My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 46 The Red Pill And The Blue Pill

The reaction of the man in red was fast enough. When he reminded the skinny man, he turned around and ran away, but he still couldn't run away, and was affected by the robbery.

If he is given another chance to run, I believe he will run faster, because this time he has not played to his own level.

——Why can a pill refiner in the Foundation Establishment period make such a big commotion! ? Thunderstorm! ! ?

When half of his body was scorched and Jie Lei was running wildly in his body, he didn't even think about it.

Falling from mid-air, smashing into the wet grass, fine rain fell on the man in red, but he couldn't feel it anymore. He looked at the afterglow of the thunder light disappearing in the dark, doubted his life, and murmured: "Gold Core Infant's Heavenly Tribulation Tribulation Thunder?"

"Very knowledgeable, not bad." A deep and hoarse voice sounded nearby. He followed the voice and looked over with difficulty, only to see a black figure emerging from the rain in the darkness.

so close...

This made him want to understand one thing, after the explosion, both left and right were fake. The real Master You had been hiding in the rain for a long time, and ran to the ground to hide.

No matter how they choose, they are wrong, two Gold Core phases are teased by a Foundation Establishment phase, they are like two clowns!

"Ahh..." The man in red yelled out for no reason, perhaps because it was too painful.

"What's your name, what organization is it, and what is the purpose of arresting me?" Qin Ran walked closer, raised a bubble to cover the man in red, holding a sword in his hand, and asked repeatedly.

The man in red stopped shouting, saw the bubbles around him, and looked at the sword in Master You's hand, feeling even more desperate.

As he got closer, Qin Ran suddenly saw that half of the man in red was scorched by the lightning, and half of his body was basically intact... This shape is the same as that of the double-faced man.

What kind of a coincidence is it that he created a Batman image, but a double-faced man exploded out?

After thinking for a while, seeing that the man in red didn't speak, he put away his sword, took out two Medicine Pills, one red and one blue, from the Qiankun bag, and motioned to the man in red: "A big pill, of high quality, can be repaired as much as possible." Your physical body will give you a chance to survive; an evil pill, you will die if you take it. Give you a chance to choose."

He seems to have become a double-faced man.

The man in red looked at the Medicine Pill in Qin Ran's hand. He didn't understand Medicine Pill, so he guessed based on experience that the red one should be Shadan. But he was puzzled, how could this person be so kind with such deep scheming?

"Do you really want to die? After going through all sorts of dangers to form a pill, do you want to die like this?" Qin Ran suddenly began to persuade.

At this moment, a bolt of lightning strikes in the air...

The man in red trembled from fright, and looked into the sky, only to realize that it was ordinary lightning.

He used the light of the lightning to look at Master You in front of him, and found that in the drizzle, Master You's face was divided into Yin & Yang by the lightning... like a devil.

He subconsciously felt afraid, as if he had returned to his childhood and was abandoned on a rainy night, but immediately felt sad. He remembered that he was a big cultivator of Gold Core middle stage, and the person in front of him was just a young cultivator of Foundation Establishment stage.

"What... do you want?" He asked bitterly.

"What organization wants to arrest me?" Qin Ran asked directly.

"Fate." The man in red replied.

edge? Fate to the tea house? Qin Ran remembered the name of the auction.

"Why did you catch me?"

"You are a pill refining master, you can pill refining medicine."

This is the reason, control the pill refiner, refine Medicine Pill, and then organize the sale of Medicine Pill.

"Splitting!" Another bolt of lightning struck, but Qin Ran's entire face was black.

"Choose!" He said in a deep voice, not wanting to ask any more questions.

Although he felt that blue was a great redemption pill, the man in red hesitated before saying, "Blue."

Qin Ran let go of his hand, and the blue Medicine Pill was wrapped in air bubbles and flew into the mouth of the man in red.

The Medicine Pill melted in the mouth, and the medicinal power quickly dispersed into the limbs and bones. Feeling the situation in the body, the eyes of the man in red narrowed, it was really a great pill!

He looked at Master You who hadn't escaped yet, and couldn't help laughing, "Does Master want to work for the organization?"

"After refining the pill, how do you divide it?" Qin Ran asked.

Still thinking about sharing? The man in red sneered inwardly, but still replied: "Five to five points."

Qin Ran nodded, and asked again: "Is there anyone else who came after me besides you?"

"Aren't two Gold Core cultivators enough?" The man in red asked back.

Indeed, I only have the Foundation Establishment period, and I have two Gold Core periods, which is a great face for myself. Qin Ran breathed a sigh of relief, and asked again: "How many people are there in the Yuan organization?"

