My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 443 How To Win More With Less

Death, the avatar of the primordial spirit, had a great influence on Qin Ran.

The death of each avatar is real, and the death of each primordial avatar represents Qin Ran's real death.

When the last avatar in Zhishen Valley turned into a spot of light, he was setting up the formation outside the gate of Daojianmen, and the irresistible pain and weakness caused him to fall directly from the air.

He fell into the mud, struggled for a long time, got up embarrassingly, and sat sickly on the mud.

The primordial spirit of the avatar is separated from the primordial spirit of the main body, and this part of the primordial spirit completely disappears, just like the hands and feet completely leaving the physical body.

More concretely, there is an empty piece of soul in the body.

Qin Ran was sitting in the mud, and he couldn't muster up his strength and energy for a while, and he didn't bother to struggle, so he just sat there.

At this moment, as if he had fallen into the state of a sage, he began to think about the universe and life.

He thought, why did he come to this world? What the hell did he get here? What is his purpose in coming to this world? What is the meaning?

How big is this world? What is the limit of practice?

He thought, why is he helping Dao Jianmen so desperately?

Going to the Wuxian Sword Sect and alienating Zhishen Valley were both things that endangered his life, but he went without fear of death. Like the political strategists who lobbied the princes alone in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, they fought against the country with their own bodies.

He almost put his life on the line to help Daojianmen, desperately seeking a glimmer of life for Daojianmen.


That's not in his nature!

"I should just run it!"

He raised his head and looked into the midair, where he fell, in the midair there, the patterns he wrote were shining brightly.

half empty?

"When was I not afraid of heights?"

He suddenly thought of this question again.

He didn't know, it seemed that the more he flew around, the higher altitudes didn't make him sick so much;

It also seems that Otherworld is not Otherworld anymore, he has a home in this world, he is no longer a visitor from another world. The world no longer disgusted, disgusted, and repulsed him.

He recalled the high-altitude vortex that sucked him into this world, and it didn't seem to frighten him so much.

Daojianmen, Danfeng, Li Shiyin, Li Shiyin...

Li Shiyin, when he thinks of Li Shiyin, his heart is filled with warmth and sweetness.

He was muddy and embarrassed, but he looked at the sky and laughed.

The smile is warm and bright from the heart.

Daojianmen, Danfeng, Li Shiyin, Zhuifeng, Long Qiqi, Tian Wenjin, Lu Junxing, Dong Zhongyuan...

He wants to understand a little bit.

His home, his relatives, and his friends are all why does he need to guard this place?

He is very afraid of death, but if he loses them, what is the difference between him and death once?


His silly apprentice suddenly flew out from the Sect to look for him.

Li Shiyin was originally practicing swords with a group of ordinary disciples taught by Tianjiao disciples, but she didn't know why she thought of her master. Thinking of it, she came out to look for him.

She shouted and searched for a long time before she found Qin Ran in the mud on the ground.

"Master!" She flew down nervously and scared, "What's wrong with you?"

She dropped to the ground, crouched beside him, looked up and down, examined carefully.

Qin Ran grabbed her hand that had no place to rest, held it in his arms, looked at her, shook his head with a smile, and said, "I'm fine, I'm just a little tired."

"Master~" Li Shiyin hugged him distressedly upon hearing this.

At this moment, she hated herself extremely, because she found that she seemed to know nothing except fighting, and couldn't help the master.

"Master, I'm sorry, Master, I'm so stupid." She cried.

Qin Ran hugged her back, patted her on the back lightly, and said with a smile, "No, you are not stupid. You are Li Shiyin, the Tianjiao of Daojianmen, and you are the peerless female sword fairy of Danfeng."

"No..." Li Shiyin shook her head again and again, "I'm not."

"You are." Qin Ran buried his dirty face in Li Shiyin's hair. He smelled her hair and sighed, "I've done what I can do. It's time for your performance, I The female sword fairy."

Li Shiyin raised his head and asked, "Master, is Zhishen Valley over yet?"

"Yeah!" Qin Ran nodded, rather showing off, "Zhishen Valley has been turned upside down by the master, and its combat power has been cut by more than half, and it is no longer as prosperous as it used to be. Is your master powerful?"

The tone of his question was exactly the same as that of Li Shiyin's stinky fart.

Li Shiyin immediately discovered that Qin Ran was imitating her. She laughed and nodded repeatedly, "It's great, of course my master is great! Master is the best."

