Li Yi was suddenly awakened by the commotion outside. He finished his practice, got up and walked to the courtyard, looked up, and saw murderous cultivators all over the sky.

"What's the situation?" He asked Lin Han in the courtyard.

Lin Han was looking at the sky, he had been watching in the yard a long time ago.

He and Li Yi sighed, "Zhishengu wanted to drive away wolves and tigers, so they lured wolves into the house, and now they are backlashed by wolves."

Li Yi listened carefully to the cultivator's yelling in the air, and after listening for a while, he heard that they were the cultivators who died of poisoning in the morning to seek justice.

So he didn't understand Lin Han's words. What was backlashed by wolves? It's completely out of reach.

He frowned and asked, "Aren't they asking for an explanation from Zhishengu? Zhishengu should have given an explanation."

Lin Han looked at him, thinking that it's not good to be too simple.

"Their purpose is not to explain, they want to turn against Zhishengu." Lin Han said more bluntly, "Or, they want to take the opportunity to seek benefits from Zhishengu under the guise of seeking justice. "

"Ah?!" Li Yi couldn't believe it at the first moment, he thought for a while, and when he understood, he turned pale in shock and shouted, "How could they be like this?!!!"

He subconsciously thought that Zhishengu is also my father!

Even though Zhishengu is bad in every way, but it is the Medicine Pill that is needed for their practice, you can flirt with it, and you can say a few words, but you should not make a move against it.

"Ah!" Lin Han sighed when he heard the words. He didn't know whether he was lamenting the moral corruption of the cultivation world or Li Yi's simplicity. Earth, why can't they do this?"

"No..." Li Yi looked at the terrifying battle in the air, took out his natal Magical Item, a Vajra stick, and said angrily, "I have to stop them. Zhishengu is certainly arrogant and annoying, but it's not a sin." As for that."

Lin Han hurriedly grabbed him and persuaded him, "Brother, go up like this, are you going to die?

"Look at those people who are greedy for profit, they are all red-eyed, and they only have the Medicine Pill in Zhishengu. They kill whoever stops them. When the greedy desire is aroused, there is no other way to quell it except killing and wealth."

After hearing the persuasion, Li Yi finally stopped, and asked Lin Han, "Are we just going to watch them attack Zhishengu and plunder the treasures?"

Lin Han remained silent for a while, and said, "We can still join them."

"What?" Li Yi thought he heard it wrong, he turned around and pointed the Vajra stick at Lin Han, he couldn't believe that Lin Han was such a person, "Say it again."

Seeing his brother's Vajra stick, Lin Han still chose Congxin.

He said, "If Zhishengu is smart enough, he will give up his wealth to avoid disaster. Anyway, their family has a big business, so it is not bad.

"You shouldn't be able to fight.

"Let's wait and see what to do with Zhishen Valley. After all, this is the base camp of Zhishen Valley... Brother, if you go up rashly, I'm afraid you will lose your life in vain."

Li Yi listened to these words, he tapped Lin Han's chest with a Vajra stick, and taught him a lesson, "As a cultivator, we must stick to our heart, keep our feet on the ground, and don't give birth to those evil thoughts. Only in this way can we go further on the road of cultivation. Far."

Lin Han looked up at the dense crowd of cultivators in the sky, and saw that someone in Zhishen Valley had already approached the cultivator asking for an explanation. He quietly asked, "Keep your heart? What if a person's nature is inherently evil? Do you want to keep your heart?" Is it just keeping evil?"

"Huh?" Li Yi was furious when he heard this.


He kicked Lin Han away with a stick, and let him know what a senior brother's stick education is.

In the air, Elder, the law enforcement officer of Zhishen Valley, led the crowd and shouted at the furious cultivator, "Silence! Are you planning to rebel?!"

In the cultivator group, a muscular sword cultivator flew out from the crowd. He saluted the law enforcement Elder with his sword, and said respectfully, "Your Excellency, we are not trying to rebel, but just want an explanation."

This person is naturally Wu Lan of Tianchen Sword Sect. As the initiator, he temporarily acts as the leader of this group of people.

As for why he didn't directly lead this group of people to smash and rob in Zhishen Valley, but just made trouble and waited for the people from Zhishen Valley to give them an "explanation", it was naturally because...he didn't want to fall out yet.

