"So? What's the problem? Someone poisoned it, or is there something wrong with the Medicine Pill itself?"

Zhishengu's master Qiu Huahua asked the pill refiner who was in charge of finding out the cause of the accident.

The pill refining teacher looked serious and replied, "What we can know so far is that someone poisoned it. I found that some of the Medicine Pills that were brought back had wrong medicinal properties. Although they looked exactly the same as normal Medicine Pills, It’s actually a poison pill.”

"Which Medicine Pill is wrong?" Qiu Huahua asked.

"Every medicine pill we distribute has a corresponding poison. Every medicine pill has a problem." The pill refining master sighed, "the person who poisoned was premeditated and came prepared. .”

"Is there something wrong with every Medicine Pill?" Qiu Huahua's face was very ugly.

But the bad news didn't stop there, the pill refining master looked at her face, and said, "Guzhu, the person who refines poison pills has a very high level of pill refining.

"He sneaked into the valley, first knew what Medicine Pill we were releasing, and then refined the corresponding poison pill. He refined it in a very short period of time.

"And the poison pill is very complicated, I can't figure it out. I can only find out the medicine pill that has a problem, but I don't know why it is poisonous. I can't make this poison pill."

"You are the best pill refining master in the valley who is good at refining poison, and you don't even understand this kind of poison?" Qiu Huahua looked like he had seen a ghost, "There is a pill that is better at refining poison than you in the Immortal Relics Land Refining teacher?"

Not only that, but the level is much, much higher.

"The toxicology of this kind of poison is very strange. It is obviously a poison for the flesh, but while it rots the flesh, it will cause the cultivator's Magic power to be lost. And its medicinal power of causing the flesh to rot actually has the effect of strengthening the body. The power of the medicine."

Master Pill Refining described the poison pill to Qiu Huahua in detail. He didn't care about Qiu Huahua's feelings, his eyes shone slightly,

"The person who refined this poison, his understanding of poison is far superior to mine. And his research on the relationship between Magic power and the physical body is also far beyond the current understanding. This must be a knowledgeable person. The great poison refiner..."

His tone was full of longing, and he almost regarded this pill refining master whom he had never seen before as an idol, eager to meet him and ask for his autograph.

But he has no chance to meet his idol, Qiu Huahua's murderous eyes can be seen now.

"This kind of poison is not an ordinary poison, even you can't refine it." Qiu Huahua stared at the pill refining master and asked, "Then how did it appear in the cultivator's hand?"

"Valley Master!"

The pill refining teacher looked serious, and replied, "The Medicine Pills will go through strict inspection when they are put into the warehouse, and there will be no problems with the Medicine Pills put into the warehouse; and after the Medicine Pills are put into the warehouse, the storage room is completely sealed, and no one else is allowed. close, so there is no problem.

"Then the problem can only occur after it leaves the warehouse."

Qiu Huahua nodded, and arranged aloud, "I lock up all the people who are responsible for the delivery, delivery and distribution of Medicine Pills, and interrogate them one by one..."

"No need!" At this time, Elder, who was in charge of escorting the Medicine Pill, opened the door and came in, saluted Qiu Huahua, "The method of poisoning is already clear."

Qiu Huahua looked at him.

"Outer Sect deacon disciple Wen Le..." Elder sighed, "I was dropped."

"Where's Wen Le? Bring it to me!"

"Wen Le was already dead when we found him." Elder sighed, "He died of poisoning."

"It seems that those Daojianmen cultivators who sneaked into Zhishen Valley have not been cleared..." At this time, Sun Yicheng hurried in from the outside, and said to the Elder, "This is an outsider who poisoned, and the poisoner is still in Zhishen Sangunei, hurry to find it!"

Hearing this, Elder glanced at Sun Elder gratefully, then bowed to Qiu Huahua and said, "Master Gu, I'm going to find the poisoner."

He is in charge of the Medicine Pill, and if he doesn't handle it well, he might have to give his life to explain it. When Sun Elder said this, it gave him a step up.

Qiu Huahua didn't say a word, and acquiesced. Elder left on his own.

Sun Yicheng gave the pill refiner a look, and the pill refiner left by himself.

"What's the bad news

interest? Seeing Sun Yicheng's movements, Qiu Huahua asked with a sigh.

