As long as you meet the qualifications for this auction, you can join this auction at any time. For example, after Qin Ran comes in, there will be other cultivators coming in, and similarly, you can leave at any time.

Qin Ran had already bought Obsidian Stone and "Star Shadow Sword Technique", so he planned to leave. He replaced the Medicine Pill that he took out for display with Spirit Stones. After stepping down, he went out directly.

He pushed the door out, and the waiter waiting at the door led the way and took him to trade the things he had bought. Afterwards, without the slightest hesitation, he directly left the teahouse through a secret door.

From the secret door, there was a remote alley outside. Qin Ran tightened his cloak, identified the direction, and walked to the street outside. There are many people on the street, it is easier to confuse people, and it is easier to hide.

Not long after Qin Ran came out from the secret door, two people followed, one in front of the other, wearing red clothes, and the latter, thin in stature.

They stood at the door, the thin man sensed for a moment, identified the direction, pointed to the street outside: "Over there."

Following the direction, they chased to the street outside. There were people coming and going on the street. The man in red narrowed his eyes slightly and looked around. Soon he saw the black figure in the crowd, and hurriedly led the thin man to chase after him.

But unfortunately, when they chased here, the black figure had disappeared.

"Be vigilant." The man in red said, "Also very cautious."

The thin man sneered and said, "It's useless."

He closed his eyes to perceive, and judged the position again: "Over there!"

Taking the man in red with them, the two chased after them until they reached the top of the city wall.

On the city wall, the two stood still, and the man in red looked forward, only to see that Master You in the black cloak flickered and turned into two, flying out in two directions, one on the left and one on the right, and the one on the right flew out dozens of times. Mi, suddenly turned into a puddle of water and fell, and the left side was always in the shape of a human, flying forward, and finally disappeared into the darkness.

"Which one?" His eyes couldn't see the truth, and he turned to ask the thin man.

"Hmph! Little trick!" The skinny man snorted coldly, and said disdainfully, he raised his finger and pointed to the place where the puddle of water disappeared, "That."

"Good escapism!" The man in red sighed, then showed his Movement Technique and chased over there.

"Can't you shake this off?" Qin Ran frowned, and turned around to see the two men coming towards him without hesitation, "Not even hesitation."

"There is a problem with something!" He reacted, and quickly put the Divine Sense into the storage bag, "cultivation jade slip? Spirit Stones? Obsidian?"

Soon, he found the problematic thing.

Obsidian! A mark was hidden on the Star Brilliance Stone, almost assimilated with the Star Brilliance Stone.

Fortunately, it is Divine Sense, otherwise it would be difficult to find the imprint of assimilation into stardust.

"Xingyaoshi was tampered with... How did they know that I would buy Xingyaoshi? Li Shiyin betrayed me?" The speed of Things Past was not fast, and the two behind him were quickly approaching. Qin Ran adjusted his breath and analyzed calmly , "No, it's impossible..."

He suddenly remembered that the man in red at the auction called him to reveal his disguise, which made him realize a horrible thing, "It was premeditated! It was the teahouse that betrayed me! No matter when I come or what I buy, I will suffer Intercept and kill. With such a method, it is not a private person, but a certain organization, which has been eyeing me for a long time!"

At this time, he had already arrived at the top of a small hill. He adjusted his mentality, emerged from the rain, stood on the top of a big tree on the top of the hill, and waited for the two people who were chasing quickly.

The two men approached, and stood guard not far away. Qin Ran asked in a hoarse voice, "The two of you have been following since Linxian City. What's your business?"

The man in red glanced at the thin man, who nodded towards him, indicating that the one in front of him was his real body, then the man in red laughed loudly and said, "I've heard about Master You for a long time, but I haven't seen him for a long time. Now that I see you, I will naturally get to know you." know."

It's been a long time, but he doesn't even know Qin Ran.

"Who are you?" Qin Ran asked.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is..." The man in red smiled, "I have always respected Master You, and I know that Master You is a pill refining master, so I would like to ask Master You for a favor."