He also had his own considerations, he didn't listen to Qin Ran's words, and rose up directly, he just wanted the benefits.

If you want benefits, you don't have to fall out with Zhishengu, you can also use his current method... As long as Zhishengu's benefits are in place, then everyone will be happy, and they can talk about anything. They will go down immediately and actively help Zhishengu prepare for the battle.

"Who are you? What do you want to say?!" However, the Elder didn't give him a face. The Elder had a majestic and murderous look. He stared at Wu Lan, rather scary, and asked, "I Zhishengu needs to wait for you to take a look at the things you do? Don't you weigh how much you weigh yourself?"

So, this is Zhishen Valley, domineering!

"It's over!" In a certain courtyard below, Lin Han hadn't got up from the ground yet, hearing the words of Elder, the law enforcement officer of Zhishengu, he knew immediately that he would suffer.

Wu Lan was able to nourish his energy, he still smiled, and replied with the Elder of Zhishengu Law Enforcement, "Wu Lan, the next Tianchen Sword Sect, is here to plead for the seven fellow daoists who died in vain by taking the Zhishengu Medicine Pill." a statement."

He looked back at the five or six hundred cultivators behind him, and continued, "We want to know, is Zhishengu intending to poison us to death; Enemies have infiltrated the Ginseng Valley, and someone poisoned us to death in Zhishen Valley. Please fellow daoist give us an explanation, so that the dead fellow daoist can rest in peace."

Hearing this, Lin Han covered his face and sighed.

If you want benefits, you want benefits directly! I have to blame Zhishengu for my mistakes, I have to ask Zhishengu to admit my mistakes. Can Zhishengu recognize it? Sure enough, the Law Enforcement Elder raised his thick eyebrows, and said coldly, "There is absolutely no way that there will be a problem with my Medicine Pill in Zhishengu! I, Zhishengu, is not a loitering person, and cats and dogs can come in.

"It's obvious that they are taking the Medicine Pill in the wrong way; either their physique is not suitable, or they are taking other Medicine Pill, and the medicines are contradictory!

"If you want to take our Zhishengu Medicine Pill, you will naturally bear the risks!"

You can't go wrong with Zhishengu.

What is wrong can only be the fault of the dead!

Lin Han lay on the ground and couldn't get up. He told Li Yi, "A killing is inevitable."

In the air, as soon as the law enforcement Elder said this, the crowd immediately boiled, especially Sect, whose disciple was poisoned to death. Someone jumped out and yelled, "Old dog! What are you talking about!"

"You deceive people too much!"

"What a joke, we poisoned ourselves to death? Why didn't you give birth to yourself with your mother?"

The law enforcement Elder frowned coldly at Qianfu, calmly, and continued

"If you think there is something wrong with Zhishengu's Medicine Pill, then don't take it. Don't use it in the future! If you think there is something wrong with Zhishengu, then leave on your own. You will never associate with Zhishengu again!

"I see that in this fairy land, how can you not take the Medicine Pill from Zhishen Valley?!"

Zhishengu is indeed very powerful, and it is true that without Zhishengu's Medicine Pill, it would be difficult to practice, but... what he said now, it seemed that he was afraid that he would not be able to fight, and continued to pour fuel.

Sure enough, as soon as he said this, there was a "clang clang clang" sound on the spot, and countless swords were pulled out at the same time.

"What are you going to do?" He also scolded in a cold voice, "This is Zhishen Valley, Zhishen Valley has the final say, but you can't help it. Do you think you can pose a threat to Zhishen Valley?"

How could a group of murderous cultivators endure such uselessness?

"Kill him!" Suddenly someone shouted.


After the shout, no one moved, and even at this moment, all the angry and noisy people fell silent; even, the entire Zhishen Valley fell silent.

Because at this moment, the cultivators of Zhishen Valley discovered something unusual.

Whether it was the law enforcement team of Zhishen Valley or the foreign sect forces who wanted to rebel, everyone in the air lowered their heads and looked down...

Zhishen Valley is a place full of twittering birds and fragrant flowers, full of vitality, like a fairyland.

If we compare Zhishen Valley to a colorful painting, then at this moment, people in mid-air looked down and saw gray spots appearing one after another on this beautiful colorful painting.

Color is life, gray is death.

The dead air is spreading in Zhishen Valley, but all living creatures come from the soul, fear!

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