"The poisoned pill refining level is very high, and it probably belongs to Dao Jianmen. The person who poisoned should be sure, it is Qin Ran without a doubt." Sun Yicheng said.

"Qin Ran?" Qiu Huahua frowned, "Is that the little thief who couldn't be killed again and again?"

"Ah! It doesn't matter who poisoned him. Qin Ran is hiding in the valley. Given the complicated situation in the valley, he might not be able to find him for a while.

"The top priority is the situation in the valley, which cannot be stabilized anymore!" Sun Yicheng said worriedly,

"There was not much harmony between the disciples of this sect and the disciples of the foreign sect, and there were frequent conflicts, and now there is the matter of the Medicine Pill...

"The Sects of the disciples who were poisoned to death wanted an explanation; some Sects with evil intentions wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to make a profit and provoke; some Sects wanted to take the opportunity to leave..."

Qiu Huahua squeezed the space between her eyebrows, she just felt that Zhishen Valley is a mess now, here and there, and there is a mess here, and she doesn't know where to start.

"If they want an explanation, you should give them an explanation; for those who want to leave, let them go, and you will pay the consequences." She said to Sun Yicheng exhausted, "Calm down the situation in the valley as soon as possible."

"The owner of the valley..." Sun Yicheng called Qiu Huahua, and then sighed, "In the valley, I don't think anyone can handle the situation in the valley. Whether you want to explain, leave, or find the poisoner, these things Neither is the point. The situation in the valley is too chaotic, and there is no way to calm down the conflicts between all parties!"

"What do you mean?" Qiu Huahua looked at Sun Yicheng and asked, "Not to calm down? Let them riot in the valley?"

"Master Gu, what was our original goal?" Sun Yicheng asked Qiu Huahua.

Without waiting for Qiu Huahua to answer, he replied, "Our purpose is to eradicate Daojianmen and Wujianjianzong! We summoned these sects to reduce our casualties and make it easier."

He continued to analyze for Qiu Huahua, "We don't want to take these foreign sect cultivators as Zhishengu disciples, we just want to drive them to fight.

"We were going to take them to fight, why not just take them there?!

"When internal conflicts cannot be dealt with, then create a strong enemy outside. We already have established enemies, so why not use them?"

"You mean, we don't care about the mess in the valley." Qiu Huahua understood, "Lead them directly to attack Daojianmen, no more strategies or plans?"

"Yes!" Sun Yicheng nodded, "We didn't expect it to be so difficult to manage the disciples of the foreign sect...Since we can't manage them, and we can't proceed according to the plan, take them to Daojianmen, then we don't care. Don't care about their life or death.

"When mortals attack a city, the attacker will always bring a large number of refugees to attack the city. We can't treat them as elite soldiers, so we should treat them as refugees!"

"Okay!" Qiu Huahua nodded, there was no other way.

But since the one who died was not a disciple of this sect, why bother him so much?

"And..." Sun Yicheng laughed, "Master Gu, we still have a strong support."

"You mean?"

"Boundless Sword Sect!!" Sun Yicheng said, "I know that they are not the ones who hunted and killed the little Sect in the Hengduan Mountains, but... I don't need to know! No one in the Hengduan Mountains can stand by and watch this war!"

Leng Ya came out from the room of Closed Door Training, found Wu Lan, and asked "Wu Elder!"

Wu Lan looked at Leng Ya and scolded, "Didn't I tell you to meditate on Closed Door Training?! If you are not calm, you are not allowed to leave the customs! Don't you understand?"

"Elder..." Leng Ya said, "I'm afraid I won't be able to meditate anymore."

"What do you mean?!" Wu Lan frowned.

"Don't Elder know about the current chaos in Zhishen Valley?" Leng Ya asked.

As soon as Leng Ya's words came out, Wu Lan narrowed his eyes immediately, and he asked in a deep voice, "How did you know about the chaos in Zhishen Valley?" Leng Ya didn't answer, and said with a smile, "Elder, a huge opportunity is at hand You don't care about how to make Tianchen Jianzong great and become the number one sword sect in the land of immortality. Instead, you come to ask me why I care about the chaos in Zhishen Valley, what a fool you are

painted? "

"You are not Leng Ya!" Wu Lan raised his hand, a sword appeared in his hand, pointing at Leng Ya, "Who are you?"