She hugged Qin Ran and shook her body gently.

"But Zhishen Valley is still coming, so there is still a war." Qin Ran leaned on Li Shiyin's shoulder, and followed her to shake gently. He asked, "You will protect the master, right?"

"Of course! I am the master's sword!" Li Shiyin smiled, "When the master is here, I will be here! If you dare to come to Zhishengu, let me kill them one by one with one sword."

"Hey! This is my female sword fairy!" Qin Ran lay in Li Shiyin's fragrant and soft embrace, and said softly, "Stop calling me master, it's time to call me husband."

Li Shiyin's face was stuck to Qin Ran's hair, and she softly called out, "Husband!"




The two of them lay on the ground for quite a while, before Qin Ran remembered the business and asked Li Shiyin to help her up.

"You go to Yan Yi, and ask him to arrange some disciples who can form formations to help me set up formations." He said to Li Shiyin, "I can't gather strength for the time being. But this formation is very important, and the time is short .”

Seeing Qin Ran's weak appearance, Li Shiyin felt distressed and hesitated, "Husband, why don't you release this formation? He is very powerful, and without formation, he can still guard Daojianmen."

"You are amazing!" Qin Ran said angrily, "There are still more than 500 Gold Core cultivators in Zhishen Valley, plus Wujian Jianzong, how many can you fight? Let alone Nascent Soul cultivator and Huashen cultivator. You have a hard head, can you hit it with your head?"

Li Shiyin said weakly, "It's not impossible."

"We will set up three barriers at the Daojian Gate. This formation is the first barrier, the mountain guard formation is the second barrier, and Lu Junxing's Shanhe Sword will be the third." Qin Ran carefully discussed with his idiots Madam explained the importance of this formation, "Zhishengu's paper strength is still stronger than ours, how can we fight with the weak against the strong?"

"I know this, it's the momentum and mentality." Li Shiyin replied, "Then we are protecting our sect, being with Zong, the mentality is definitely better than Zhishengu."

"No!" Qin Ran vetoed Li Shiyin's answer, "This is a war, not an individual battle.

"In war, there is no such thing as defeating the many with the few, or defeating the strong with the weak, but only bullying the weak with the strong, and bullying the few with the many. Winning the many with the few is also bullying the few with the many."

Li Shiyin shook her head again and again, unable to understand.

"When the enemy has more people than us, we must find a way to disperse the enemy and defeat them one by one.

"For example, if the enemy has twelve people and we only have five people, then we should find a way to divide the enemy into three teams, with four people in each team, so that we can bully the four of the enemy with five people, and instead bully the few with more."

Qin Ran and Li Shiyin said, "Compared to the personal combat you are good at, that is, when the enemy's strength is stronger than yours, you have to find a way to find the enemy's weakness and use your strength to attack the enemy's weakness.

"The principle is the same, avoid the enemy's strengths, and use your own strengths to overcome the enemy's weaknesses."

Li Shiyin seemed to understand.

"The formation I'm going to lay out is called the Eight Trigrams Formation. It's a defensive formation. But I will leave eight entrances as life gates... You should understand the reason why there are three and one missing."

Qin Ran said, "These eight entrances will disperse the enemy into eight parts. Once they enter the formation, we can concentrate our forces to attack one part to achieve the effect of bullying the few with more.

"Space for time, space for power."

"Ah!" Li Shiyin gave up, she covered Qin Ran's mouth with her hand, and said, "Stop talking, I'll go find someone to set up the formation for you.

"What to do next, husband, just tell me directly."

Qin Ran glared at her, and said, "Forget it if you're stupid!"

Li Shiyin was blunt and strong, and replied, "What's wrong with me being stupid? But my husband is very smart! Do you have any objections?"

"You're just so clever." Qin Ran said helplessly.

"Hmph!" Li Shiyin looked triumphant.

"Can you stand still?" She asked Qin Ran again, "I'll help you find someone."

"Go, let's go!" Qin Ran also regained his strength, the refractory period has passed, and he can walk, jump and fly.

"You won't wrestle again, will you?"


"Really?" Li Shiyin let go of her hand carefully, as if she was afraid that Qin Ran would fall.

Qin Ran stared at her and stopped answering.

Li Shiyin grinned, jumped lightly, and flew into the air.

Before she entered the sect, Qin Ran remembered something and hurriedly shouted, "Remember to call me that chasing wind!"

"Okay, my husband!"

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