Qin Ran fell asleep and was woken up by Li Shiyin's voice of "hehehaha". He got up from the bed and went to the corridor to see that Li Shiyin was dancing his sword again in the mud puddle.

It was about five o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun was softening, but it hadn't gone down the mountain yet. Today was sunny again after the rain, and the whole world was clean, fresh, gentle and beautiful.

It seems that last night's escape on a rainy night was just a dream.

The silly apprentice was messing around over there, he should have stopped it, but he didn't want to stop it now, he just thought it was very good.

He went downstairs to pour a glass of boiled water, and he walked slowly to the edge of the mud pit.

When he got here, he realized that it wasn't just Li Shiyin at the bottom of the pit, Chasing Feng was also there. This big cat, which was originally black and white, was waving its paws at this time, struggling to dig the mud, and also "meow, meow", and the mud flew up, turning him into an all-black cat.

Li Shiyin has been digging this lake for almost 20 days, and it has already reached a considerable scale. She dances her sword below, moving and switching, and is no longer affected by the terrain.

The stupid apprentice's Martial Dao Talent was not a joke, Qin Ran looked there for a while, and found that the stupid apprentice's sword had already vaguely had Sword Qi.

With Sword Qi, kendo is officially introduced. As for him, Qin, he held a sword like a blind man holding a lantern.

"It's just that the vigilance is too low." Qin Ran shook his head, he had been standing here for a long time, and the foolish apprentice didn't even notice him. If you walk the Rivers and Lakes in this way, I am afraid that there will be no people before you reach Linxian City.

"It seems that education in this area will be strengthened in the future..." he thought.

At this moment, Li Shiyin shouted softly: "Master, look at the sword!"


Qin Ran looked intently, and saw that Li Shiyin was already facing him at the bottom of the pit, with his toes pointing to the ground, and with light leverage, he rose into the air and stabbed at him with a sword.

Good guy, I was still dissatisfied with the vigilance of the stupid apprentice just now, and I will be stabbed in the back by the stupid apprentice in the next second, but fortunately he has a thick skin.

Seeing this, Qin Ran moved his finger with his right hand, and the boiled water in the cup in his left hand flew out, formed a ribbon, flowed forward, entangled the sword of the stupid apprentice, and around the side, the stupid apprentice stabbed to the side.

"Pour water!"

Qin Ran threw the cup to Li Shiyin, and sat down on the chair by the pit.

"Ah!" Li Shiyin sighed regretfully, caught the cup, and ran to the wooden house.

Chasing Feng, who was working hard at the bottom of the pit, also found Qin Ran at this time. With a loud "meow", he became excited, jumped out of the bottom of the pit more than three meters high, and came directly to the pit surface. He threw himself into Qin Ran's arms.

Just as Qin Ran sat down, he didn't pay attention, and was hit by Zhuifeng, knocked directly onto the reclining chair, and almost didn't come back up in one breath.

But after knocking him down and laying him down, the excitement of Chasing the Wind still faded away, and the weight of more than ten kilograms bounced on his chest, making him feel what unbearable love is.

Being trampled in mud, Qin Ran was panting hard, and began to worry in his heart, Zhuifeng is not a cat, but a tiger, if he has been ignorant of his own size, when he grows up, he will still pounce on him like this , that would be life-threatening.

He reached out to hug Zhuifeng, ready to teach him a lesson, but at this moment, he suddenly heard Zhuifeng's voice: "Hold... bia... Dad... Dad... Bo..."

"Huh?" He was stunned on the spot, looked at Zhuifeng with a shocked face, and asked in disbelief, "You, what are you talking about?"

Zhuifeng's small three-petal mouth opened, revealing two cute long fangs, and he clearly called out: "Dad...Dad..."

"I...I...Damn it!" Qin Ran spat out cursing, and completely stayed there, lying there for a long time without being able to move.

Li Shiyin ran over with water, Zhuifeng tilted his head towards her, and shouted, "mia...Mom...mu..."

"Hey, hey, hey! Stop! Don't shout!" Qin Ran woke up in a jerk, sat up, and quickly pressed Zhuifeng to prevent him from shouting.

"What's wrong with Zhuifeng?" Li Shiyin handed the water to Qin Ran, "Haha, master, Zhuifeng is dirty, and you are dirty too!"

"Cough..." Qin Ran didn't dare to look at Li Shiyin. For some reason, he felt guilty, leaned over to take the water, and replied, "No...it's nothing!"

"Why did I hear Zhuifeng talking!" Li Shiyin said.

"Ah? Really?" Qin Ran finally came to his senses, remembering that he had forgotten to sing, he said to Zhuifeng, "Come, Zhuifeng, Zhuifeng, come, call me!"

"Dad..." Zhuifeng shouted with his tongue out.

"Wow!" Li Shiyin was startled, "Zhuifeng can really talk?!" Although he couldn't say clearly.

It's amazing, she hugged Zhuifeng, happily raised it up and spun around. After a while, she put Zhuifeng down, and said to Zhuifeng, "Zhuifeng, call me!"

Zhuifeng was still in the excitement of circling, he blinked his cute big eyes, and shouted vaguely: "Mom~!"

"Pfft!" Qin Ran spat out a mouthful of boiled water, her hair stood on end in fright.

"No, no, call me sister!" Fortunately, the silly apprentice didn't notice anything unusual, and she was correcting Zhuifeng.

"Meow?" Zhuifeng was puzzled.

"No, sister!" Li Shiyin continued to work hard.

"Zhe...Zhe?" Zhuifeng was puzzled.

"Hehe..." Qin Ran drank water calmly at the side, and sneered, "Is teaching Zhuifeng to speak something that ordinary people can do?"

"Oh!" Li Shiyin sighed, and pouted, "Zhuifeng is so stupid!"

Qin Ran turned his gaze to the cup and stared at her. I don't know who is more stupid.

"Master... what does dad mean?" Li Shiyin asked again, "Zhuifeng called you dad?"

"It means father, daddy." Qin Ran's tone was somewhat smug.

"Oh..." Li Shiyin nodded, then muttered softly, "Then it would be bad to be called sister."

"What?" Qin Ran asked.

"Nothing!" Li Shiyin hurriedly replied, and then changed the subject in a panic, "Master, where did you go this morning? How did you make it like that? You slept all day again."

Qin Ran squinted at her, and replied, "Don't worry about the adults' business, children!"

"I'm not a child!" Li Shiyin pouted.

"How is the art of receiving starlight going?" Qin Ran asked.

"Master...Fu..." Li Shiyin elongated her tone and said helplessly, "You are so confused, you haven't started practicing yet! How are you practicing these days? It was still raining last night, let's see if it will rain later Now, can you practice tonight?"

That's right, Qin Ran nodded. It was raining in the Hengduan Mountains the night before yesterday, and it was also raining last night. To receive starlight, you need to receive starlight. It's the same as Foundation Establishment. The best time to practice for the first time is at night. When full-bodied.

But he wouldn't admit his mistake, he just said, "Then practice tonight."

"Hi..." Li Shiyin sighed, "Why are you in such a hurry, master?"

"I told you to practice and you just practice honestly. How can you talk so much?" Qin Ran said.

Demonic Beasts doesn't know when it will officially riot. If the natal sword is not done well before the riot, many variables will arise later.

But once the natal sword is settled, there will be many more choices...

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