Yan Yi is very busy these days.

Ever since Zhishengu declared war on Daojianmen and Daojianmen issued an emergency order, he has been very busy.

He dare not be busy, once idle, he is very afraid.

In fact, it is easy to calculate. After all, he often went to Zhishen Valley with Qin Ran, and he had some understanding of the subtle relationship between Zhishen Valley and Daojianmen under his influence. So this sudden war, the sudden deterioration of the relationship between the two big Sects, was kind of sudden to him, but not so sudden.

The reason why he is so busy and scared is that on the one hand, it is sudden, and on the other hand, he is really scared.

Zhishen Valley, after all, is the No. 1 Sect of the land of immortality in name. The comprehensive strength of its Sect is really the strongest.

What is comprehensive strength?

Elixir, Medicine Pill, Spirit Stones, Cultivation Technique, Magical Item, genius, high-end combat power, mainstay, low-end combat power, etc., a combination of these things.

Among the things listed above, what are the weaknesses of Zhishengu?

There are only about two, one is a genius and the other is a high-end combat power.

Geniuses, real geniuses, like Lu Junxing, Dong Zhongyuan, Li Shiyin and Tian Wenjin.

It's not that there is no Zhishengu, but they don't know how to cultivate it.

Why not cultivate?

Maybe it's the resource curse!

They are too rich, a genius of Zhishen Valley, from hair accessories to accessories to clothes and even a tooth inlaid are Magic Treasures, from sense gas to cyclone seeds to Foundation Establishment to Golden Core, they have the best resources.

Isn't the genius that was smashed out of resources like this strong?


But from the top, the top, it is still a little bit, a billion points.

Without the most extreme genius, there is no strong enough high-end combat power.

This is why although Zhishengu is very rich and has a very strong comprehensive strength, both Daojianmen and Wujianjianzong look down on him a little bit.

In addition to genius and high-end combat power, Zhishengu has advantages and strengths in everything else.

It means that, except for the top combat power and top genius, other ordinary geniuses and ordinary disciples, Daojianmen and Wujianjianzong can't beat Zhishengu.

The disciples of Zhishengu are armed to the teeth, and the disciples of Daojianmen only have a natal Magical Item... Take the head?

Yan Yi is an ordinary disciple, so he is very generous.

He felt in his heart that it was impossible for Daojianmen to beat Zhishengu.

And what happens if you can't beat it?

Zong destroyed and died.

He hasn't run away yet, because he is a disciple of Dao Jianmen, and Daojianmen treats him well, and he has to contribute to Daojianmen both emotionally and rationally.

And his strength is low, and he is definitely not enough to go to the battlefield to fight. So he can only do what he can do as much as possible.

What did Yan Yi do during this time?

Prepare Medicine Pill for Daojianmen's upcoming war.

He sorted out all the Medicine Pills that Daojianmen can get

The inherent storage of Daojianmen; the remaining Medicine Pills after the monthly payment; the surplus Medicine Pills donated and sold by disciples in the school; the scattered Medicine Pills bought from outside Rogue Cultivators and small Sects, etc.

He is trying every means to prepare as many qualified Medicine Pills as possible.

Yes, it’s not enough to have medicine pills, and you have to ensure that the collected medicine pills are not problematic.

This is what he's been doing for a while.

But... this matter is too difficult, too complicated, and too much. He has been busy for several days without any rest.

Right now, he is leading the handyman disciples of the Medicine Hall to sort out Qi Refining pills in the open space outside the Medicine Hall.

This batch of Medicine Pills was bought by the disciples in the sect. There are good and bad among them. They need to pick out the unqualified ones, install the qualified medicine pills, mark them well, make statistics, store them, and reserve them.

Li Shiyin suddenly fell from the sky and asked him, "Yan Yi, do you know anyone who will set up an formation?"

"Ah?" Yan Yi was stunned, he was just a deacon disciple in the medicine hall, how did he know who would form the formation, he replied, "I don't know!"

"You don't know?" Li Shiyin frowned, "Then why did the master ask me to come to you?"

Yan Yi shook his head and said, "I don't know...maybe the first one got it wrong. I used to be in charge of the cultivation of pill refining teachers in the Sect, and the first one may be recorded as the formation teacher training."