Pill refiner? The point is the pill refiner! Qin Ran understands, his striking point is the identity of the pill refining master. Even though he was cautious enough, he kept selling Medicine Pills and finally got noticed.

"How can I help?" He found Batman's voice really useful.

"It's just pill refining!" said the man in red, "It's hard to have a Medicine Pill of the same quality as Master You's in the Immortal World. Master You's technology is superb, and we want Master You to help refine a few high-quality barrier-breaking Dan. After success, Spirit Stones is not a problem."

The man in red looks serious and deliberative, with a good attitude and a gentle tone, which makes it easy for people to put down their guard, but...

While he was speaking, the thin man had already quietly pulled closer from the front right. They had no intention of asking Qin Ran for pill refining at all. Their goal was Qin Ran!

No matter who Qin Ran was, he didn't trust them from the very beginning, he was fully on guard, and the small movements of the thin man couldn't hide from his cautious eyes.

"Barrier Breaking Pill?" Qin Ran put on a look of bargaining, and said, "Barrier Breaking Pill is very difficult, I'm going to use Cultivation Base..."

But halfway through his words, he suddenly exploded, unexpectedly...

Turn around and run.

Hey, yes, it is impossible to fight, only to run to maintain Life like this.

Qin Ran's family knows his family affairs, and his frontal combat power is pulled home. If someone gets close to him, he will be the result of lying down in seconds.

Then the question came, they were all about to run, why did he still wait here?



Qin Ran ran away suddenly, the two were taken aback, but they didn't think too much, they chased directly, but just when they chased to the top of the hill where Qin Ran was just now, the hill below them suddenly exploded.

In an instant, the terrifying shock wave carried countless stones and iron nails and shot at the two of them like bullets, and among these bullets, there were some invisible Sword Qi.

"It's formation! Kill the array!" The man in red opened the protective cover in time, recognized what it was, and hurriedly reminded the thin man, "He arranged the formation in advance."

The thin man's reaction was not as fast as that of the man in red. The iron nail pierced his body a few holes before he unfolded the protective cover. However, he was also scratched a few times by the flying Sword Qi.

"Straight mother thief!" He was furious, the Magic power in his body exploded, and an invisible shock wave spread out around him, directly blowing away the iron nail Sword Qi formed by the explosion.

He went forward to find Master You, and saw that the black cloak shook in the darkness, and two figures appeared, one on the left and one on the right. One flew to the left, and after flying a hundred and eighty meters, it turned into a puddle of water and merged into the rain, while the one on the right Keep flying in human form, and finally disappear in the darkness of the far sky.

"A clown's trick!" The thin man sneered, "What a fool."

He saw it through the first time, and dared to play like this the second time.

He felt a little, and the imprint on the obsidian was on the water flow on the left.

He snorted coldly, gathered his own blood, formed a ball in the rain, and then exploded. He passed through the blasted blood mist, his speed increased sharply, and he caught up with the water flow on the left in a few blinks.

"Die to grandpa!" He punched out, piercing through the figure mixed in the rain line.

The transparent human figure struggled to appear on his fist, and turned into a black cloaked human figure, looking at him in horror, opening his mouth, but struggling like a fish landing on the shore, unable to speak a word.

"Hmph! You bastard!" The skinny man withdrew his fist and pinched Master You's neck like a chicken, with a ferocious face, "Grandpa sees where you are running!"

At this moment, the man in red flew over, and after some distance, he suddenly saw the panic on Master You's face disappear, his mouth opened and closed, with a sarcasm on his face, as if he was saying something, the thin man stuck close to him.

The man in red realized something and shouted in horror, "Run!"

The thin man turned his head to look at him, not understanding very much, then looked at Master You, only to see that Master You in his hand suddenly turned into a puddle of water, and the water flowed through his hand and fell from mid-air.

"Fake?" The thin man was very upset, angry that he had been cheated.

He looked forward again, and saw where Master You disappeared, leaving behind a temporary universe bag, which stopped in mid-air.

Only then did he finally realize what...

The next moment, the temporary universe bag exploded!

A tribulation thunder lit up in the darkness, piercing through the sky and the earth.

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