"Tianchen Jianzong, Sect of Yanhan Kingdom. So for Tianchen Jianzong, is there any difference between Mie Dao Jianmen or Miezhi Shengu?" Facing Wu Lan's sword, Leng Ya was not afraid and smiled persuaded,

"Elder, in this Zhishen Valley, every inch of soil is spiritual soil, and every inch of soil is elixir; every building is built with spiritual wood, and what is hidden in every building is a Medicine Pill. Zhishen Valley, the richest Sect in the Immortal Relics, Medicine Pill, Magical Item, Cultivation Technique, there are countless in the valley.

"Elder, when you enter the treasure mountain, you don't go to get the treasure yourself. Instead, you want to wag your tail like a dog and beg your master to give you some leftovers, and then be driven like a horse to attack another powerful enemy for them?"


Wu Lan pierced Leng Ya's chest with a sword, and shouted, "Zhuzi! How dare you mess with my Dao heart?!"

"Elder, Zhishen Valley is now a powder keg, it only needs a spark, and it will explode." Leng Ya didn't care about the sword piercing his chest, and continued to persuade,

"Why didn't Tianchen Jianzong be the one who raised his arms and shouted? With a wave of arms, we built the Zhishen Valley and plundered the countless wealth in the Zhishen Valley. Why do we need to work hard and sacrifice our lives to fight the sword gate?

"Tianchen Sword Sect wants to be the number one Sword Sect. Apart from suppressing the Boundless Sword Sect, it can also be stronger than the Boundless Sword Sect. With the wealth of Zhishen Valley, is it possible that it will not be stronger than the Boundless Sword Sect?"

Wu Lan pulled out the sword, grabbed Leng Ya, her eyes were bloodshot, stared at Leng Ya, gritted her teeth and asked, "Do you know what you're talking about?"

"Everyone is here for profit. In fact, no one cares whether to fight Zhishengu or Jianmen, or Wujian Jianzong. Don't you know what the world of practice is like? They will fight whoever is more beneficial Zhishengu lured the wolves into the house, and the wolves didn't do anything, I'm really sorry for them."

Leng Ya had difficulty breathing after being pinched, and his seven orifices were bleeding, but he still smiled calmly, "And how Zhishengu has treated everyone during this time, you old man knows. If you raise the flag and shout, how many followers will you have? Don't you want to know?"

Wu Lan pinched Leng Ya, his eyes fixed on Leng Ya's eyes. After a long time, he was suddenly relieved and let go of Leng Ya.

He turned around, looked at the green plants outside the window, and asked aloud, "It's so deceptive, it's such a deep scheme! Starting from hunting Sect, it's your layout, right? Hunting, poisoning, and disrupting the situation are all You did it. Are you from Daojianmen?!"

"No..." Leng Ya firmly shook her head.

Indeed not, because from the very beginning, since Zhishengu used the Medicine Pill plan against Daojianmen, he has been secretly stirring up the situation.

Now the chaos in the Zhishen Valley, the three chaos in the Hengduan Mountains, and the chaos in the Immortal Remains are all caused by him.

He and Wu Lan replied, "I'm just a little Tianchen Sword Sect disciple, how can I have any plans?"

"My Tianchen Sword Sect, how can there be someone like you?" Wu Lan shook his head and said.

"Elder, act quickly..." Leng Ya wiped the blood from his face and reminded, "Don't let the people in Zhishengu react."

Wu Lan sighed, put the sword back into its sheath.

Then his complexion sank, his figure moved, and he turned and flew out of the room.

Then someone shouted in the mid-air of Zhishen Valley, "Pay back debts, pay for murder! Please give us an explanation in Zhishen Valley!"

Soon someone responded with "The poisonous elixir of sesame, ginseng and valley, chilling people's hearts!"

"Heaven and earth conscience, the poison pill can be destroyed!"

"Only seven people died today, and I don't know how many people will die tomorrow."

Respondents, three.

When someone has done the first, and someone has done the second, third and fourth, then there will be many latecomers.

Not long after, the righteous people who came to Zhishengu to speak out covered the entire Zhishengu!

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