"Alas!" Li Shiyin waved his hands and sighed, "It seems that the master is also confused!

Seeing Yan Yi's tired look, she couldn't bear to bother her, and said, "Go ahead, I'll find it myself."

"Yes, Senior Sister." Yan Yi nodded and continued to sort Qi Refining pills.

However, Li Shiyin flew into the air, scratched her head, and didn't know where to go for a while.

"Arrangement? Jianfeng is all sword cultivators, a group of big and rough, there must be no formation."

She looked at Qifeng, "Qifeng definitely exists, but I don't have a good relationship with Qifeng."

She thought about it, and thought of someone, "Go and ask Senior Brother Dong first."

Compared with the others in Daojianmen, Dong Zhongyuan may be the most relaxed among them.

Because he is in charge of the Tianjiao list. He must ensure that the Tianjiao Ranking can be used normally anytime, anywhere. So in general, he doesn't need to participate.

At this moment, Dong Zhongyuan was standing on the edge of the main peak square holding the fan transformed from the Tianjiao List, fanning it again and again.

Coupled with his good face, he is romantic and suave.

People are handsome, but what they can do is not human affairs.

On the square, Lu Junxing, Liu Baiyun, Yao Qingke and other Tianjiao disciples were teaching ordinary disciples in the sect how to practice and fight.

When it comes to sharpening the gun in front of the battle, it will be bright even if it is not bright.

It will be the battle of life and death for Sect soon. They can help their disciples improve their combat power by one point. The more combat power, the more chance of winning, and the more possibility of surviving.

However, for such an important matter, Dong Zhongyuan fanned his fan in the shade and shouted extremely

"Wow! Liu Baiyun, don't teach me indiscriminately. Do you understand "The Sword of the Great Wilderness"? Cang Shengwentian is the Qi Circulation like you? Do you know the Qi Circulation of "The Sword of the Great Wilderness" route?"

Does Liu Baiyun understand "The Sword of the Great Wilderness"?

Anyway, with this Sword Technique, people have reached the Nascent Soul stage. The younger generation of Daojianmen, his combat power is only inferior to Lu Junxing.

Hearing Dong Zhongyuan's words, Liu Baiyun slashed with his sword, and a Sword Qi slashed at Dong Zhongyuan, but Dong Zhongyuan dodged in embarrassment.

Liu Baiyun pointed at him with his sword again, implying whether he understands Sword Qi.

"Cough!" Liu Baiyun couldn't make a joke, so Dong Zhongyuan changed the place and shouted again, "Yao Qingke, you also know how to fight with the wood attribute Cultivation Technique? You can also fight with the wood attribute Cultivation Technique? Don't get me wrong." Can the children of the people do it?!"

This guy has a reputation for being cheap. Yao Qingke was not used to him either, so he threw a wooden whip over, making him run away with his head in his arms.

"Let me tell you, you are so fierce, you can't find a companion!" Dong Zhongyuan said venomously.

"Come here and see if the wood attribute Cultivation Technique can fight." Yao Qingke said.

Dong Zhongyuan said, "Oh, I'm a good man who doesn't fight women, and I don't have the same knowledge as you."

"If you don't fight, get out, don't get in the eyes of my old lady!"

"Tsk!" Dong Zhongyuan looked at Lu Junxing who taught ordinary disciples how to practice swords, opened his mouth, but still did not make a sound.

He didn't speak, but a female voice beside him said to him, "Lu Junxing, I saw that you can't use Sword Technique, you can't even hold the sword steadily, and you don't know the basic Sword Technique. How dare you teach others? Kinda Come and fight with Dong Zhongyuan for 300 rounds!"

Lu Junxing heard the words, glanced at them, shook his head with a smile, and ignored the two guys.

Dong Zhongyuan turned back with a dark face, looked at Li Shiyin who was standing next to him, and said angrily, "If you want to fight Lu Junxing, go by yourself, don't take me!"

"Huh?" Li Shiyin was surprised, "Isn't that what you wanted to say?"

Dong Zhongyuan paused, and said, "If Lu Junxing doesn't understand swords, no one in Daojianmen will understand swords."

Li Shiyin curled her lips, but did not refute.