The man in red is not stupid, it's just a life-and-death change. He lost his composure during the ups and downs, but when he saw Master You obviously relaxed, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

He remembered the two figures that dispersed for the second time, both of which were fake. So, these two Medicine Pills...

At this time, the medicine that had been absorbed by the body began to take effect, but...

The medicinal power did not repair the body, but began to eat away at the body!

That's not Da Huan Dan, that's poison Dan!

The man in red turned terrified...

"do the splits!"

Qin Ran looked at him calmly.

The two Medicine Pills are indeed a big redemption pill and a bad pill, but that big redemption pill is a poison pill that failed to be refined.

Poison Pill, a kind of Impurities forms a Medicine Pill according to the Medicine Pill rules.

The body is destroyed by the poisonous pill, and Jielei is no longer restricted, and it erodes along the place destroyed by the poisonous pill. This process is the process of the physical body being torn and burned.

"Ah!!" The man in red couldn't bear it anymore, and screamed out.

This is a kind of torture! No matter how he chooses, whether it is evil pill or poison pill, it is torture.

He was too innocent, how could Qin Ran let him survive.

In such a rainy night, a man's shrill screams rang out for a long time, and finally became weaker one after another, being drowned in the sound of rain.

Another immortal seeker, ascended.

The body of the man in red was completely scorched by the robbery. Qin Ran was sure that he was dead, so he took out his own specially formulated corpse powder and sprinkled it on the corpse to ensure that the corpse was completely decomposed into air particles without damage to other things.

He probed carefully with Divine Sense to make sure that the soul and the like did not remain, and completely dissipated.

In short, he will try his best to leave no future troubles.

Then went to deal with the emaciated man who died directly under the robbery. Qin Ran took the universe bags of the two of them. After searching carefully, only the Spirit Stones that could not be tampered with were left. He wrote down a few useful pill recipes, The rest, Magical Item, Magic Treasures, Cultivation Technique Movement Technique, he dare not take any of them.

All their things are put into the Qiankun bag, and then the Qiankun formation of the Qiankun bag is changed to distort the inner space of the Qiankun bag. Finally, the distorted space will grind the contents of the Qiankun bag and the Qiankun bag into fine powder.

After dealing with those things, Qin Ran left with two identity tokens that must have tracking marks, and went straight to the river.

He took a last look at the token. The external shape of the two tokens was the same, with the word "Yuan" printed on one side and the word "Tao" printed on the other. He chose a piece at random, wrapped it in water, threw it into the river, and made it float downstream.

After a while, the token was swallowed by a big fish, and he didn't care anymore. Go to the river bank and catch a large river bird, tie another token to it, feed it a violent Medicine Pill, and make it fly around indiscriminately.

After dealing with the token, Qin Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

He watched the river bird disappear into the night sky, and the river fish disappeared downstream, praying secretly that there should be no follow-up.

Then, Qin Ran plunged headlong into the river, showed his love for life, headed upstream, and started the journey of owning home.

Somewhere upstream, he took off his cloak, wrapped it in water, let the cloak take his place and continued to go upstream, while he went ashore, performed his magical powers and ran wildly into the forest, all the way into the Hengduan Mountains;

As soon as he entered the Hengduan Mountains, his figure flickered, and three people with different shapes and faces ran in three directions. Among them, the real body went around in the forest for a long time, and came to another place he had set up in advance. In a formation, and then plunged into it.

Waiting in the formation until dawn, when no one was chasing him, Qin Ran secretly cast Timeless Blossom from a certain place, came out of the battle in stealth, and then went to Daojianmen.

It wasn't until the sky was bright, the clouds disappeared and the sun came out from the east of the mountain that Qin Ran stumbled back to Danfeng.

Li Shiyin was eating in the living room, teasing the cat with breakfast jelly beans: "One of you..." Throwing it forward, Zhuifeng rushed over to catch it, "I have one..." Stuffed it into his mouth, one person and one cat were Silly laughing.

Seeing Qin Ran pushing the door in from the outside, Li Shiyin said in surprise, "Master, you got up so early today?" Seeing Qin Ran in nighttime attire, she said, "Master, your clothes are really stylish!"

Qin Ran gave her a blank look, took off her black coat panting heavily, threw it on the ground, and walked upstairs wearing only her underwear, while ordering: "Help me wash my clothes, I'll take a shower and sleep for a while."

This world is really dangerous, but own nest is safe, if you can not go out, you must not go out, it is too scary. Sleeping on his own bed, Qin Ran thought so.

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