and waiting for someone to bid. There are seven or eight rows of seats below, with about fifty or sixty seats. More than a dozen people, all wearing the same mask on Qin Ran's face.

When Qin Ran came in, someone in the auction house glanced at him, but no one paid attention.

He found a remote place to sit down and waited quietly.

This is obviously a private, small auction, even, it is not so much an auction as it is an exchange meeting. The people who come here are all cultivators, and they either have strength, financial resources, or special abilities. For example, Qin Ran is a pill refining teacher.

Linxian City is a city full of immortality, but at the same time, it is also a city of mortals. There are many cultivators in the city, but more of them are mortals; there is a culture of cultivating immortals in the city, but more of them are mortals.

There are indeed larger places in the city that sell cultivation items, and there are huge auction houses, but those places are not pure, there are too many people, and they are too complicated.

Therefore, there are many private, small auction houses dedicated to cultivators in the city... similar to the small circles in modern society.

The current auction site was joined by Qin Ran when he came out to sell Medicine Pill. After several participations, the impression was acceptable. Now that there is demand, it is natural to choose this place.

The sword of the man on the stage was sold for 100 low-grade Spirit Stones, followed by a man who sold Magical Items, and a high-grade Magical Item was sold for 300 mid-grade Spirit Stones.

At this time, a man of medium stature went up, took out a jar, and said in a deep voice: "Honey from silver-winged long-tailed bees, I want a Cultivation Technique of Metallic Basic Cultivation Technique in the Gold Core stage."

Silver-winged long-tailed bees, fourth-level Demonic Beasts, Demonic Beasts in the Hengduan Mountains, their honey is poisonous, but after detoxification, it can greatly improve physical fitness.

""Gengjin Flying Sword Technique" just has a Gold Core period." Qin Ran raised his hand to bid, and he wanted to bid for Li Shiyin to use.

"Kendo Cultivation Technique?" The man pondered, but did not answer.

"Don't want the Sword Technique?" Qin Ran no longer bid. He has studied the Water System Spiritual Roots Cultivation Technique and the Metal System Sword Cultivation Technique. If this guy doesn't want the Sword Technique, then he has nothing to do.

This kind of body-nourishing thing is hard to come by. There were several rounds of bidding in the audience, but the man was not satisfied until a man in red raised his hand: ""Golden Yuan Body Refining Technique", until the Nascent Soul period."

Red? Qin Ran took another look at him. In this kind of place, most people wear inconspicuous clothes like black clothes, and some people wear red clothes, which is really arrogant.

"Body training?" A look of joy appeared on the face of the man on the stage, "Yes!"

It turned out to be the body cultivator, Qin Ran understood.

After the two men made handovers with the teahouse and sat down under the stage, another woman came up to the stage and said that she was in urgent need of news about the Silverback Demon Ape, and the price could be negotiated privately.

Qin Ran's heart moved. There seemed to be a silver-backed demon ape among the beast herd last night, but he hesitated for a moment, but still did not bid.

When the woman stepped down, a few more people went up, and Qin Ran also walked up without any disturbance. He took out three porcelain bottles from the temporary storage bag, suppressed his throat, and said:

"Top-grade Huiyuan Pill, top-grade Juling Pill, and middle-grade Foundation Establishment Pill..."

Medicine Pill has always been a hard currency, let alone such a high-quality Medicine Pill, so there was commotion in the audience before he finished speaking.

"I know him, he is the pill refining teacher named You who specializes in selling Medicine Pill." Suddenly someone whispered in the audience.

Qin Ran's heart stopped for a moment, his eyes were condensed, and when he looked over, it was the man in red who spoke. In this kind of place, everyone knows that one should not reveal one's identity, and this person did it on purpose!

Moreover, how did he know that his surname is You...

There was no fluctuation on Qin Ran's face, and he continued to press his voice and said: "My request, star obsidian, Kendo Movement Technique, gold-type Sword Technique, all are acceptable."

Medicine Pill and Pill Refining Master are really the hard currency for repairing Immortal World. As soon as he finished speaking, a thin man raised his hand and said, "You want Starlight Stone? You don't have enough."

Star Shine Stone is for Li Shiyin to forge her natal Flying Sword, and the special Flying Sword in "Nine Cycles Star Sword Technique" is the most important purpose of Qin Ran's trip.

Hearing this, Qin Ran took out a new porcelain bottle from the temporary Qiankun bag, put it on the auction stage, and said, "One middle-grade barrier-breaking pill."

Immediately, there was an uproar in the audience, the barrier-breaking pill increases the probability of Golden Core, and this Medicine Pill is also sold?

"Deal." The person in the audience said quickly.

Qin Ran then handed the Medicine Pill to the auctioneer who was waiting nearby, and made the transaction through them.

""Phantom Butterfly Dance", Gold Core Phase Movement Technique." The man in red in the audience raised his hand and said, "I want ten Gathering Pills."

Before Qin Ran could speak, another person asked, "How many Spirit Gathering Pills do you have?"

"How much do you want?" Qin Ran asked.


"Cultivation Technique?"

""Star Shadow Sword Technique", created by Nascent Soul cultivator."


Qin Ran didn't want "Dancing Butterfly Steps", but "Star Shadow Sword Technique".

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