"Didn't you go to find your master?" Dong Zhongyuan asked, "Why did you come back so soon?"

"Do you understand formation?" Li Shiyin asked.

"I understand a little bit." Dong Zhongyuan nodded and said, "What's wrong?"

"Something happened to my master, you go and help." Li Shiyin said, "You have a good relationship with Qifeng, and find two more people who understand formation. It's urgent, hurry up."

"Okay!" Dong Zhongyuan knew it was a serious matter, he didn't hesitate, and immediately flew to Qifeng.

Li Shiyin looked at the disciples who practiced swords, spells, and battles in the square, but instead of going there, he got up and flew back to Danfeng.

Daojianmen is preparing for the battle in full swing, and everyone is so busy that their heels are on the ground, preparing for the upcoming battle of life and death.

But Dan Feng...

The style of painting is a bit strange.

Not to mention anything else, just look at the performance of Danfeng's King of the Mountain.

What is the great King Danfeng doing? What is he doing in such a tense time?

Wow! he is! sleep! !

The snow-white tiger curled up into a big pile, sleeping soundly on the huge cat climbing frame by the lake, under the bright summer sun and the breeze blowing from the surface of Xijian Lake.

Li Shiyin landed on the cat climbing frame, looked at him like this, and felt overwhelmed.

She searched for the position, found the back of his head, raised her right foot, took aim for a while, and then yanked hard...


A leg twitch hit Zhuifeng's big head accurately. He directly kicked Zhuifeng's head out of the cat climbing frame, and the fluid from the upper body of the big white cat slid down along with the head.

He didn't react until his whole cat was about to slip off the cat climbing frame. With a jolt, the white shadow flickered and returned to the cat climbing frame.

"Huh? Why did I fall when I slept soundly?" He was puzzled. He raised his paw and scratched the back of his head. "Huh? Why does it hurt?"

Fortunately, it was not a big problem, so he ignored it.

"Forget it, let's continue to sleep..." He slumped on the cat climbing frame again, "There is still a dragon leg that hasn't been chewed on." He took a deep breath.

He closed his eyes and was about to fall asleep again, but he suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Who?" He suddenly shouted, got up at the speed of light, opened the distance like lightning, and looked across.

After seeing Li Shiyin's figure clearly, he quickly smiled obsequiously. With a handsome White Tiger, this smile has a lot of wretched temperament.

"Ahaha, Shiyin?" He asked with a charming smile, "Aren't you teaching those idiots how to practice swords? Why do you have time to come here?"

Li Shiyin took a deep breath, and kept telling herself that it was her cat, picked it up by herself, and raised it by herself, so she stabilized her mind and said angrily, "Your father is looking for you!"

"Why is Dad looking for me?" Zhuifeng scratched his ears, puzzled.

"Master is setting up the formation..." Li Shiyin looked somewhat gloating, "Why do you think he is looking for you?"

"Ah?!" Zhuifeng's big eyes widened, two big eyes almost half the size of his face, he discussed, "Can't you go?"

"When I came back, the master specially called out your name." Li Shiyin sneered, "It's up to you to decide whether to go or not."

The big cat lost all energy in an instant, its ears and head were pulled down, and it muttered, "It's over, it's over, it's going to happen this time."

Li Shiyin turned around, looked at the back mountain, took a step forward, but still didn't fly.

There is a Fox Demon in Houshan who has practiced formation for two and a half years, and he can be regarded as the authentic heir of the master's way of formation. but……

"She's too beautiful, if she appears rashly, it's easy to cause riots." She thought, and stopped, but still didn't call Tu Shanyouyou.

"Uncle Li!" At this time, Zhang Junyi asked her on the other side of the river, "I... can I do something?"

Li Shiyin looked back, glanced at him lightly, and asked, "What can you do?"

Zhang Junyi opened his mouth, unable to speak. He really can't do anything. His Cultivation Base is too low, and Alchemy has not yet started.

"What is your master doing, you go and help her." Li Shiyin said to him, "Fighting is only one aspect of this war. What the chief arranges for your master will naturally have its effect."

Zhang Junyi sighed and replied, "Yes."

"Let's go!"

Li Shiyin called Chasing Wind, and flew out of Danfeng with him.

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